Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2025)

Has 26 New Employes Twenty-six new employes have been hired by the city this past month, the director of personnel office reported Wednesday. Seven were hired in the fire department, four in the police department, parks and recreation department, one in the personnel office, and 12 in the waste and garbage division. Joining the fire department were Howard E. Davis, Elton E. White, Gorden Woodley, 1 W.

F. Frank Jones, James A. Carteson and Thomas D. Anderson. Eugene Collins, Vernon Luna and James Page are new police patrolmen and Billie Kate Collier is the new police records clerk.

Donald Little and William Shores are new park employes. Mrs. Joyce Japp is new secretary to the director of personnel. New waste collection employes include Finis Bradberry, Francisco Canedo, Elvine Conner, Emmett DeBord, Martin Felix Val entino Herrera, Oliver Mitchell, Trannie Nix, Frank Perez, Paul Rivers, Billy Turnbow and Joe Flores. 14 Believed Killed In Crash of Navy PBM TOKYO (P -A U.S.

Navy PBM Mariner patrol plane crashed into the sea off south Korea yesterday and 14 crewmen are believed killed, the Navy said today. Four destroyers searched the crash area all night without sighting survivors. One spotted debris. Acid Stomach? Get TUMS Quick! Top-speed relief for gas, heartburn, acid indigestion. Still only CANDY a Roll rumS DISTRESS STOMACH TUMS FOR THE TUMMY James N.

Riley, 79, Claimed by Death Chamber to Plan Work at Clinics The combined thinking and efforts of more than 1,800 business and civic Wichita Falls will be in future leafeinated chamber of commerce programs of work for the good the citizenship and all phases of industry in this area. This is the aim cited for the community clinics--a series of meetings planned next week for all membership classifications in the chamber, and later for Sheppard Air Force Base personnel, Parent-Teacher Associations, and service clubs. Representatives of all divisions of Wichita Falls' economy wholesalers, retailers, professional men, oil operators and producers, transportation representatives, builders and contractors and others--have been invited to attend this series of Community Clinics which begin Tuesday and continue through Friday, Nov. 20. Group Discussions In addition, a meeting is scheduled at Sheppard on Dec.

3 when representatives of all classifications of enlisted personnel will attend. Later meetings also are scheduled with representatives of parent-teacher associations and servclubs, J. K. Estes, chamber president, announced. Schedule for next week's clinic is: Tuesday, Nov.

17, 10 a.m., wholesalers; 2 p.m., professional; Wednesday, Nov. 18, industrial at construction, 2 p.m.; Thursday, Nov. 19, automobile, 10 a.m.; suburban retail, 2 p.m.; Friday, Nov. 20, miscellaneous at 10 a.m.; retail at 12 noon. All meetings except that of the retail merchants will be held in the Texas Electric Service Company Auditorium.

The retailers will meet for their regular luncheon in the Kemp Hotel Zodiac Room. Directors to Preside Members of the chamber directors will preside at each clinic session, and 10 sub-chairmen will be in charge of attendance at each meeting. In the clinics, small group discussions will featured in order that every person present may have an opportunity to voice ideas and suggestions on activities and work programs Wichfuture, ita Falls, Estes said. The last community clinics in Wichita Falls were held in 1948, and ideas and suggestions offered at that time are still being used in projects now. The programs of work have largely been results of these community meetings.

"Not only will the chamber's 1954 program of work be set up as a result of these clinics, but long range plans will be set from suggestions made by the citizenship at large," Estes said. Notices have been mailed from the chamber of commerce to all members of the chamber of commerce, notifying them of the clinic session to which they are invited. "The program of work should be your program, but your ideas must be presented if they are to be included in a long-range program of community development," Estes told the membership in the letters. Public Records Marriage Licenses Leo Cook, Wichita Falls, and Miss Eva Nell Clements, Iowa Park. Joe Terry Ball, Bardwell, and Mrs.

Ruth Peterson, Wichita Falls. Gerald Lee Phoebus, SAFB, and Miss Loretta Clay Scarlett, Wichita Falls. John M. Bowman and Miss Lucille Marie Schidler, Lawton, Okla. New Suits Filed In District Court Robert Johnson vs.

Lloyd's of Great States Insurance damages. Frederick B. York VS. Fidelity and Casualty appeal from Insurance Accident Board. Bert L.

Raines vs. Employer's Mutual Liability Insurance Co. of Wisconsin, appeal from Insurance Accident Board. Jerry Lee Jones vs. Letha E.

Jones, divorce. Zanona Stone vs. Virgil T. Stone, divorce. Max Fielding VS.

Maryland, Casualty appeal from Insurance Accident Board. Polly Huffman, individually and joined by her husband. Edward S. Huffman, vs. John Moranz, damages.

New Motor Vehicle Licenses M. 1 N. Rozzell, Collins, Plymouth sedan. Clara S. Baber, 1416 Eleventh, Chrysler sedan.

Perry E. Wright, 4334 Featherston, Ford sedan. George R. Hodges, 100 Oriole, Ford sedan. Richard P.

SAFB, Studebaker coupe. Luther K. Hill, SAFB, Studebaker coupe. Johnny V. Morris, 1510 Thirty-second, Mercury coupe.

Jason W. and Frances M. Ray, Wichita Falls, DeSoto coupe. Deeds Filed for Record Flora Cobb to H. S.

Juliuson et ux, lot 5, block 1, Eastmoreland Addition. J. D. Phipps et ux to Joe L. Thorp et ux, lot 2, block 34, Faith Village Unit 1.

Thomas G. Marcum et ux to F. D. Arais, lot 8, block 89, Wichita Falls townsite. Barrow Near Death PORT CHESTER, N.

Y. (-Ed Barrow continued in critical condition at United Hospital today. The 85-year-old former general manager and president of the New York Yankees is suffering from a malignancy and has been in a semicoma since Sunday. Slowing Down Although the lunar month is getting longer, our day, too, is getting longer due to the slowing down of the earth's spinning motion. At some far distant time, the length of the day will be equal to the length of the month.

Lives Up to Name The strangler fig, grown in southern Florida, begins in the top of another tree, grows downward and, when rooted, will choke the life from the tree in which i it began life. FEEL BETTER FAST! BAYER ASPIRIN RELIEVES SIMPLE DO FAST SURE a a a a a a a a a Around Father Town Son Week observance with the program dedicated to Dad and 1 his Boy at the Rotary Club Thursday. Tom Foley, chairman of the youth service committee, will present a program, "What Rotary Clubs Mean to Fathers and Their Sons." Rotarians are asked to make reservations and any Rotarian without a son is asked to borrow one for the luncheon program. Merlin B. Burlison, 1500 Buchanan, will play the role of "'Cothurnus" in Southern Methodist University's Arden Playhouse production of Aria de Capo.

Burlison will play one of the leading roles in SMU's second Arden Club presentation of the season. A 19-year-old SMU sophomore, Burlison is a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, national social fraternity, He is also a member of the University Promenaders and the Debate Club. Dr. and Mrs. R.

H. Peterson, 1664 McGregor, are in Fort Worth where he is attending a fall meeting of the Texas Board of Medical Examiners, of which he is a member. The meeting will last through the rest of this week. Two building permits for resiwere taken out late Wednesday, one for a $20,000 brick house at 1005 Cedar and the other for a $12,000 dwelling at 3628 Lake Park. W.

F. Harlin is building the Lake Park house and Bob Gant at Claypool Lumber Company is building the other. The Municipal Mirror, per for city employes published by the city personnel office, was distributed Wednesday. Director of Persannel Clovis Mann serves as editor, Jo Betsy Morrison as managing editor and Norma Pattillo as editorial assistant. A regular meeting of the Wichita Falls chapter of the Home Builders Association is scheduled for Thursday at 7 p.m.

at the Chicken Shack. In addition to routine business, Home of the Month plaques will be presented to Norris and Harbaugh Construction Company and Bill Dixon Construction Company. Members of Charles W. Trout Post No. 18, American Veterans of World War II, will hold a regular meeting at 8 p.

m. Thursday in the veteran's room of the Memorial Auditorium, according to Ray Kernott, adjutant. Guest day will be observed by Wichita Falls Sertoma Club Thursday noon at Kemp Hotel, according to President W. D. Richmond.

A representative from the Fort Worth Sertoma Club is expected to attend. Projects for the future were outlined at a membership meeting at the Chester Ludlam residence on Bullington Tuesday night. Present were Meyer Raben, C. Collins, W. H.

Carnes, Bill Archer, Joe Meissner, R. S. Donnell, Richmond and Ludlam. A 53-year-old Wichita Falls Negro man was charged in county court Wednesday with failing to exchange information after a traffic accident and bond was set at $200. Police arrested the defendant following an investigation of a collision here.

A 53-year-old Wichita Falls man was charged in county court Wednesday with two counts of misdeameanor swindling by worthless check. Bonds totaling $1,000 were set for the defendant. County, the Attorney complaint Jimmy alleging Castlethe two offenses. The Wichita Falls Civitan Club will see a 20-minute sound and color on auto thieves at their Friday luncheon in the Kemp Hotel. The program is sponsored by the National Automobile Theft Bureau through the State Highway Patrol office here.

Hits Rock Slide OROVILLE, Calif. (P -The Western Pacific's swift streamliner California Zephyr piled into a huge rock slide in the Feather River Canyon late yesterday, and the lead diesel locomotive unit plunged 150 feet down the No one was injured. Pack 11 Meets At Milam School Dynamite Fuse Blast Mangles Man's Hand DALLAS, Tex. (-Walter Sextoday 35, had a mangled hand after deciding to repair his auto's headlights, out of commission for two weeks. Where the light fuse should have been Sexton found what looked like a piece of copper tubing.

took it out and started to cut off the end." he related. That's when the dynamite fuse exploded. Sexton maintains he has enemies, that somebody was just joking. Death Claims Ambrose Estes Ambrose W. Estes, 45, of 1623 Hamlin, died Wednesday morning in a veterans hospital at Waco.

He was born Sept. 26. 1908, in Arkansas, served with the Army Air Force four years of World War II, and worked in the oil fields. The body is being returned here for services by HamptonVaughan-Merkle Funeral Home. He is survived by the wife, Bobby Estes; his mother, Mrs.

J. T. Olney; two brothers, Vic Estes of Gainesville, and Charles Estes of Galena Park: three sisters, Mrs. Mabel Watson of Carlsbad, N. Mrs.

Ike Deeley Hobbs, N.M., and Mrs. George Quisenberry of Orth, Tex. all over town smart gals are sliding into Carters SPANKY PANTS for women Cub Scouts of Pack 11, Faith Village, met Wednesday at the Ben Milam School. Miss Esther Berry, school principal and institutional representative, was present. Den Six led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Den Four presented an Indian skit. Nine dens were represented and objects made by Cubs in their regular den work were exhibited. Awards were presented to the following: Wolf pins, Jimmy Sparlin and Charles Perry: One year service star, Freddy Moore: Bear silver and gold arrows, Phillip Cowan. Mick Gilbert received two wolf silver arrows, one bear award and bear gold and silver arrows. New Cubs received bobcat awards including Douglas Freeman, James Duffy, Tom Fred Brady, Michael James Blanton, John Wayne Bridwell, Bryan Bailey III, Terry Angel, Stephen Savage, Wilbur Ward, Cray Allen Tucker, Larry Spangler, Sherril Peters, Michael O'Rear, Hal Carter, Bobby Dan Moore, Jimmy McKee, Kenny Martin, Dannie Lane, Alfred Otis Johnson Billy Wyne Garrett, Val Gleen and James Richard Star.

Clean out your attic with classified ad in the Times or Record News. Phone 2-5241. (in three colors and white) PINK BLUE RED WHITE a pair with nylon-reinforced leg cuffs Fine combed cotton knit panties so smart and sturdy. Slick-fitting from long-lasting heat-resistant elastic waistband to nylon-reinforced, shape-retaining leg cuffs. Match them to skirts and dresses.

Wear them everywhere you go. all CARTER won't shrink out of fit! LINGERIE DEPT. Second Floor Perkins WEDNESDAY Wichita Daily Times Page WICHITA 3 FALLS, November 11, TEXAS 1933 Sextoday auto's James N. Riley, 79, resident of Denison, for 40 years, died Wednesday morning at the home of a daughter, Mrs. James L.

Cubine of 23 Adams in Wichita Falls. Riley here about five months, having, come to Wichita Falls after retiring as custodian of the Golden Rule School in Denison. He was born in Arkansas March 26, 1874. Other survivors, besides the daughter, include two sons, Arthur Riley of Dallas and Clyde Riley of Hendrix, a sister, Mrs. Mable Hodge of El Paso; 15 grandchildren; and three greatgrandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Thursday in the Methodist Church in Denison, with burial following in Oak Wood Cemetery under direction of Owens Brumley Funeral Home of Wichita Falls. Two Recovering After Tragedy HOUSTON (P -Two survivors of Sunday night fishing tragedy in a which two people died in mud to their necks were reported ing from extreme exposure today. Mrs. Joyce Lee, 15, of Cloverleaf, was under treatment at Baytown for frostbite, exhaustion and shock.

Her brother-in-law, R. W. Lakey, 30, of Houston, was resting at Veterans hospital here. The bodies of Mrs. Lee's husband, William, and Lakey's wife, Nell.

were recovered from the mud of a small island near Morgans Point at the Galveston Bay entrance to the Houston ship channel. The four had attempted to reach firm ground during squally weather late Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lee was rescued by a Galveston Coast Guard cutter. Lakey was rescued by a helicopter.

Your Clothes Are Cleaned in Fresh, Distilled, Odorless Naphtha 1921 Tenth F. W. STEVENSON erlake BETTER BASEMENT HERE IT IS! the new version of the COBBLER APRON AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR, MOST VERSATILE, UTILITY WRAP! In Pretty Cotton Print $1.98 SIZES: S-M-L Pretty and practical cotton print in green, blue, and brown. Deep pockets. You'll want two or three of these! Phone 3-4343 for City Delivery -ORDER BY MAIL- PERKINS-TIMBERLAKE, Wichita Falls, Texas.

Send. APRONS at 1.98, plus 10c Address. City. State. Color Choice.

Sizes. Check Money Order C.O.D. Charge little girls all love Carters Balbriggan Sleepers RED BLUE PINK YELLOW 3.50 50. She'll be pretty as a picture when she climbs into bed in these cotton knit sleepers. Candy cane ruffles at neck and yoke and perky nylon ties capture a young lady's fancy.

Gently elasticized at waist, wrists and ankles, to keep her snug-as-a-bug! Sizes 8 to 14 Lingerie, Second Floor. Perkins Timberlake Perkins Timberlake SPECIAL SALE! 12 Only One of a Kind FRENCH ROOM COATS 73 OFF Just Arrived! The Favorite of the Teen Age Crowd! FRINGED SUEDE JACKETS Sizes 8 to 14 Girls' 19.95 Teen sizes 10 to 14 29.95 Rust Charcoal Soft smooth suede, designed in the casual style so dear to the teen age heart. Her eyse will shine like Christmas stars to find this under the tree! JUNIOR SHOP Second Floor Perkins-Timberlake SIZES 10 to 16 Only 10! FRENCH ROOM SUITS SIZES 10 to 20 By the World's Foremost Fashion Designers! PM OFF AND MORE Were 119.95 to 245.00 Now 80.00 .00 to 125.00 Small Group WOOL DRESSES One and Two-Piece Styles Many One of a Kind PRICE BLACK AND COLORS SIZES 10 to 20 24.95 to 49.95 Now 12.50 to 25.00.

Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2025)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.