Wichita Daily Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2025)

WICHITA DAILY TIMES, WICHITA FAJJ TEXAS, FRIDAY, DECEftjgER 10,1915 PAGE FIVE lNG fOBACC "Here, Jim, bite off a chew of STAR and ge CTARTINO. about another man's work -with a chew of STAR, spells friendly helpfulness, When you give a man a chew of a big, meaty STAR plug, you aro doing him the best "tobacco turn "you can. At the first tmte of this thick, rich, chew, he will know you for a man who knows tobacco. As a nation we Seem to prefer ing to any oAcr me of More chev TS choose cle STAR any o'hcr brand of chewing tcbacxo. STAR u'tM ewaracd -ihc Grand Prizi at the antiim the nnlycftt'zeing tobacco that has rocr received iltig higlictt pa-izibh Local News Brevities Dr.

Building the man, phone BS4, i 8t 65-26tc trees tor Xmas trees, $1 each order now; delivered Dec 23. i 1611. 77 tfc We make a specialty of padding and rellnlng furs Home Tailoring phone 1231, 109 Sevesth street. "Otfc All our repairing, reflnlghtng, upholstering, packing and crating. Furniture Hospital 1003 Ohio Ave.

Phone 1200. 70-tfc Dr. H. M. Kearby, Dentist 64-26t.

Ladles: We are turning out some lovely new suits, top coats, and tailored sins. Have at call out and take your measure. We guarantee to please you. Phone 1231, Home Tailoring 709 Seventh street 70-tfc U. S.

Deputy Marshal Honea came up from Fort Worth this morning to take back with him 3. B. Pogue for an investigation fpralleged 'vTolattorr of the Mann Act. Pogue was arrested here last week and a complaint charg ing pandering was filed against him. It is now alleged that he brought a woman from another state here for immoral purposes.

Notice. In preparing the grade for paving on Lamar street, from 10th to 17th streetea, Inclusive, tbe city finds that It will have a surplus of dirt. In order to dispose of it, will make the follow- in 5 prices: block haul or to parties facing on Lamar, between 10th and 17th streets 13c per cu yd block haul 14cpercu. yd. block haul I5c per cu.

yd. 2 block haul I6cpercu. yd. 21,4 block haul 17c per cu yd 3 block haul 18c per cu. yd.

block haul 19cpercu. yd, 4 block haul 20c per cu. yd. Paries'desiring fifty or more cubic yards, we will deduct 3c per cubic yard on above prices. Our wagon beds hold cubic yards.

Dirt will be furnished free to parties wishing to do their own haul- Ing, provided satisfactory arrangements are made with our street superintendent. fins work 111 begin in a very short ie, and parties wishing any dirt will ii ase place the orders with Street Superintendent Geo. Dobson. UTY OF WICHITA PALLS. By order of Board of Aldermeii.

Dr. Scharff, K. K. Bldg. W.

Rutledge, piano-forte mechani- cian and tuner, residence phone 2095 81-3tp Routen was arrested here last night by-the nherifPs force for Young county A deputy sheriff came up this morn.n.- from Graham-to take Routen i i i He is charged i se duction Cedar trees for Xnias trees, $1 each Phone order delnered Dec 23 Phone 1611. 77-tfc The Donnelly Floial Cbmpaay, rhone 957 have cut flowers plants and are up to Ijie minute all floral work. have rose plants for sale. Gi 1 a trial 7C tfc Marriage licenses issued as follows- Travis L. a to Gertrude Caldwell; W.

T. Moody to Miss Aten Stamford. Mrs. Santa Glaus' Headquarters i he at the First Presbyterian bazaar All sorts of doll clothes, hats and fir niture. Remember the date--Frlela --Stnd-Saturday-at the-'old Bessey 78-4tc The First Presbyterian Ladles Aid will hold a Christmas bazaar, Decem her loth and llth In tho Bessey build mu.

On Saturday, the llth, the will nerve a chicken dinner, 78 4tc Market Report The suit of the Fort Worth State Bank ot Fort Worth against J. S. Boyje et al on note was heard before Judge Nicholson in the 8th district court this morning. A plea of failure of consid eratlon pn the part of George Davis was entered, also a plea that the note was purchased after maturity with no lice of equities attending the note Judge Nicholson overruled the pie; and rendered judgment for the platr tiff for th' 1 full amount of the note In terest and attorney's fees. to the ptobable i of the govern 0 Charles Templeton, violinist un tnc-iit crop cstimato tho cotton market tpat her m7 st opposite higl 78-61 Fort Worth Live Stwk.

Fort Worth, Dec. 1C. ri'lpta 1,850 head, the mafitet un- i hanged, breves GO to Hogs Receipts 1.200 head, tho nfarket nille points and active months sold to Id points Tie' lower during the Rave evidence of more or less nervous sc 00 l. 1292. ness, (he early a i today a sharp break earlv Liverpool rallied partly, hut the market here op ened barely steady at a decline) of six to Jiftren to $fi 55 Sheep--Hoceipls inn bead 1 a lambs, fly Chicago Grain.

i i Doe 10 Indecisinn l.ifgelj i i i i toelaj trading in wheat Tin- inirtfi nan itrtlve anel tltietiiated fiecineiitly hut wide chanEcs felthef clown i up were epneWy chafeied. I luce supplies in A i i und'ius- tralia were more or oftoet "hj'i word oi i achiince in vessel rate's! i i In per bushel th" cost oil oceiui transport trom Hnetios A to I LiM-rpe ol The markel alter ening S. oil to ui i Deeemliefe nt tl ti SI 11 1 at $1 Ifi SI lii'" scored i- moderate general of i disappeared and was foJIcwecl In some loss compared i finish. Predictions of unsettled a strengthened i opening prices ranged from VA sand to Vj, hi Pr and there were silent a i i a gains before a reaction In i rirm- ucs.s i i corn early trading with January casing off lo 1 2 4 0 Slarch to 12IW and May to 12.87. Private cables attributed the early decline abroad to straclcllp and hedge selling while the local market was influenced by commission house liquidation combined i some local and southern selling.

Wichita Falls Undertaking 81 Scott avenue. Phone 202 Prompt am bulance service. Command us. 18tf Santa Fe Prepident Is Highest Salaried Railroad Official New York Cotton fly 1'resi New York. Dec 10--While'there ai peared to be little change of opinion as 189fi.

San Prniicisco Dec 10--T P. le, of the Santa Fe railway (low is the highest salaried rall- in the t'nlted Stntc', general reports In i iHineii! ctwles, Mr Rlplen's to tiBve been Increased from i i i to yrab on the or- i i i of Ins 7flth blrthelav celehrat- i 1" a liancpiet of rollrond omi al Chicago, October Sfl. He became ptesldent of the Santa Pe Jarnian 1 Suits have been filed In the 3l)f district court as follows Jas I' Moi roe vs. Producers Oil Co, damages Wichita Ic Co vs. Geo B.

Davis, debt Wichita Ice C'o vs Inee. ires lass to try tftle; W. Hosenscheiet s. Fort Worth and Denver City Co. damages.

Ponder Furnlturj buy, sell, change and repair. 715 7th St 78tf Mrs. Bradley who conducts a dinin hall at 820 Indiana avenue, wishes Inform her 1 patftnB and the public gen erally that she will leave the clt morrow, Dec 11th. for a two wee vacation, returning Dec 22nd, lo aga take charge. During her absence Jones will be in charge of the dlnin hall.

8' --o- Don't miss this week's instailinet of "Neal of tho Navy" at the Oeni- Best yet. Doctors HartsookStriplinj? EYE, CAR, NOSE AND THROAT Suites 308, 309 and 310 Kemp and Kell Building Christinas Gifts tor Saturday We have filled our south window with a variety of articles suitable for Christinas Gifts that we will sejl tomorrow, Saturday, only This is indeed a wonderful window comprising articles which run into values as high as $17.00, and should be aeen to be appreciated. We will have these goods on display tonight and ou can look them over, at your leisure. Nothing in the window will be sold ti' 1 So'clock Saturday morning. Out of town orders givei prompt attention.

Aft Loan Jewelry Co, 705 Ohio Ave KB HIS! Excessive Loyal to Denominational Idea is Criticised By Spaker at Conference etfort bv I hop' 1 III the I nlli'd i li.no Miol' i Federations soon, and a tho i hun lies of each CHJ i band togeth lor Iheir common Di MOOIP Is secretary of home missions tlie Methodist Kpiaeop.tl i South 1 Mi Wallace IB i anil speaker on 'reforms. declared prospeious oonntn i churches are dependent on prospt'ro is 'econoniu conditions in'id tbat tenants 1 is one of the greatest foes to this prr Columbus, narrow perm He advocated "an chuich sectarian and clenoml- ment of leasing that i make the tun ational bully can no longer represent i ant a reasonabh permanent i i i In hnstiamty tn this countrj, whatever the i in other words longer leif eliurch affiliations. Growing co-'leases." peratitm among the churches i at Other speaker todai i i nee rid all communities of such in-'Tallniadge Root. Boston Di (' olersnt-men! 11 Clipplnser. Wertervilh 1 O- Gen This assertion by Rev John Oak Park.

1)1 anil Dish- tare of Nashville, Terni was William Andumoii i i i applauded today at the a i a not. Shailer a of i the rmferome ot the Commission on President of the reeleul i and Country Life Hev Moore i Churches, to I r. side i and as one of the several speakers vvhol 1 I ttacked the spirit of aloofness main- tained by symc rhtirches, and urg TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY further Icdcratton rel gious or- FOR nENT anlzationa Henry Wallace, of Dos iotneg agncMiltural editor and former modem, i lember of Roosevelt's totmtrj life evmmission, in an address deplored ystem of tenantry ant) urged longer eases for Teleconference i close tonuh' with an address hj Pwinr.i' Wilson Justness sessions of the executive committee of the Federal i President Wilson, 1 i i a before the I i' ence, arrived in Co 1 ir.li i 1 rcparatory delivery of i i tonight. Soon after his a i a at hotel, the clear cold woathrr eel the president out aiul no a through the business stie.c.u (M iimbus, accompanied by sei i men, his physician, i i Tulmulty and about 100 citizen I I traversed aliont three miles Ills return to his hotel Rev. Dr.

Moore explained he did not advocate the breaking clown of i i denominations, hut he said oo-opero lion "is now absolutely essential to adequate religious life and servli "Some denominations have an exalted opinion of their providential and predestined importance and are not inclined to eo operation of any kind. he added They claim to be the Lord's peculiar people---and they are. Denominational conceit seldom lendt Itself to the promotion of oilier than self-interests The time hai come denominational cooperation In i i a church life Is essential to any social ind rellgloua movement The place to begin is not In the local community howeipr, bill In the denominational -onnclis of those organizations direct 'y invohed "No minister has a moral right to irearh a sermon or oxpiet-n Ins beliefs in "iirh a way as to give of fense to pei holding different doc trlnpf. It is denomlnationallsm that had divided Ohrlstlan people Into fee- hie bands and made the support of ompeteiit ministers Impossible Pres- conditions cry out against further postponement of a great cooperative phono 378. room house and bath iMife IH'fi tele.

sine IK The 1 Sanitary, Durable Flr.i Oil Finish No a i furnish. Ngs of the ivi Gee Flatkontt yor ra.i a desired color moat econo-nivjil i -I ivafl ibf ft oi cnnff and to cas sponge. PreCer tr, teand 24 deep, ncli, velvety ccloro, for i a bo-jn "TKr Modern Method 3-' PARMENTEF BROTHERS fete Showing! Of Serviceable Holiday Gifts for Men and Boys at the HA TTERIE With the approaching Holidays we have added a few naveltin, consisting of Oaves, Neckwear, Hose and Ivory Garters, coupled with our wonderful assortment of and Caps, we offer you a selection of gifts which ire not costly, and are very ap- prornatc Every article comes handsomely boxed, ready for presentation WATCH OUR WINDOW DISPLAY THE HATTERIE Wichita Falls UJcJ FONVILLE'S OLD STAND 700 OHIO AVENUE I Hie passage of ,111 automobile or i i i n. resolution the enpliiuf! to si i hack the curb- Ing was adop'i at last night's meeting of 1 it) Question as to Age of Condemned' Youth Causes Reprieve to Be Granted. liy Assfwlatcil PmM.

Austin, Texas. Dec. 10. A i Hobln today gtatitecl .1 'i' cl.o s'tm of exi'i'iitimi to a i i loiuales, the jomig who w.is i) have hpen hanged todas at ille for i i a assault on a MIMIIE American Gov wais romptcd bj thc doubt that exists ai- the age of the Mexican. It is a tlu i a was not 17 ears old and the Is granted in mlor a thorough be made cu i point i a ''on-ul Bc'ltuii of San had intorestecl in the use.

The curbini; at the inside of the ot the street tai at l.aranr and Thirteenth and Lamar, ntreets wln-n- the stieet ur i a is to he set bark so i tn more spu for pass- ae of vehicles between the traiks (J i eurbliig. 1 i i is not 1 1 imc there would not be room BAPTISTS TO SPEND $160,000 FOR M.ISSIONS Hy Aweociatpil Dallas, Hi nelllure of state missions i i the was declcliil upon at to- ciiy mcetinic 'here it the cxetntlve hoard of the lUptlst General Convention fot TeMis The sum is propeis- t'i a cu a tT.M'.OOO gctiernl an- ni. il ir board prolMbly 1 1 i''tf fila' TCRT TILL BATTERiri ORDERED TO RETURN 'It i Ain 'in 1 I i irilors were Mi Jr i.nn'Ml Fre'l- i Fi is! (or i retur.i lioni i Port Sill, Oklii, of I two 'attenes of artillery, and i of tlie Filth Field Artillery i been ou tlie border since Septeml'iM I'hc i i are eii- i a i i i (Jen. runxtoii said conditions tn the i nor- n.al. NEWSPAPER!.

Wichita Daily Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2025)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.