Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2025)

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Wichita Falls Record News then 4391 Want A4 Headquarters Tuesday April 1 1947 WALTER Wichita Falls Record News Entered at the post office In Wichita Falls Texas as second class mail under the act of March 3 1879 PUBLISHED DAILY MORNING EXCEPT SUNDAY BY TIMES PUBLISHING CO OF WICHITA FALLS Times Building Corner Seventh Street and Scott Avenue Publishers Wichita Daily Times Afternoon and Sunday A Hie ROUND nRVW PfArcnw By DREW PEARSON (Copyright 1047 The Bell Syn Inc) NOTICE TO rut PUBLIC: An? errannui reflection upon the character etandins reputation of an? peraon firm or corporation which map appear In tha -rtiusiB of tbia paper wilt be gladly corrected upon the notice of cam being r-ven to tba editor personally at tha office Seventh Street and Scott Avenue Wrhita Pella Tea "ABOVEBOARD The Wichita Dally Times and Record Newa arc member of the Audit Bureau if Circulation a national organisation which eertlflea the circulation of tha newspapers of tha United Stales Circus Time nilaplIlywQixiixifl ITaballay Winchell ON BROADWAY The Broadway Spotlight Winchellebritiea: Andrei Gromy ko (the furriner) having his boots polished by a 6th Avenue bootblack Gene Tierney (who broke her best toe) limping glamorously -into El Billingsley's Admiral Jonaa II Ingram (former Commander of the Atlan tic Fleet) being launched (in the Cub Room) by one of his ex-staff Lt Comdrs Wayne (the delightful leprechaun of Rainbow') who was just signed for a leading role in Jenny" being filmed here Maurice Chevalip turning on the chomm for Kay Francis Ethe Merman Marion Belt' and Julie Haydon Ruth Etting being pinned against the Broadhurst Theatre by auto-grafters who do not recognize Mrs Bing Crosby with her Author Kaufman' (at the Music Hall) inform1 ing friends the new hit is jus Boy-Meets-Girl in Boston they live Apley ever after" Sallies in Our Alley: A booking agent was sitting smugly in swank spot which is doing a big biz seem pretty happy" said a pal1' "Have you 10 of the star?" i hell!" beamec the agent got 10 of the head1 waiter!" The Musicians' Union refused to take any pay to play the Runyon Memorial show in A' Bob Hope convulsed the capacity audience by explaining is the first time played free since Petrillo's wedding!" Broadway Side-Show: Jim Kil-gallen the veterair International News ace attended a shindig for the Icelandic cabinet ministers at the Iceland rendezvous the other day He told of his visit to Iceland (last week) where he aw a great big tall blonde doll with perfect skin who it seemec to him was the perfect Icelandic type Unable to restrain him1 self Jim ankled up to the Eye-Perfume and said: me Miss But you seem to be the perfect Icelandic woman" She looked at him and broke into roars you kiddin' brother?" she said sweet to say it- I married an Icelander in my home burg Bay Ridge Brooklyn!" Memos of a Mldnighter: In Hollywood they are agog over the report that Lou Irwin (the booking agent) allegedly blew his top broke into a Brynie Foy conference brandishing a gat Because a client George Tobias cast for a film insiders telegraph Know what the stands for in Auto-Worker-Union labor boss Richard FVankenstcen's tag? Truman Roy MacNichol (once fed to Inez Court -y of will middle-aisle with the social Mrs Mary Mitchell at Palm Ileach any moment- or were we skewpt? Harve come-decencies at the Capitol are the talk-of-the-midtown-set Add trick names for models: Izal WrigHt How cute can yez get? We also hear there's a new gel around railed Moanan Lowe Oh now looks here! For the first time in his prosperous career (as a show producer) Max Gordon (who only has two hits now) a script! Going nriaad stark maaaad! Midtown Vignette: Her name is Elizabeth Laus Liz has been working for 23 years over at the RKO publicity dept now in Radio City During those 23 years she watched time slip fun on the fingers nf co-workers Seemed as if somebody was always getting married or having some kind of a party and they were always re ceiving presents But none of these things ever happened to her and to' make life a little tougher being sole support of an aged mother and an ailing sister So what happened fergood nessakes get to the point! Oh stop strippin yer gears What I was just getting around to Harry Mandel (the chief publicity guy there) decided to do something about Liz A big surprise poddy was chucked for her And signs were all over the place reading "7e Love Liz!" And she is still very busy-counting her gifts WASHINGTON March 31 John Maragon the Greek-born exnarcotics agent who has been so close to President Truman called at the executive offices the other day to protest to secretary Matt Connelly the recent exposes published in this column on Mr queer friendships Meanwhile some further inler-a esting light can be shed on this unique character who is able to get his Greek Royalist friends appointments with the President and who seems to influence our vitally important policy with Greece A few years ago friends gave Senator Harry Truman a surprise birthday party Maragon then a transportation agent for the Baltimore and Ohio railroad was in the group He had once shined shoes back in Kansas City Mr Truman is fond of his friends fonder perhaps than any president of the United States since Warren Harding Various photographs were made of the birthday guests including some of Truman and the and agent in poses indicating intimate friendship There was one in which Maragon had his arm over shoulder Later Maragon obtained several of these photos and persuaded the obliging Mr Truman to autograph them with friendly greetings to sincere good friend John Maragon" After Truman moved into the White House Maragon not only received a special White House pass and special parking space outside the White House but he had in his pocket visual photographic proof of his intimacy with the No 1 man of the nation As far as Washington was concerned he did not need this proof since his ability to travel with Truman to President Roosevelt's funeral to the army-navy game to the fleet review in New York and even to Potsdam was well known to those around the White House Truman's Greek Envoy Last year however Maragon persuaded those in high authority to send to Greece with the allied mission to supervise the Greek elections Apparently he considered it part of his duty as Presidential adviser on Greek affairs to be a first-hand observer In Europe however trouble came his way In Rome Italy on his way to Greece Maragon was standing in front of the Hassler hotel when Brig Gen William Iwe Air Cors drove up and parked his car across the street in space disputed by an ATC bus An argument ensued between the Italian bus driver and General Lee John Maragon self-appointed personal representative of President Truman started to intervene your nose out of other people's business" admonished the general: can slick my nose into anybody's business that I want to" replied Maragon But before he rould pull out the picture of himself and President Truman to establish his authority General Lee applied the flat of the hand to face a It was then 4 a Washington time but Maragon immediately phoned the White House What ho said Is not known But General Lee was promptly reduced to the rank of colonel was reprimanded under the 104th article nf war and ordered back to the United States by air priority He had done a good Job in Italy was decorated by the British and Italian governments but he had made the mistake of roughing up John Mra-gon friend of the President Envoy Gets Bounced Maragon then riew on Athens where the Greek elertiops were in the process of American-British supervision There he met his Waterloo John could dictate to the army through his pal the President's military aide Gen Harry Vaughan but the state department was different In Greece he ran up against Henry Grady special American envoy for the supervision of the elections in Greece Grady got the state department to order Maragon back to Washington and the Carlton hotel Arriving home Maragon threatened to jump out the window because he had disgraced his friend Harry Truman" but kindly congressman Paul Shafer of Michigan finally got White House secretary Matt Connelly on the telephone and pacified him And today you can still see John riding in the tar of the White House military aide or see pictures of the President of the United States being kissed on the brow by Maragon's intimate royalist friend Archbishop Athenagoras whose White House appointment was arranged by John Maragon of Greece and Kansas City Thus do personal friends weave in an out of American foreign policy during the "friendly" administration of Harry Truman Kansas Apolexy Red-faced Senator Clyde Reed of Kansas is going to have apoplexy if the Reed-Bulwinkle bill to exempt railroads from the anti-trust laws does not reach a senate vote soon He hit the ceiling once during sub-committee hearings and ogain during a mret-(Continued on Page 8) A reader can get tbe answer to any question of (set by writing Tba Wicb-Ita Fails (Texas) Record News Information Bureau- SIS Eye St Washington 2 Please enclose three (Sc) cents for return postage Who was the youngest man ever elected to John Steele was the youngest person ever to be a member of the house 6f representatives He was elected as a Federalist from North Carolina and was sworn in as a member of the 1st congress on March 4 1789 At that time he was 24 years 4 months old John Henry Eaton of Tennessee seems to have been the youngest man to be a member of the United States Senate He took the oath of office Nov 16 1818' when he was 28 years 4 months and 29 days old Is It an accepted fact that most people In the United States die It is estimated that 90 per cent of the people of the United States die without leaving a will If a man continues to work after he reaches the age of 65 will tils annuity under Social Security be Increased? A If a man who is eligible for the Social Security annuity continues to work after the age of 65 his length of service will increase and this will increase his annuity -For how many years has Turkey had sovereignty over the A Turkey has held the Dardanelles for almost 500 years When and wheVe wee the first cable laid arrow the Paeifle The first Pacific cable was laid in 1902 connecting Vanrou-ver Canada Australia and New Zealand Cable laying in the Pa-rifle is much more difficult than in the Atlantic because of the greater distances and greater depths The cables in some places loop down to a depth of six miles beneath the surface of the ocean Why does the boundary deviate so as to Include Isle Royale In the United States and not In Y' A There is a tradition that Benjamin Franklin at the Treaty nf Paris in 1783 insisted that the inland be included in the United States It belongs to Michigan What rountry iraes an elephant as an emblem on Its currency? A The emblem of an elephant is used nn the currency of Liberia the negro republic in West Africa I Salome the daughter of Ilerodias mentioned by name in the Bible? MeB A Nowhere in the Bible is there a statement that Herodia' daughter was named Salome It "was Josephus the Jewish historian who referred to Salome as the daughter of Herodias by an earlier marriage How fist does crude oil flow in a DNI' A Pumps locrcd from 20 to 40 miles apart keep the crude oil moving at about 3j miles an hour in a pip-line from 2 to 16 inches in diameter Ilai Admiral King retired? (J A Admiral Ernest King is still on active duty MINIATURE GOVERNMENT YEARBOOK Uncle Almanac 1947 is a government yearbook in miniature it gives a well-rounded picture of what the Federal Government accomplished in the year 1946 It tells about the set-up of the United Nations lists 11 the members of the 80th Congress the members of the cabinet and the justices of the supreme court it provides a resume of the government's activities in many fields It is a reference work you cannot afford to be without It will answer' many of your questions all during the year Send for your copy now while there is still time Only fifteen cents postpaid one than the Zulus realize and It may have prevented another bit of trouble in this troubled old world For think what might have happened in this day when empires are tottering and monarch! are ever more expendable if the Zulus had dubbed theira recent kingly visitor "The Royal White Elephant" Views On the News With tha Pma of North Tnu and Southwestern Oklahoma For Alley Henrietta Is launching on it spring housecleaning reports the Clay County Leader: probably heard by now that the red pasted in the store windows about town means The "AV made their appearance last Friday and considerable speculation went the rounds One guess was 'A Is for effort and another was 'A is for Arthur Slagle who passed them out 'A is for Alley And the Henrietta Klwania Club is back of it all They're going all nut for a the Alley program which has as its aim the proposition of maintaining Henrietta's reputation for having the cleanest streets and alleys in North Texas" Movement Spreads And Faducah has the same idea says the Paducah Post April is the month when every citizen is asked to roll up his sleeves and pitch out the dirt: clean up paint up fix i up campaign la just around the corner Dawson Reid and the eity council has authorized a dean up paint up campaign for the entire city during the month of April one wants to see dirty unsanitary conditions Everyone wants a 'cleaner and 'healthier city in which to live is more than personal pride it is basic training in democracy is an opportunity to work together toward a common goal up paint up' applies to everyone in every income bracket It makes no distinction in levels of society It is a great civic development laboratory during the month of April Mayor Reid urges everyone to see what they can do toward making Paducah a 'city beautiful' Plant shrubs flowers trees grass and make your home and yard attractive to view city will furnish a truck to haul your extra trash and tree limbs fref of charge" Spring is Here Seymour's specialist in weather observation Baylor County Banner Editor Harrison has been thinking about spring: lot of people around here think it will take some mighty hot weather to make them complain after all of the cold we have had got until November now and maybe that will thaw ua out pretty well is always the hope when spring comes along that all the cold weather will go ahead and get over with at one time so the peach blossoms come out and get killed Maybe we kept the cold going too long After all the bios- -soms have to come out before we have any fruit and this time the blooms are late and somewhat skimpy is coming on apace and householders are hopefully putting all sorts nf seeds in the ground It is not a bad idea at all People have' to be doing something and gardening is better than some of the things they might be doing cleaning iji coming up too and maybe not all the standstorms over with yet A columnist was remarking the other day that cleanliness is next to godliness but that in the case of a boy it is next to impossible Albright renewed his Banner yesterday and said his wheat is growing fast maybe ton fast Wiley has been here since way back In the 80's and has serji about everything We remarked to him that stand-storms are not as )ad now as they used to be Mr Albight said: 'They'll 1 come back all right' Tito Claims Policy Of War Threat BELGRADE Yugoslavia March 31 Marshal Tito told a cheering Yugoslav parliament today that American imperialism is openly threatening war but that Yugoslavia will stick with Soviet Russia and her friends who are bigger than the of imperialists and War mongers" In a 45-minute speech Tito demanded the annexation of Carin-thia from Austria declared that imperialistic forces in Greece are endangering the peace of the Balkans and of the world and accused ambassador to Yugoslavia Richard Patterson of misinforming the government on conditions in Yugoslavia the west we are always hearing about the atomic bomb and threats of war" he said before a joint session of the Yugoslav congress see how England America and some other countries are engaging themselves in Greece China Indonesia and other places where they are suppressing peoples' liberties and democratic rights see American imperialism openly threatening with war countries which will not submit to their financial and imperialistic Peacetime Set LONDON March 31 Peacetime conscription for Great Britain against the possibility of an-( other war was virtually assured today when Winston Churchill threw the full support of his conservative party behind the labor government's national service bill to draft 18-year-olds The fiery Churchill declared he was glad to join tle laborites against other dangei some other dictatorship" even though they opposed his demand for national conscription in 1939 to meet the nazl menace at least six months ago He wants to do a movie with Wife Dinah Shore That sounds like a good idea Lana follow-up to Timberlane" is Nights" bough originally for Joan Crawford some seven years ago And by the way when I first suggested Lana's name for Timberlane" at Metro I was told she was not the type It yvan Mayer who insisted that she was Dorothy Malone's housing problem is partially solved Dotty now a leading lady in Guys From Texas" told me that she has rented an apartment from a house mother at UCLA she comes home every other week end and then I have to get out" But Dotty dors all right for herself Last week end for instance she guested with the Mark Stevenses who have a butler a maid and a rook Jimmy Cagney is testing Joe Kirkwood for an important role in of Your This will not interfere with Joe's Palooka series Kirkwood as you know is also a champion golfer and last year he made $16000 at the game That's what I call a nice sideline John Dull I am told collected £30000 from David Selznick for not doing Women" I still don't know why David gave up the remake of this beautiful story Jack Carson when everything was lovey-dovey between himself and Wife Kay ordered her a new convertible car To prove that they are still good friends Jack called his estranged mate the other day to tell her that the car would be delivered to her in the morning! Joyce Reynolds tells me that her grandmother is very sick and she will fly to visit her in Houston Texas just as soon as she finishes Walter Pidgeon gets six of the eight Severn child actors in "If Winter Comes" Now that Spencer Tracy is back in Waiter has retQrned to Winter Ingrid Bergman talking in New York: I came to America the first time I thought the Americans were either millionaires or gangsters That's vhat I learned from the American By SHE1LAH GRAHAM (Nortb American Newspaper Alliance)' Story Behind the Story HOLLYWOOD Jeffrey Lynn is going to work again! He plays Alexis older brother in Whiplash" This is his first picture in five years Good luck Jeff William hoped-for picture Peabody and the Mermaid" has run into Johnston office trouble because of what is described as an implication of nakedness in certain spots So Nunnally Johnston is temporarily postponing it And instead you can expect Powell for the lead in his other comedy Senator Was Indiscreet" Peter Lind Hayes has a big role in this too Unda Darnell as an rnd-of-the-picture (Forever Amber) present gave her hairdresser a ticket to and from Honolulu! total for presents ran into thousands of dollars with a gold-and-diamond bracelet watch for her wardrobe girl a diamond ring for Director Otto Preminger and for Cameraman Leon Shamroy a money clip in the form of a gold folding chair with name spelled out in diamonds Whoppe! Jack Holt has a good part in of the Sierra Madre" with his son Tim This makes two father-and-son combinations in the movie (starring Humphrey Bogart) with John Huston directing his father Walter Huston Charles Jackson arrives in Hollywood April 6' with the script for Jerry movie on the current school-teacher problem in America Tyrone Power is untmppy He has to have his hair curled every morning for his From movie! And the curling adds one hour to his schedule Ty washes out the curls every night Hu even like sleeping in them! Rosalind Russell has Robert Mitchum and Charles Bickford ined up for her RKO comedy role is on the' same line- as the part he played with Loretta Yoongln The Daughter" And fine with this reporter a swell part and a swell picture George Montgomery is worried about his film career because he has not made a picture since he finished "The Brasher Doubloon" Newspapers and Public Opinion SEVENTY-THREE per cent of the population of Montclair bate their opinions about national and International tenues on what they read in the newspapers This finding was made through a poll conducted by the League of Women Voters in which 1000 persons were Interviewed out of population of 40000 Some of those interviewed said their opinions were formed from more than one source- of information to that result! in the following rating total more than 100 per cent Here are the results: Newspapers 73 radio 58 magazines 44 books 31 lectures 3 forums 3 churches 1 The question thAt brought out this ratio of answers was: do you rely on most in forming your magazines newspapers radio broadcasts or some other source?" The results are said to have surprised the League and the Montclair Public Library officials who have joined in conducting the poll in that It had been believed that radio commentators were influencing publie opinion more than newspapers Postwar Crime DURING the war a good many law enforcement officers sociologists and just plain people were predicting that there would be a postwar crime wave Statistics for 1948 released by the FBI indicate that they were right Crime up 78 per cent over 1945 now stands at a 10-year high It seems likely that the situation is even worse than expected For the predictions must surely have considered the factor of widespread if temporary postwar unemployment But it's safe to say tha few offenders are robbing to be had So the major causes of present crime must be social and emotional rather than economic Some of the causes are not hard to identify Home training suffered in many families during the war when mothers joined the ranks of the workers to help ease the manpower shortage or help support a family whose father was In the service Thousands of school teachers left the classroom for better-paying Jobs Their replacements were often Inferior In train log as well as number Military requirements thinned the ranks of law enforcement agencies which in many cases are still under-staffed And then as FBI Director Edgar Hoover put it effects of the of wartime abandon" have not yet run their course Teenagers who grew up in the emotionally charged atmosphere of the war may be finding it hard to make adjustments and settle down Many young veterans are at loose ends All this is reflected 1'n the accent on youth which the 1948 crime figures give More 21-year-olds were arrested than any other age group They were followed by those of 22 23 24 and 20 years Youths under 21 accounted for 189 per cent of the total arrested There sre two remedies of course which the situation1 de-demands prevention and reclamation Though the cause of most juvenile delinquency can he found at home all parents do not have the mental emotional or economic equipment to cope with the problem Communities must concern themselves with it Decent housing adequate schools with adequately-paid teachers and free recreational facilities are some of the thrire-familiar but often neglected weapons More serious and more neglected is the problem of making good citizens out of youths who already have police records Countless criminal histories point up the great need for Intelligent sympathetic well-trained probation and parole officers Treatment during the social of a young first offender la clearly a neglerlcd science The 1948 crime figures give warning that a Job must be done Though it is difficult our present economic climate of full employment and reasonable prosperity makes this seem a propitious time to begin it in earnest Incident Averted ADlsrATCH from Kahowe Zululand brings word that the Zulu name for King George VI of England is Royal niack Elephant" The rhoire of color in that title ig probably a happier '4 Dallas Tessa New Tort Detroit Mich Both Papers Morn Sve Sunday ITS S2S 10 SO 2100 SUNDAY or KVENINO AUNDA1 Per Month Bis Montha One Tear 0100 0000 01300 0123 movies 1 had my child with me I was very worried all the time Then I discovered it wasn't so that the people here are very much like my people in Sweden" By Webster Jfe's Darkest Moment Love A Kixxxxxx Every moment of Such a score! It is one of the greats in show business Dolores big-time rendering of in that hit Nearest thing to Florence Mills yet Maude Simmons (of the same troupe) offering: and Get It Day" Albert Sharp a personable player The Variety staffers will certainly agree he should played Sime in the fortheming film about the Variety founder lookalike Anita heel-and-toe stuff being wonderful is no scoop to constant col'm readers who read that here over five years ago Or Ella Logan's artistry Eddy record (Majestic) of "My Adobe Times Sq Buzz-fuzz: Oops Rita (not Venita) Gould is the former Palace headliner who is in H'wood as a Christian Scientist practitioner (I will wave a finger in Bert kisser for that one!) big events: Ruth Etting at the Cope and Noro Morales at Hav-Mad La Etting says her biggest worry is not making a but staying awake after 10:30 going to bed at that time every night for 10 years!" In yesterday's the name should have been "Furt-waengier" instead of Lionel Shapiro flew to Rome yesterday to be CBS's new reporter His first book Sealed Verdict" (DnRblcday) indicates a click in the stalls and on the screen Mr Stork Club says: is 25 per cent below the boom war years and 25 per rent above the pre-war Headline: Talmadge and Gerald Smith Team Up!" Typecasting Manhattan Murals: The door man of lip-dernrated El Rnrracho (Continued on Page 8) THE WICHITA FALLS RECORD NaiWS ralapbons numbi a privet a branch exchange connecting all departments: till National Representative: Kata Special Advertising Agency 1002 Bryant Building Kansas City Republic Bank Bldg 22 Marietta St Bldg Atlanta Oa 300 Fifth venue 307 Nortb Michigan Avenue Chicago Ocnerai Motors BTdg 30 StsMi Street Log Anaelea Calif SUBSCRIPTION BT CARRIER Record Newa Morning Di Jy Times Evening and Sunday Times One Month 0 1 00 Three Montha 300 Sis Months ooo One ear 1200 Cork Screw Eggs an egg atory to end all stories according to the Bellevue News: Johnson dropped by the News office Wednesday and left with us two VSample Copies" of his latest develop- ments in egg production Johnson had a Buff Leghorn hen that insisted on laying eggs that ranged from the size nf your thumb on down and occasionally just to break the monotony would produce a cork-screw variety Mr Johnson left these two eggs at the Newa office so that anyone who desired could sec for himself Mr Johnson says he enjoyed a very good chicken dinner a few days ago and also states that these two eggs will he the last on his production BT MAIL (Payable In Advance) MORNING fn Tessa and Oklahoma Elsewhere in United States Advertising rates furnished on application IN CASE OP ERROR or nmlaalon In legal or other advertisements the publish re doee not hold himself liable for damages further than the amount received by him for aurh advertising REGULAR CITY CARRIER Altould you not ecelve copy Of The Rec-ird Newa by carrier by 6 o'clock In tha morning cn week daya and o'clock on Sunday morning please elephona the circulation department 4301 before 0 o'clock In the morning or before 0:30 Sundae morning and a copy will bo cent jut by special maaeenger service during tbe boure mentioned.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.