Publication Search < Guy I. Sydney, MD (2024)

Table of Contents
2023 Using Administrative Billing Codes to Identify Acute Musculoskeletal Infections in Children. Mixed-methods process evaluation of a respiratory-culture diagnostic stewardship intervention. 2022 Association of Early Steroid Administration With Outcomes of Children Hospitalized for COVID-19 Without Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children. Association of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System Inhibitors and Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 infection increases risk of acute kidney injury in a bimodal age distribution. Evaluating Pancreatic and Biliary Neoplasms with Small Biopsy-Based Next Generation Sequencing (NGS): Doing More with Less. Characterization and Outcomes of Hospitalized Children With Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Report From a Multicenter, Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study (Coronavirus Disease 2019) Registry. 2021 Metabolic Syndrome and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 The Impact of Obesity on Disease Severity and Outcomes Among Hospitalized Children With COVID-19. Coronavirus Disease 2019-Associated PICU Admissions: A Report From the Society of Critical Care Medicine Discovery Network Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study Registry. The Effect of Pituitary Gland Disorders on Glucose Metabolism: From Pathophysiology to Management. 2020 Comment on the systematic review and meta-analysis titled "Gestational diabetes and the risk of cardiovascular disease in women". Glucose metabolism disorders in patients with adrenal gland disorders: pathophysiology and management. EUS-FNA diagnosis of pancreatic serous cystadenoma with the aid of cell blocks and α-inhibin immunochemistry: A case series. Evaluation of metastases to the pancreas with fine needle aspiration: A case series from a single centre with review of the literature. 2019 Dissecting the presence of malignant squamous cells in pancreatic cytopathology: A case series. Insulin resistance and adrenal incidentalomas: A bidirectional relationship. References



  • Association of Early Steroid Administration With Outcomes of Children Hospitalized for COVID-19 Without Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children.

    Tripathi S, Nadiger M, McGarvey JS, Harthan AA, Lombardo M, Gharpure VP, Perkins N, Chiotos K, Sayed IA, Bjornstad EC, Bhalala US, Raju U, Miller AS, Dapul H, Montgomery V, Boman K, Arteaga GM, Bansal V, Deo N, Tekin A, Gajic O, Kumar VK, Kashyap R, Walkey AJ, Society of Critical Care Medicine Discovery Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study (VIRUS): COVID-19 Registry Investigator Group. Association of Early Steroid Administration With Outcomes of Children Hospitalized for COVID-19 Without Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children. JAMA Pediatr 2022, 176: 1208-16. PMID: 36190706, DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.3611.

    Peer-Reviewed Original Research

  • Association of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System Inhibitors and Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19

    Gupta N, Settle L, Brown B, Armaignac D, Baram M, Perkins N, Kaufman M, Melamed R, Christie A, Danesh V, Denson J, Cheruku S, Boman K, Bansal V, Kumar V, Walkey A, Domecq J, Kashyap R, Aston C, Mesland J, Henin P, Petre H, Buelens I, Gerard A, Clevenbergh P, Granado R, Mercado J, Vega-Terrazas E, Iturricha-Caceres M, Garza R, Chu E, Chan V, Gavidia O, Pachon F, Sanchez Y, knežević D, Kassas M, Badr M, Tawheed A, Tawheed A, Yahia H, Kantas D, Koulouras V, Pineda E, Guillen G, Soto H, Lizardo A, Kopitkó C, Bencze Á, Méhész I, Gerendai Z, Doddaga P, Chandra N, Segu S, Chakraborty T, Joyce E, Vadgaonkar G, Ediga R, Basety S, Dammareddy S, Kasumalla P, Raju U, Manduva J, Kolakani N, Sripathi S, Chaitanya S, Cherian A, Parameswaran S, Parthiban M, A. M, Prabhu M, Jakati V, Rijhwani P, Jain A, Gupta A, Jaiswal R, Tyagi A, Mathur N, Daga M, Agarwal M, Rohtagi I, Papani S, Kamuram M, Agrawal K, Baghel V, Patel K, Mohan S, Jyothisree E, Petrolwala M, Ladva B, Dalili N, Nafa M, Matsuda W, Suzuki R, Tahara S, Suzuki R, Sanui M, Horikita S, Itagaki Y, Kodate A, Suzuki R, Kodate A, Takahashi Y, Moriki K, Shiga T, Iwasaki Y, Shigemitsu H, Mishima Y, Nosaka N, Nagashima M, Al-Fares A, Ulloa M, Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Gonzalez-Gonzalez J, Salcido-Montenegro A, Camacho-Ortiz A, Hassan-Hanga F, Galadanci H, Gezawa A, Kabara H, Amole T, Kabir H, Haliru D, Ibrahim A, Asghar M, Syed M, Naqvi S, Zabolotskikh I, Zybin K, Sinkov S, Musaeva T, Alamoudi R, AlSharif H, Almazwaghi S, Elsakran M, Aid M, Darwich M, Hagag O, Ali S, rocacorba A, Supeña K, Juane E, Medina J, Baduria J, Amer M, Bawazeer M, Dahhan T, Kseibi E, Butt A, Khurshid S, Rabee M, Abujazar M, Alghunaim R, Abualkhair M, AlFirm A, Kseibi E, Khurshid S, Rabee M, Abujazar M, Alghunaim R, Arabi Y, Abdukahil S, Almazyad M, Alarifi M, Macarambon J, Bukhari A, Albahrani H, Asfina K, Aldossary K, Zdravkovic M, Todorovic Z, Popadic V, Klasnja S, Andrijevic A, Gavrilovic S, Carapic V, Kovacevic B, Bojicic J, Kovacevic P, Predrag S, Stojakov D, Ignjatovic D, Bojic S, Bobos M, Nenadic I, Zaric M, Djuric M, Djukic V, Teruel S, Martin B, Teruel S, Sili U, Bilgin H, Ay P, Gharpure V, Raheemi U, Dodd K, Goodmanson N, Hesse K, Bird P, Weinert C, Schoenrade N, Altaher A, Mayar E, Aronson M, Cooper T, Logan M, Miner B, Papo G, Siegal E, Runningen P, Barry S, Woll C, Wu G, Carrole E, Burke K, Mohammed M, Melamed R, Tierney D, Patel L, Raj V, Dawud B, Mazumder N, Sidebottom A, Guenther A, Krehbiel B, Schmitz N, Jepsen S, Sipsey L, Schulte A, Wunderlich W, Hoyt C, Raval A, Franks A, Irby K, Sanders R, Hefley G, Jarvis J, Kharbanda A, Jhajhria S, Fyffe Z, Capizzi S, Alicie B, Green M, Crockarell L, Drennan A, Dubuque K, Fambrough T, Gasaway N, Krantz B, Nebi P, Orga J, Serfass M, Simion A, Warren K, Wheeler C, Woolman C, Christie A, Ashley D, Adiga R, Moyer A, Verghese G, Newsome A, Forehand C, Bruning R, Jones T, Sabov M, Zaidi F, Tissavirasingham F, Malipeddi D, Mosier J, Lutrick K, Campbell B, Wilson C, Rivers P, Brinks J, Mongoh M, Gilson B, Armaignac D, Parris D, Zuniga M, Vargas I, Boronat V, Hutton A, Kaur N, Neupane P, Sadule-Rios N, Rojas L, Neupane A, Rivera P, Carlos C, Vincent G, Amin M, Schelle M, Steadham A, Howard C, McBride C, Abraham J, Garner O, Richards K, Collins K, Antony P, Mathew S, Danesh V, Dubrocq G, Davis A, Hammers M, McGahey J, Farris A, Priest E, Korsmo R, Fares L, Skiles K, Shor S, Burns K, Dowell C, Flores M, Newman L, Wilk D, Ettlinger J, Bomar J, Darji H, Arroliga A, Arroliga A, Dowell C, Conzales G, Flores M, Newman L, Wilk D, Ettlinger J, Darji H, Bomar J, Khandhar P, Kring E, Banner-Goodspeed V, Bose S, Kelly L, Joseph M, McGourty M, Capers K, Hoenig B, Karamourtopoulos M, Law A, Kassis E, Walkey A, Waikar S, Garcia M, Colona M, Kibbelaar Z, Leong M, Wallman D, Soni K, Maccarone J, Gilman J, Devis Y, Chung J, Paracha M, Lumelsky D, DiLorenzo M, Abdurrahman N, Johnson S, Hersh A, Wachs S, Swigger B, Wachs S, Sattler L, Moulton M, Zammit K, McGrath P, Loeffler W, Chilbert M, Miller A, Anderson E, Nagy R, Inja R, Nawathe P, Pedraza I, Tsing J, Carr K, Chaudhary A, Guglielmino K, Tirupathi R, Tang A, Safi A, Green C, Newell J, Maguire F, Roach K, Short J, Mullins J, Roumain A, Ihle R, Martin S, Davis E, Gist K, Sayed I, Brinton J, Strom L, Chiotos K, Blatz A, Lee G, Burnett R, Sydney G, Traynor D, Nauert K, Gonzalez A, Bagley M, Santpurkar A, Surani S, White J, Khan A, Dhahwal R, Cheruku S, Ahmed F, Deonarine C, Jones A, Shaikh M, Preston D, Chin J, Vachharajani V, Duggal A, Rajendram P, Mehkri O, Dugar S, Biehl M, Sacha G, Houltham S, King A, Ashok K, Poynter B, Beukemann M, Rice R, Gole S, Shaner V, Conjeevaram A, Ferrari M, Alappan N, Minear S, Hernandez-Montfort J, Nasim S, Sunderkrishnan R, Milligan P, Gupta S, Koglin J, Gibson R, Johnson L, Preston F, Scott C, Nungester B, Byrne D, Schorr C, Grant K, Doktor K, Porto M, Kaplan O, Siegler J, Schonewald B, Woodford A, Tsai A, Reid S, Bhowmick K, Daneshpooy S, Mowdawalla C, Dave T, Crudeli W, Ferry C, Nguyen L, Modi S, Padala N, Patel P, Lin B, Chatterjee L, Qiuyun J, Liu F, Kota R, Banerjee A, Daugherty S, Atkinson S, Shrimpton K, Ontai S, Contreras B, Obinwanko U, Amamasi N, Sharafi A, Lee S, Esber Z, Jinjvadia C, Bartz R, Krishnamoorthy V, Kraft B, Pulsipher A, Friedman E, Mehta S, Kaufman M, Lobel G, Gandhi N, Abdelaty A, Shaji E, Lim K, Marte J, Sosa D, Yamane D, Benjenk I, Prasanna N, Perkins N, Roth P, Sivaraj B, Fulton H, Herin M, Crum M, Fretwell M, Zhou E, Waller C, Kallies K, Waller C, Thorsen J, Fitzsimmons A, Olsen H, Dapul H, Verma S, Salas A, Daube A, Korn M, Ramirez M, Rajagopalan L, Santos L, Santiago H, Hernandez R, Smalls N, Bercow A, Shlomovich M, Crandall C, Stojanovski S, Johnson K, Michienzi K, Davis S, Jovic V, Jovic V, Masuda M, Hayes A, Nault K, Smith M, Snow W, Liptak R, Durant H, Pendleton V, Nanavati A, Mrozowsk R, Nag N, Brauer J, Dharmadhikari A, Singh S, Laghi F, Naeem G, Wang A, Bliden K, Rout A, Barnes J, Gesheff M, Thomas A, Thomas M, Liendo A, Milosavljevic J, Abbasi K, Burley N, Rapista N, Amankwah S, Poudel S, Timilsina S, Sarkar S, Akinyosoye O, Yalamanchili S, Moorthy S, Sugumar S, Ford J, Taylor M, Dunderdale C, Henshaw A, Brunk M, Hagy J, Masood S, Sridhar S, Gupta M, Oulds F, Nandavar A, Liu Y, Zavala S, Zavala S, Shim E, Reilkoff R, Heneghan J, Eichen S, Goertzen L, Rajala S, Feussom G, Tang B, Junia C, Lichtenberg R, Sidhu H, Espinoza D, Rodrigues S, Zabala M, Goyes D, Susheela A, Hatharaliyadda B, Rameshkumar N, Kasireddy A, Maldonado G, Beltran L, Chaugule A, Khan H, Patil N, Patil R, Cartin-Ceba R, Sen A, Talaei F, Kashyap R, Domecq J, Gajic O, Bansal V, Tekin A, Lal A, O’Horo J, Deo N, Sharma M, Qamar S, Singh R, Morales D, La Nou A, Bogojevic M, Zec S, Sanghavi D, Guru P, Franco P, Gnanapandithan K, Saunders H, Fleissner Z, Garcia J, Mateus A, Yarrarapu S, Kaur N, Giri A, Hasan M, Donepudi A, Khan S, Jain N, Koritala T, Bastidas A, Orellana G, Bierwirth A, Milazzo E, Sierra J, Dang T, Nanchal R, Bergl P, Peterson J, Timmer J, Welker K, Yamanaka T, Barreras N, Markos M, Fareeduddin A, Mehta R, Venkata C, Engemann M, Mantese A, Tarabichi Y, Perzynski A, Wang C, Kotekal D, Bierwirth A, Orellana G, Catalasan G, Ahmed S, Matute C, Hamdan A, Salinas I, Del Nogal G, Tejada A, Eschler A, Hejna M, Lewandowski E, Kusmierski K, Martin C, Chen J, Hope A, Tsagaris Z, Ruen E, Hambardzumyan A, Siddiqi N, Jurado L, Tincher L, Brown C, Sendi P, Nadiger M, Totapally B, Aulakh B, Tripathi S, Bandy J, Kreps L, Bollinger D, Bandy J, Gupta N, Brown B, Jones T, Malone K, Sinko L, Harrell A, Ayers S, Settle L, Sears T, Stienecker R, Melendez A, Brunner T, Budzon S, Heffernan J, Souder J, Miller T, Maisonneuve A, Redfern R, Shoemaker J, Micham J, Kenney L, Naimy G, Schauf V, Utley S, Balcer H, Pulver K, Yehle J, Weeks A, Inman T, Hamarshi M, Ploetz J, Bennett N, Klindworth K, Younis M, Mohamed A, Delmonaco B, Franklin A, Heath M, Barkas D, Vilella A, Kutner S, Clark K, Moore D, Menon S, McGuire J, Rich D, Anderson H, Rajkumar D, Abunayla A, Heiter J, Zaren H, Smith S, Lewis G, Seames L, Farlow C, Miller J, Broadstreet G, Lin J, Terrill C, Montgomery B, Reyes S, Reyes S, Plattner A, Martinez A, Allison M, Mittal A, Ruiz R, Skaanland A, Ross R, Patel U, Hodge J, Patel K, Dalal S, Kavani H, Joseph S, Bernstein M, Goff I, Naftilan M, Mathew A, Williams D, Murdock S, Ducey M, Nelson K, Mohabir P, O’Brien C, Dasani K, Marx W, Amzuta I, Choudhry A, Azam M, Carter K, Olmos M, Parker B, Quintanilla J, Craig T, Clough B, Jameson J, Gupta N, Jones T, Ayers S, Harrell A, Brown B, Bhalala U, Kuehne J, Garcia M, Beebe M, Herrera H, Fiack C, Guo S, Vawer M, Blackburn B, Darby C, Page K, Brown A, McAbee J, Belden K, Baram M, Weber D, DePaola R, Xia Y, Carter H, Tolley A, Ferranti M, Steele M, Kemble L, Denson J, Gillet A, Brown M, Stevens R, Wetherbie A, Tea K, Moore M, Husain A, Malhotra A, Zawaydeh Q, Sines B, Bice T, Markotić D, Bošnjak I, Vail E, Nicholson S, Jonas R, Dement A, Tang W, DeRosa M, Villarreal R, Dy R, Iardino A, Sharma J, Czieki R, Christopher J, Lacey R, Mashina M, Patel K, Bjornstad E, Tofil N, House S, Aldana I, Meena N, Caceres J, Meena N, Epps S, Goraya H, Besett K, James R, Abusalem L, Patel A, Hasan L, Gomaa D, Goodman M, Wakefield D, Spuzzillo A, Shinn J, MacLaren R, Bihorac A, Baslanti T, Omalay G, Hashemighouchani H, Cupka J, Ruppert M, McGonagill P, Galet C, Hubbard J, Wang D, Allan L, Badheka A, Chegondi M, Nazir U, Rampon G, Riggle J, Dismang N, Montgomery V, Sullivan J, Morris S, Nason J, Akca O, Lenhardt R, Cavallazzi R, Jerde A, Black A, Polidori A, Griffey H, Winkler J, Brenzel T, Alvarez R, Alarcon-Calderon A, Sosa M, Mahabir S, Patel M, Park P, Admon A, Hanna S, Chanderraj R, Pliakas M, Wolski A, Cirino J, Dandachi D, Regunath H, Camazine M, Geiger G, Njai A, Saad B, Shah F, Chuan B, Rawal S, Piracha M, Tonna J, Levin N, Suslavich K, Tsolinas R, Fica Z, Skidmore C, Stapleton R, Dixon A, Johnson O, Ardren S, Burns S, Raymond A, Gonyaw E, Hodgdon K, Housenger C, Lin B, McQuesten K, Pecott-Grimm H, Sweet J, Ventrone S, Khandelwal N, West T, Caldwell E, Lovelace-Macon L, Garimella N, Dow D, Cheruku S, Chen C, Ahmed F, Deonarine C, Jones A, Preston D, Shaikh M, Chin J, Akhter M, Rahman R, Mulrow M, Wilfong E, Vela K, Khanna A, Harris L, Cusson B, Fowler J, Vaneenenaam D, McKinney G, Udoh I, Johnson K, Lyons P, Michelson A, Haluf S, Lynch L, Nguyen N, Steinberg A, Braus N, Pattan V, Papke J, Jimada I, Mhid N, Chakola S, Sheth K, Ammar A, Ammar M, Lopez V, Dela Cruz C, Khosla A, Gautam S. Association of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System Inhibitors and Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19. Critical Care Medicine 2022, 50: e744-e758. PMID: 35894609, PMCID: PMC9469914, DOI: 10.1097/ccm.0000000000005627.

    Peer-Reviewed Original Research



    MeSH Keywords and Concepts

  • SARS-CoV-2 infection increases risk of acute kidney injury in a bimodal age distribution.

    Bjornstad EC, Cutter G, Guru P, Menon S, Aldana I, House S, M Tofil N, St Hill CA, Tarabichi Y, Banner-Goodspeed VM, Christie AB, Mohan SK, Sanghavi D, Mosier JM, Vadgaonkar G, Walkey AJ, Kashyap R, Kumar VK, Bansal V, Boman K, Sharma M, Bogojevic M, Deo N, Retford L, Gajic O, Gist KM, SCCM Discovery VIRUS Investigators Group. SARS-CoV-2 infection increases risk of acute kidney injury in a bimodal age distribution. BMC Nephrol 2022, 23: 63. PMID: 35144572, DOI: 10.1186/s12882-022-02681-2.

    Peer-Reviewed Original Research

  • Characterization and Outcomes of Hospitalized Children With Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Report From a Multicenter, Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study (Coronavirus Disease 2019) Registry.

    Bhalala US, Gist KM, Tripathi S, Boman K, Kumar VK, Retford L, Chiotos K, Blatz AM, Dapul H, Verma S, Sayed IA, Gharpure VP, Bjornstad E, Tofil N, Irby K, Sanders RC Jr, Heneghan JA, Thomas M, Gupta MK, Oulds FE, Arteaga GM, Levy ER, Gupta N, Kaufman M, Abdelaty A, Shlomovich M, Medar SS, Iqbal O'Meara AM, Kuehne J, Menon S, Khandhar PB, Miller AS, Barry SM, Danesh VC, Khanna AK, Zammit K, Stulce C, McGonagill PW, Bercow A, Amzuta IG, Gupta S, Almazyad MA, Pierre L, Sendi P, Ishaque S, Anderson HL 3rd, Nawathe P, Akhter M, Lyons PG, Chen C, Walkey AJ, Bihorac A, Wada Bello I, Ben Ari J, Kovacevic T, Bansal V, Brinton JT, Zimmerman JJ, Kashyap R, Society of Critical Care Medicine Discovery Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study (VIRUS): COVID-19 Registry Investigator Group. Characterization and Outcomes of Hospitalized Children With Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Report From a Multicenter, Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study (Coronavirus Disease 2019) Registry. Crit Care Med 2022, 50: e40-e51. PMID: 34387240, DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005232.

    Peer-Reviewed Original Research


  • Metabolic Syndrome and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19

    Denson J, Gillet A, Zu Y, Brown M, Pham T, Yoshida Y, Mauvais-Jarvis F, Douglas I, Moore M, Tea K, Wetherbie A, Stevens R, Lefante J, Shaffer J, Armaignac D, Belden K, Kaufman M, Heavner S, Danesh V, Cheruku S, St. Hill C, Boman K, Deo N, Bansal V, Kumar V, Walkey A, Kashyap R, Mesland J, Henin P, Petre H, Buelens I, Gerard A, Clevenbergh P, Del Granado R, Mercado J, Vega-Terraza E, Iturricha-Caceres M, Garza R, Chu E, Chan V, Gavidia O, Pachon F, Kassas M, Tawheed A, Pineda E, Reyes Guillen G, Soto H, Vallecillo Lizardo A, Segu S, Chakraborty T, Joyce E, Kasumalla P, Vadgaonkar G, Ediga R, Basety S, Dammareddy S, Raju U, Manduva J, Kolakani N, Sripathi S, Chaitanya S, Cherian A, Parameswaran S, Parthiban M, Menu P, Daga M, Agarwal M, Rohtagi I, Papani S, Kamuram M, Agrawal K, Baghel V, Patel K, Mohan S, Jyothisree E, Dalili N, Nafa M, Matsuda W, Suzuki R, Sanui M, Horikita S, Itagaki Y, Kodate A, Takahashi Y, Moriki K, Shiga T, Iwasaki Y, Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Gonzale J, Salcido-Montenegro A, Camacho-Ortiz A, Hassan-Hanga F, Galadanci H, Gezawa A, Kabir H, Amole T, Haliru D, Ibrahim A, Asghar M, Syed M, Naqvi S, Zabolotskikh I, Musaeva T, Alamoudi R, AlSharif H, Almazwaghi S, Elsakran M, Aid M, Darwich M, Hagag O, Ali S, Rocacorba A, Supena K, Juane E, Medina J, Baduria J, Amer M, Bawazeer M, Dahhan T, Kseibi E, Butt A, Khurshid S, Rabee M, Abujazar M, Alghunaim R, Abualkhair M, AlFirm A, Almazyad M, Alarifi M, Macarambon J, Bukhari A, Albahrani H, Asfina K, Aldossary K, Zoran M, Popadic V, Klasnja S, Bojicic J, Kovacevic B, Predrag S, Stojakov D, Ignjatovic D, Bojicic S, Bobos M, Nenadic I, Zaric M, Djuric M, Djukic V, Teruel S, Martin B, Sili U, Bilgin H, Ay P, Dodd K, Goodmanson N, Hesse K, Bird P, Weinert C, Schoenrade N, Altaher A, Mayar E, Aronson M, Cooper T, Logan M, Miner B, Papo G, Siegal E, Runningen P, Patel L, Melamed R, Tierney D, Raj V, Mazumder N, Hill C, Kirkland L, Schmitz N, Sigman A, Hall J, Raval A, Franks A, Jarvis J, Kharbanda A, Jhajhria S, Fyffe Z, Capizzi S, Alicie B, Green M, Corckarell L, Drennan A, Dubuque K, Fambrough T, Gasaway N, Krantz B, Nebi P, Orga J, Serfass M, Simion A, Warren K, Wheeler C, Woolman C, Christie A, Ashley D, Adiga R, Moyer A, Verghese G, Sikora Newsome A, Forehand C, Bruning R, Jones T, Sabov M, Zaidi F, Tissavirasingham F, Malipeddi D, Mosier J, Lutrick K, Campbell B, Wilson C, Rivers P, Brinks J, Ndiva Mongoh M, Gilson B, Armaignac D, Parris D, Zuniga M, Vargas I, Boronat V, Hutton A, Kaur N, Neupane P, Sadule-Rios N, Rojas L, Neupane A, Rivera P, Valle Carlos C, Vincent G, Amin M, Schelle M, Steadham A, Howard C, McBride C, Abraham J, Garner O, Richards K, Collins K, Antony P, Mathew S, Danesh V, Dubrocq G, Davis A, Hammers M, McGahey I, Farris A, Priest E, Korsmo R, Fares L, Skiles K, Shor S, Burns K, Flores M, Newman L, Wilk D, Ettlinger J, Bomar J, Darji H, Arroliga A, Dowell C, Gonzales G, Flores M, Walkey A, Waikar S, Garcia M, Colona M, Kibbelaar Z, Leong M, Wallman D, Soni K, Maccarone J, Gilman J, Devis Y, Chung J, Paracha M, Lumelsky D, DiLorenzo M, Abdurrahman N, Johnson S, Hersh M, Wachs S, Swigger B, Sattler L, Moulton M, Zammit K, McGrath P, Loeffler W, Chilbert M, Tirupathi R, Tang A, Safi A, Green C, Newell J, Ramani N, Ganti B, Ihle R, Davis E, Martin S, Sayed I, Gist K, Strom L, Chiotos K, Blatz A, Lee G, Burnett R, Sydney G, Traynor D, Surani S, White J, Khan A, Dhahwal R, Cheruku S, Ahmed F, Deonarine C, Jones A, Shaikh M, Preston D, Chin J, Vachharajani V, Duggal A, Rajendram P, Mehkri O, Dugar S, Biehl M, Sacha G, Houltham S, Kind A, Ashok K, Poynter B, Beukemann M, Rice R, Gole S, Shaner V, Conjeevaram A, Ferrari M, Alappan N, Minear S, Hernandez-Montfort J, Nasim S, Sunderkrishnan R, Sahoo D, Milligan P, Gupta S, Koglin J, Gibson R, Johnson L, Preston F, Scott C, Nungester B, Byrne D, Schorr C, Grant K, Doktar K, Porto M, Kaplan O, Siegler J, Schonewald B, Woodford A, Tsai A, Reid S, Bhowmick K, Daneshpooy S, Mowdawalla C, Dave T, Connor Crudeli W, Ferry C, Nguyen L, Modi S, Padala N, Patel P, Lin B, Qiuyun J, Liu F, Kota R, Banerjee A, Daugherty S, Atkinson S, Shrimpton K, Ontai S, Contreras B, Obinwanko U, Amamasi N, Sharafi A, Lee S, Esber Z, Jinjvadia C, Bartz R, Krishnamoorthy V, Kraft B, Pulsipher A, Friedman E, Mehta S, Kaufman M, Lobel G, Gandhi N, Abdelaty A, Shaji E, Lim K, Marte J, Sosa D, Yamane D, Benjenk I, Prasanna N, Perkins N, Roth P, Litwin A, Pariyadath A, Moschella P, Llano T, Waller C, Kallies K, Thorsen J, Fitzsimmons A, Olsen H, Smalls N, Davis S, Jovic V, Masuda M, Hayes A, Nault K, Smith M, Snow W, Liptak R, Durant H, Pendleton V, Nanavati A, Mrozowsk R, Doubleday E, Liu Y, Zavala S, Shim E, Reilkoff R, Heneghan J, Eichen S, Goertzen L, Rajala S, Feussom G, Tang B, Junia C, Lichtenberg R, Sidhu H, Espinoza D, Rodrigues S, Zabala M, Goyes D, Susheela A, Hatharaliyadda B, Rameshkumar N, Kasireddy A, Maldonado G, Beltran L, Chaugule A, Khan H, Patil N, Patil R, Cartin-Ceba R, Sen A, Talaei F, Kashyap R, Pablo Domecq J, Gajic O, Bansal V, Tekin A, Lal A, O'Horo J, Deo N, Sharma M, Qamar S, Singh R, Valencia Morales D, La Nou A, Bogojevic M, Zec S, Sanghavi D, Guru P, Morno Franco P, Ganaphadithan K, Saunders H, Fleissner Z, Garcia J, Yu Lee Mateus A, Yarrarapu S, Kaur N, Giri A, Mustafa Hasan M, Donepudi A, Khan S, Jain N, Koritala T, Nanchal R, Bergl P, Peterson J, Yamanaka T, Barreras N, Markos M, Fareeduddin A, Mehta R, Venkata C, Engemann M, Mantese A, Tarabichi Y, Perzynski A, Wang C, Kotekal D, Briceno Bierwirth A, Orellana G, Catalasan G, Ahmed S, Matute C, Hamdan A, Salinas I, Nogal G, Tejada A, Chen J, Hope A, Tsagaris Z, Ruen E, Hambardzumyan A, Siddiqi N, Jurado L, Tincher L, Brown C, Aulakh B, Tripathi S, Bandy J, Kreps L, Bollinger D, Scott Stienecker R, Melendez A, Brunner T, Budzon S, Heffernan J, Souder J, Miller T, Maisonneuve A, Redfern R, Shoemaker J, Micham J, Kenney L, Naimy G, J Pulver K, Yehle J, Weeks A, Inman T, Delmonaco B, Franklin A, Heath M, Vilella A, Kutner S, Clark K, Moore D, Anderson H, Rajkumar D, Abunayla A, Heiter J, Zaren H, Smith S, Lewis G, Seames L, Farlow C, Miller J, Broadstreet G, Martinez A, Allison M, Mittal A, Ruiz R, Skaanland A, Ross R, Patel U, Hodge J, Patel K, Dalal S, Kavani H, Joseph S, Bernstein M, Goff I, Naftilan M, Mathew A, Williams D, Murdock S, Ducey M, Nelson K, Block J, Mitchel J, O'Brien C, Cox S, Amzuta I, Shah A, Modi R, Al-Khalisy H, Masuta P, Schafer M, Wratney A, Carter K, Olmos M, Parker B, Quintanilla J, Craig T, Clough B, Jameson J, Gupta N, Jones T, Ayers S, Harrell A, Brown B, Darby C, Page K, Brown A, McAbee J, Belden K, Baram M, Weber D, DePaola R, Xia Y, Carter H, Tolley A, Ferranti M, Steele M, Kemble L, Sethi J, Cheng Han C, Pagliaro J, Husian A, Malhotra A, Zawaydeh Q, Sines B, Bice T, Markotic D, Bosnjak I, Vail E, Nicholson S, Jonas R, Dement A, Tang W, DeRose M, Villarreal R, Dy R, Lardino A, Sharma J, Czieki R, Christopher J, Lacey R, Mashina M, Patel K, Gomaa D, Goodman M, Wakefield D, Spuzzillo A, Shinn II J, Bihorac A, Ozrazgat Baslanti T, Omalay G, Hashemighouchani H, Cupka J, Ruppert M, McGonagill P, Galet C, Hubbard J, Wang D, Allan L, Badheka A, Chegondi M, Nazir U, Rampon G, Riggle J, Dismag N, Akca O, Lenhardt R, Cavallazzi R, Jerde A, Black A, Polidori A, Griffey H, Winkler J, Brenzel T, Alvarez R, Alarocon-Calderon A, Sosa M, Mahabir S, Patel M, Parker P, Admon A, Hanna S, Chanderraj R, Pliakas M, Wolski A, Cirino J, Dandachi D, Regunath H, Camazine M, Geiger G, Njai A, Saad B, Shah F, Chuan B, Rawal S, Piracha M, Tonna J, Levin N, Suslavich K, Tsolinas R, Fica Z, Skidmore C, Stapleton R, Dixon A, Johnson O, Ardren S, Burns S, Raymond A, Gonyaw E, Hodgdon K, Houseger C, Lin B, McQuesten K, Pecott- Grimm H, Sweet J, Ventrone S, Khandelwal N, West T, Caldwell E, Lovelace-Macon L, Garimella N, Dow D, Akhter M, Rahman R, Mulrow M, Wilfong E, Vela K, Khanna A, Harris L, Cusson B, Fowler J, Vaneenenaam D, Mckinney G, Udoh I, Johnson K, Lyons P, Michelson A, Haulf S, Lynch L, Nguyen N, Steinbery A, Braus N, Pattan V, Papke J, Jimada I, Mhid N, Chakola S, Sheth K, Ammar A, Ammar M, Lopez V, Dela Cruz C, Khosla A, Gautam S. Metabolic Syndrome and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19. JAMA Network Open 2021, 4: e2140568. PMID: 34935924, PMCID: PMC8696573, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.40568.

    Peer-Reviewed Original Research



    MeSH Keywords and Concepts

  • The Impact of Obesity on Disease Severity and Outcomes Among Hospitalized Children With COVID-19.

    Tripathi S, Christison AL, Levy E, McGravery J, Tekin A, Bolliger D, Kumar VK, Bansal V, Chiotos K, Gist KM, Dapul HR, Bhalala US, Gharpure VP, Heneghan JA, Gupta N, Bjornstad EC, Montgomery VL, Walkey A, Kashyap R, Arteaga GM, Society of Critical Care Medicine Discovery Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study (VIRUS): COVID-19 Registry Investigator Group. The Impact of Obesity on Disease Severity and Outcomes Among Hospitalized Children With COVID-19. Hosp Pediatr 2021, 11: e297-e316. PMID: 34168067, DOI: 10.1542/hpeds.2021-006087.

    Peer-Reviewed Original Research

  • Coronavirus Disease 2019-Associated PICU Admissions: A Report From the Society of Critical Care Medicine Discovery Network Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study Registry.

    Tripathi S, Gist KM, Bjornstad EC, Kashyap R, Boman K, Chiotos K, Gharpure VP, Dapul H, Sayed IA, Kuehne J, Heneghan JA, Gupta M, Khandhar PB, Menon S, Gupta N, Kumar VK, Retford L, Zimmerman J, Bhalala US, Society of Critical Care Medicine Discovery Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study (VIRUS): COVID-19 Registry Investigator Group. Coronavirus Disease 2019-Associated PICU Admissions: A Report From the Society of Critical Care Medicine Discovery Network Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study Registry. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2021, 22: 603-615. PMID: 33965987, DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000002760.

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