0 A 8. Eml and CouoUm ol Home, with the Udin have left Castle for the ll.r-? rickshue. a of the D.P. Presbytery on FuesJay. Mr Alexander, preacher er the rail addressed to him hr the Coned let tan Congregation of Douglas.
iTctEs notice that the Douglas Mens Institute, as well as the Choral hare resumed their weekly meetings for and while wo would advise the youths tillage to take advantage of such soc.etie, At that the public will be favoured dur.op son by some of their excellent readings and vi tte lIC tlifal 4, jean (Ule ef I Street, U.I,U«» b. Ml Sjgge. wife of co*kK Uoticwc sretL. iUt Unroe the 10th (oat. BLizaitctH scetKa 1 the use Masaige Murray, tatl-y.
Bothaol Haiti to a. the lath lost 1,. wife of Vi.ro* tg Blumu. accept ot this Inlimatkio Canuichael. oo the 12th loat, Jous Tooth ag.vl vy ll mae.
oe the IJth Mr Jtsra 1 HcoJa wtU pteaae accept ot Uiia oOnaUiort OcoJy. at Carawath. cm the Utb HETII i.Bvf. ag.M wtfe of Wsi. tf Frivads at a dl.taoce ph eau trat loti Callage Motherwell oo the ISth tort napoobir Cahdonlao Railway Johi MedWedm Forge, ITth (net.
Many 8c IVI 11. Olaclauil.l.; a wj- pi, ue t.A thia KUrrtisemfnts. SING MISCELLANEOUS WANTS UK ALL KINDS, each toaenloa. Hed Mfer Paid to 45 worda. am charged ot Otrth.
Marriage, or Hath 6d each, AdvertUlog Seale. PI pet Line Viv.rtie mvuta or which ctceed S3 wool. rth. will U- eharso-l accoolmg to the collmuy ddtmurr. euty wad Engmmt iKsELLER Hitoatiuo lilled cfLEMAN Wanted to ahuv la.uble INTED.
SOO Sti-iwa Hay Sw.rtld. to 'V P.rt4 A.N ED, BY CONTRACT. PROVISIONS, he. hr. Committee lUmnido ComblnaUun SKt TMKAL ibtaii.
made fiou, lioiiu PK UAt PEAa PWC.E A (Good LEAD per Lb. 1. tioiUar to to itiidv up Into ot 8 pe, 4 r.h 1 6 0 oi MEAT lvl I Cyui.uoo Bert. 3 1 "LtrTKU Th J-. U.pTl awy 10 cuufouo.iy likWcJ.
au.l of the 1 I cufTelil. j'mi IV.i.i, ot otmnpon.liti* r.t v. u.turnMtni 1 i- tin; eutlcil (be Mu-uUm. 0 accept tha Yootk 13, vUlliif lobceoiua Mr liH.s.Ti.^t ANTE a I-fcJ Uto 17 a uiw. oulcw, ill onaldv to ya.l 01.
l'UrtEiu AW t0 AN rKU, by Robert Muir. and Hot HI, Uotf TtILOHH ateady Mau. coctaot to Dirk J. Man, ANTED, a Jouraryoiaa Talhw, Ain. a 0 Appr.ottca 'wol fv trole -Apply.
iiMoly, to WUJiaui W. lit Cruaafwd. Mill IKMAKKha Wanted, (lenpral tk Jaa to i a Mo, p.y Pi NcaarthllL I'KMAKER Wwntrrl. thornl'w. Apply.
AN i IP, al.Tit the uumlod) UtJuba Harr. IJd Oalluatuock Uuad. LLER Wanted, at Term, At.i4r to IVlrr Quuth Mill, by Ulggar, 1 1 7 Ur ASrED a Stable Boy. who ran make Mm 1 7 at Arupdalo luu. ACHMAN Uucrriorl 13 yeareioutie place-married no Wdtl WUlua A of a bitrae and Kt Utu rt A H' Garden.
'to lire kNTKO. a Pkwtahman. Second Hand a marrtod or 'SSLz iNTEH. a l. lu.ni., a draw, t.
to learn (Maebanklng. Wanted ir -Apply tc D. Murnam. iNTEO. au A A Mnkcr.
O.mmwu A lh ke: Wiij HtKNTb Uiaoknaiiih Waotol Wkhaxt. rRKJJTIirK Kackataitb W.uud a AIW I) At.RjMttH WaaUtl; to a L.t AtUi. Mr WUa. 0 Manaaer, ChaUahiU iVo Wo.U t. sMirili A U) Mak Avwuta- t.
Vi'uilru 1 i 'I Ji. fc av- RC SiS tu Kwu No. JuA of to IX ite fr. I Atniof M.a* 0., Parm DaUluga com. 1 vv I lon of Townlmul WUlooi il.
i-ojiutott rM aum 3u cu i rrl v.Vi ACRES of vaa MSTicJKUrtCSK theTeuauv etU bu the to no teal Mr Slv.Ue. not later Utaa the Jlrt rtetor 0.. net bA.I himself p. accept tto lowest, or tMUl.te Irnaxt-mr to pCT iIOH or IIAMItTOX. TRACTUKH "i'TT vUv c.
j.t(u a I'uiicw r. iuu' tlw l.in.fTm) IVdiua rV i lf rjr. 4t lhl bvl fiiiilier Kl looOm Sc in UK- 1. TwsJsv. cut.
KoBkHT WAt.tO.V. lojpwtur. I Cjdzow Htrr- BURG it AM LTON. iSTKD f.nih- iHiitit tn Slailf Mft Into lat Uclob. (111 l.t Otudnt.
WrA U.e auaw jr to I-alswl Kilt, Uie lorprcier. oe or ROBJIKT loirp eb r. U7. I I-avo you for tbr roaor frof. fed nivui me On- Cui ting L.
Mon T' "'slu*tSd! rvtun.eJ to the Council I shall cooUtiue to alve my I wet sUenltuu to the tolurveU of the Burgb. OENTtSMA-V. Yciu very obedt. CLARK EuRRKST. by opwahlr of Oue Hm-urvl of number.
I muoli in a fauaiJaw to Keyevownt the Waol at the Council Board, mod iliooW I have tin! huiont of leii.g retaroed as your you may r. -t aaauml that I will do all to my power to promote Use teeta. not only of tins Second Ward, but ot the whole I hava the honour In be. Your most obedient Servant. JAMES c-ILLON.
4d Union Street, ILtmUtoa 10th October. IB7J. out. Seooad Edition of The wmi i kuse polka. By J.
C. Adam. Jub. (DediaUnd ty pennlwteo to 34r J. Leith, To be of Mrs Bowie end Mr Wright.
Book sellers, eod the rM rtrlittr OtSee. JC I NI6M N. JOURNAL, No, 7. Free for rite tUUpeoor of f.jux ux) Free f-r 8U Co Ul GUKs Uiitlveu. JuM Pnbiikhed.
V. ot ao. V. Slogte Fackcla iM GanU may be obuloed from the PuVUW. f.al at tau- of Two HUUUuga Packer Car-U, or any outobec of mag be at Oue Halfocnuy Card, riclnalve of pualage Teacben wag obulu at any litue.
by Tbiwueucu tu poeUge aUttipe. with AtUteM. to the PuUiahar. HaMitros: W. "AovKaTuiaa" nH.
UIU DUN to iminiate that be HAH REMOVED frara Duke Street to bU NEW HOUSE In UNION STUKIfT. oppwlu the EnJ ut the Aucblngranion: Umieultloe at Mr srewaaye. Urnggld. Ualmw Street lUirilloo. i MISS LANG.
19 HOLMES STREET. HAMILTON. JAMES HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER asp VALUATOR loveDtortee tokeu With promt utude. cc-ioblned with mod- uduttoJ the guareotoe principle. All puoctuslly attended to.
81 TOWNHKAO STREET. HAMILTON. JAMILTUN Si GLAbIiUW CARRIER. COAW' PARCEL VAN dally about Hair put Nine Morning, calln-g at Uoiawgj.u Upbiho- BBoowHOcsa. and 11 Ms.
raaaaos ttn.t Ulasoow. dally, about Half-nael Four. PAKCKLS received at 73 Cadaow Street Bamlltoa. aad Macpberem Street amt Huchanaa Glaraow. DU ENI) Tobacconist, 43 OAOZOW ST.
HAMII.TIIN. ii.vi m. awp Fascv HOTEL. HAMILTON. Tl LET.
Sitliug and Bed by thu W.v or Moo lb. Grmtlruxa Ibjartleal i every day from One oOtek. Every teejuidte (upplbnl for Weddiog and BAST KILBRIDE iRAur Awocuno.v. Uur rmden will (tneinWr that as far bark Nov. 1.5;,, of that date.
recorded very ful slraiM. the death of the East K.lbnde 7 A asocial ioo. We are happy to bo able to however, that although the aawcialiou died period, the spint of the f-jut Kilbride men, resident in Glasgow, was not buried with it. They have aeaio inwituted an which has for its object, the mental tellertual improvement of iu members. We therefore adnse all the men, not only hat also those otherwise connected with Kilbride, to avail themselves uf the lenved from this association.
The every Tuesday evening at i'i temperance hotel. Candlengga, Glasgow THta RiDLCrioN nr the Price of a Jay. Mr Dixoo. of Govan Colleriw. whose IkM for the last fortnight, been at per wag oo a circolaa mtimauog a further reduction of tggoo.
Uts prices now stand follow; or -IJ. per too second Ma per waggon, or ITa. CJ. per ton; pv waggon, or IHj. 4d, per too coarso per waggon, or 1-k BJ.
per too best 1 Is. per waggon, or per too second per waggon, or Ss. 4d. per 100. the Tgrrn aod A few nirer a u-oth bniah pr.ducre lul abicb vleauaes tbu Twlh ail iu.p-ir and pretenu tartar, and Git Owmy.
to tlx-1 wth ai. wb.toota*. and Imparta a drilglitfnl traaranre It remnvtaall uepleaeaelodour arUing tee th, a dta.tdrred rtomach. or b-l accuaranki- purely VrgvUM.v ami repiaily a-la-1 .1 and mug. It UUm greakat TtoUt diacovery of 4 6 by all and Prei if, 11.
i tiai.i.l r. 4jj uvl rU streat, FiurUlcs a BIRTHS. Lanark, on the 33d ole. Ws. Yoi sn th ut 11 on 1 I KK.
uf iChuiUt Stiwt. lAJitoil. ou lie July. Jonv Man Wife, to look 33 traui MwUuiuu to to Ijjto work OB tw for the uke of tbe uest wluUr Apply to Tluw. bUxbUrt.
WANTKD. Nuiu (Wet'. In the cf to Dr. Crsr. I Ulfl IMtr 1M SHmUIoo.
NurM It cxpettaneol. good sewer. to Nurse, 'ANTED, till Martin mu. aWomaa look u-r fa! Arp-7 to Mr lu I EBPBOTABT-F. dJerly IVrsoo WaolcO.
at the Tmu. It HoOMkeevcr to a Working to Mr Lock bait. Biggar. M. ITOSWORK.
Stool Girl Wanu l. Aw Mn it Wert Nile Street. Olaagow. UI ANTED. lood Oeaetal Sereaal.
accaab-uied to child reo. flora the country p-eferred. Good ariro. Apply. Monday.
S4 Cadrow aUooi. Harailloo, a-ERVANT (geoeralj Wanted foe the teens Amity- i Hoiutoo. 121 Oteeobcad Stmt. UrMg- b. u.
Olaegow. tidy (llria. agad 14: also. SO Olrie Dorn 14 to 30. Apply.
Itrowue. 21 Catlrow Kt. Hatnlitoo. Uf ANTED, a Numixw of General I the T.m.. Apply at Donlop'a BegUu-r GOlcr Millinery uMldiKniit.
rof StKvt. Lai.ai*.. lo atmall. faini y. wln-re a Oltl kr(4.
agwl Urnoral Servant, who can and Milk. Ac, Apply to Dunlop. DAIRYMAIDS. Lanudrymaldr, and General Serranu Idriled b- UvaUPr thdr fur ry. W.
End. Weal CaUUir. ANTED, two Etperlenorel goo I -V. four plain PoakA aMe to and frona £6 to AT ryiUlng toil id Aim all Farm IlcgUtry. KXPRRIENCBD aod a actire Wanted fur Terra Aikcuan IfOUMRKBKPF.R (Wyrllt.gi.
ialddle War.led tor I Term. AM pet annum Apply. Hr gliter Carluke. WASTED Imm. llately, an etperlceccd Servant fora In the Aikoiaa Uegotar TVJtwortny Rorvai-U and good of deaerii-llun.
armiy at T. B. Aik mao Kvgutot Ofiaa, Carluke. RegUter Foe. la 1 OftT.
between Street and Grady U-jow, Hamilton. Purer, containing 1711. Flo Jet rewarelrd at Urady'a. I OrvT. hetwrvn 11-c.
and F- a P-ittmantcaM. 4 Wl baa found tbe will fco rewarded by iwtondne It to Adwrlrerr Gflicw. 1 oaT. nti Kitty amir Farm. Stomdiouae.
a.lark branaelled I 4 Mitch F.rret, t-o Ibe Tbe findar, oa re turnlog to Kirk Street will be rewarded If found id the poraeMtou of any one. they well be praeecuted. 1 GST between CWand and HamlHon. a Bunch of Htable I 4 Aay them Me Jedio Pa-Uelirocer. i arfio.
Aefrerrtwr Uffice. Hamiltuu. will re lOST. no a ReUiavar Dog. named Captain Uto Blttshaw.
I GST. from Fad Kl'bride. a Collie F.lsch hair. I 4 l-lack and while breact and and bead H. ward at Mr Arm Kilbride, or 31 Ruthergltn INiI'ND at Itoiicibaa on San-lay unall Brown Ullrh.
wlrb Collar. Apply Weir. IJain- Tyi 1' A ELKCT 1 N. Oljr cf Olarjow TO THE ELECTORS Tlli HkAt WaKU uE THE button Of HAMILTON. TO THE ELECTORS OK THE THIRD WARD.
ffc rn you njewt tliasla idd I be again I. turned t- tie Town Council luy aUenthm ahaU be devoted to jour lolermta and thoau of the public In gvucral. i oraauou nuvei. Haiuilton. ISIb October.
IBii To THE ELECTORS OF THE FOURTH WARD My ttrm ortiee In the Town Council L.ng about to I take the Id wny eff- t.ug a con. IlmuuicHut mvaerwea. sv Th- of many fricteia. a eiocere iotrreat in rt With which I have now for a toi.g Brno umncctod. an I a wnae of the duty I t.
of tin tli iinalL but it 'lurt md and Ita.ln ph a ant by the my nta. and the Uitogilty uf ny I am, Your incut obedient Servant. W. ALSTON DYKES, The Orchard. Hamilton.
Ilth October. HTJ. VS. I to glad to vt In tto Towst Hoi. iho Evening I WBDNMDAV.
Uw 23-1 flirt at Half- to lotlmate luu Jotl rvturawl from lawdon. is Very Cluilce Select 100 of LwOwt HA Ills NOVELTIES far Uw Autuum MiviA Bon- rT 1 L.sn»:tv C.v.-v aii.l Hi It. tIH. line si I ioi.i V'vTIlEMv tUll HOI OI'B. 4 in all the Newest Hlu.le* A ehole.
i.xtlou of Parisaoj Loodoo Court sev. Masnss. aoJ A a ai. i'y Cull hr. mthilnf.
SHOW RIM)JIA RANKINS CASTLE STREET, Lu Uxiliill rpUK NEW FASHIONABLE J-J AT suoP J. BA TTBR, QUBSCRIPTION SCJIOOL, UohOAV. Offc.lwr.-DrwMtK- l.y tjjoiitlc WtndrHtig MtMuie. or of Ettrick V.l cooHudli.i belts.l, l-iiast. tfAuiouU Hng.
or Oudwaaa tbr Htkil (ftito. 7.30 Con- Uinua s. AdmiMioQ. Sdaad Is. Wert'p CaoiitnmeoU of HATS, Aad In tbe AVirret and Meut'Breowoap Chryatya' Loadoa WorU Fauted KILT HATS.
Edinburgh made Beautiful DRESS HATS from Loudoo made Superioe SILK t'MBRILLAS from CJliiingston. BASS Alee, per V. i £5 XXX P'-rtar 2 6 and 19 Hot. Toodjr Wliiakf. lb psr Uali WH.
CULLEN PaasOj urooar aod i Uo Mafthaut. Uddiotstoa THRASHING w.i HN Mill Uny A Co I u.A'.H to Wuak OMM Pnglua aod MUI Hat. aU Ul kll, will atlpuiloa. Ursmafiafloto. The rev tkufessor i.inhsay ot tint Chureh will Ptvacb In the UP Cnritcu LtAuntbAAOw, on SALCATU.
Uw ioth at Taels. Clack N'Kio. ai.A at Slt odock IIALL Hamilton aod tolTCi: 1 anakk amateur ukamatTc in fV. lltb Now. terwfir FroUt au I a.
TITE, the uoderaigoed FLESHERS have agrew.l to CLOSE our SHOPS at SRVEN o'clock (satunlaya escoiAcdl. ALEXANDER SCOTT. WILLIAM CAPIE. HJolptoton. READINGS, open for the Season, on nnwwar 10 PAT.
ProfeMornf Elocmt-10, Olaagow will ftoin the Poimlar Autbora. and InatrtmieoiAl Music between the Pfe.ea, Be? J. WUkie lu the chair, wbicb will token at 7 OWINiC to the HIGH I'KK of COAL, DIKECTORS c.f AH LIGHT Cn ut GAS In HOLYTIIWN NKW STEVKNBTOX trom to wt lOXift. to toke the uxitk THK rfAMFLtnN A OCTOBER tfiosctorli. CO AI regular Supply of COALS, of irvllent eaii I- iv Stock will Collikhv.
lii.sit.woo... W. I.IU.IIRITT A SoH. iEimbutfli). A GENERAL MEETING of the LANARKS HIB LITRC ART A -S.
AT lON beM fo tba Ckaioic Hall, bt, Abdrew at Etuiioe rtam Kusibeta. A full alltadAL-i- tcyusatwi. rf 11 rs. Adam dohson, romakno mill, MAKITTACU RKB of HOJfE AN t) FuUiaCN WOOLS, tCHdircsl. iSI'USU CLOTH, mt (F axmdfH iTailufer.
CARLUKE WILBERKORCE LODGE 1.0 O.T.—Br. Jui.a U.l> W.C will suit our Lslye on ttHiNOUAV. twi. sf3j. at Half Sevci) i.M.
AH il. u.t.,(. 11 lIKOWN. W.a. a ILL SALK will be RE-OPENED at NACLSSLrC Coal.
IS' yt too. latkljall. A Mf-t uoi' of the United -Ll will b.U In tba Clvhsadals Motel. Larkball. OO MONDAY FIK-ST at Eight t-H a C'lUliLlNG Auuual General Meeting of the Daltert Curling Club will held to RubMt Eadle'a Tarcin.
on Pbioas tstsu, Ist Noscmber. at Eight FJi. A full Ure juut. Jas. PRAMK.
Secy. GREAT ArrKAC'I lON I io Larkhall Academy, on Widtoiday. 22.1 (Krtob-r -Craad Mtuical Entertaiomenc and Treat, by Mt Powell Tbouiaa. th. celebrated and uiflau, at paat at Tight, may be Irwii KUcbie.
Itolllool.ger. NOTICE. ANY Person or Persona found TRESPAS-BINC ep-u the LANDS or RRAEB of BIKKKNSHAW, on and alter tbUdate. will bt ir.aee'ited. and aU Parties aho bilbert" bad hleTty logo on the the jdinUge htwdrjr wttbdrawa.
eatntoatli. OPENING or PREACHING STATION IK HAYWOOD. Tlio luluUlanls of Hsyv.iol are most respectfully Informerl that inents has-- Is. made the of a I'KFAi Itl.NO hTATK.N In the Village, PuUtC Worship Mil be c-'n-lu-Tc I W. In the Vli tsoe 8.
u-ot. by Mr D. H11.1.A8.H Missionary, AueUen.Tsy It is benevl that shore in the district wUI avail --1 the thus afforded- AJi ant ktodlg iruiud. HEAP J. JACKSOK A SON to offer mat iodu.
u-s la CLOTHING and DRAPERY. WoKaTED. MILUNEUY. Isrl.emahte and reasonable. Agents tot A A.
Cssstf. TO liaod. a large pared of ami Sklro Milk Cheese of t.ry superior JAMES iHiXALDoON. -Vu h. us.NT.
CstoNWAlli. i AMiuiS'i JiKVKNI.K fn.la. oa 331 umter ACT MKRCHANT I AND 1g: EIVsT oNsSIiI.ATioJf AoUasrlty. anti PuWW.r.! W. HON ABOVLK KTKKKT.
OLASOOW. Notice akmu a A A W. STENIIOI'SK. Rocksellers, BIRLIOTHF.CA ACADKMICA, 10 test RT wovrii 'h to Hat they MVEKtItY BOOK EM nL Ulc Sir rt whitv they hart- H. Of NEW and alxus HAN TEXT HOOKS.
all the Ola. AoJtnwai.u Uuifrnitit Ciauoa, Ukt will sell on the Lowest leruis. Studw.U Note Hooka- VDriraUad Value and Enay Papers by the pound or julre. alodvuti I.OWQA Best Oaallly. Cbean.
MEDICAL STCDENTS. Tl.ey base the idcaaim! L. Intimate that they heao A en kA CbarchlU. Medical OAKVAI.K PRINTINu WORKS. pZV Brtntiog EtecutMoo the oo the bborttat toUce.
EsttmaUa KurnUbcd oo At pil BMMB an with erery Educational ATuWrdHp Rcglrtr, Lid of L-lging. ten free of charge 1 1 free. SI Htatupa. Arnold atln Priw i and nearly bu other at and utxbrr Half tules- A. A bTENIU.USE.
I'hivryi a avh RoEkAaLLUA At the ol.ce OaU-. Illllhead. ulaaKow. rjENEKAL SUPPLY ASSOCIATION (UMTTBDI I J3 hT. VINCI.N_T aJ KfcD 20 KKXnKLD 6TUEKT.
OLASnyw' StTISCKIItfcD CAPITAL. £lOOOO Co-Oprrmtire lt fonuni ihe rorpOM p.jriii* tbno wttb cuctuiei-Uaa tbe U.OlW* thereby MtaUlev tbpn from i per rent per acmuai. 1 pteien! pn-nilMt of lbs AMOcatfcm. t(Hi praj.tml receive fttftbrr tv Ule A Luge Bsoct I'-i tho obvi.t. all Uca Ijt Cuat, ri-luciiuii nnlloMj prieet; with wh a.n.
to tlh.w a tu Ufe M. uiU ra.Tlck- U. wntilllngp) slour ol Profits. XI. Yearly M- Price lusts and Prmpsct.u.
oa applicatiuo at tie' Stores. t-WAK Wr.HsfLK. Manager. KAF 1 1) RAFF! KAF There is now a regnlar supply of Draff at JOHN' A 11 OBV HARVEY A 8, Di NPAatiiLL Poat-Dfspan. Orders paactsofig uffrsdrd 10.
FOURTH WARD. A MBBTTNH nf RI.K'TIIRH of the FOURTH WABO IwM In V-i Mi sa OiumhMAS A iati.im Chinch Mm Jut 10.1. St Kljfht clock (or the ontt-w I Ai; -liitloii a aU'l awlolstm of Uie ate IntltoJ to unacat. Itr Oboib ok Commu-vkc. A'OUNG MKNS CHKIsTIAN ASSO-1 CIATIOJJ Dlhlc Claaa by (ho Mr unit.
Rvmlus First at IU t.uht. In Hall. Cliuicb All Yi OPENING AUK A 1) 011 UR 11. TbeXew n. fatk Roail.
hko Tuk RKV DANIKI. ORA HI. Rawtor ot tub Ctltucn. A SOI V. Will he Held to the CTfirch the Past hi I (halt.
Address- 011 hy (He MhtwiuK Rer -I. MA. i IU-t Ret J. M.M.tK. Mina.
Mr Ibe Harmontma alO 15. T.aat 7 oeiili Ttekrls I eaeli. Itml at thu A.l.r M. HootuUer. M.
Ml n.0.l Metchawt, Mr White, Ntrwt; Mr SUshard I Lorkhall; Mr Mr DarM Hesgle. Merni. an I Mr William lyaroot, bWnuiwr. Motherwell. nAN OP THE PROVOST.
MAQIHTBATES. AND town council op Hamilton. M. STANLEY, Esquire, Will lake- place in the HaU- here, oo thu Ev IiStNO el TUURRDAY. the Jtth Curt at Plte o'clock.
Th KRT. (13 BACHh May be bad at the hen-, or from Mr Mtckle. An Early for Tickets la nsweated. as nooe be Sold alur the 31 eorreiit. me town HamlUoo.
IStb IKtoher. IS.L rjpME FINDING UF LIVING STUNK tie 1 t.T, HAMILTON ME. UaNU'H A I r.e I leg to announce that they hare made artaugeuieoia II EN M. ANL V. Es To deliver a P.
-n io Finding of ST J0 It N'S PUKE CIIUR 0 THURSDAY. Mtu OCTOBER. IS7I M.j he at the Principal ia Hamlltoo; K-il- rt Gray. MrJ dUI Nm l-lantyre Mr I'taig. 'i-i cud Mr lU.lhwril; Mr laddie.
Ud.iiot-tvn Mr la: I law. City Bank and alwt aj Mr I and OBI.e. tatkbaU Mr MorPm. Oltlce. Stralhareo.
No Tieamw S-iLn town hall Hamilton. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, OCTOBER SUr ash 1 RAND CONCERTS lT nv rue ROYAL TV Rol SINGERS. Who hare had the h-mnur of Tw- lv. before Hot Meat the Queen. Conaoive euh Centos' si XJAMILTON CU KLIN ti CLUB tC AN'VITA I.
GRVRRVI. MR FT INTI rf CT.l'B i I-' KKIU-VV KVK.VIV tMbc-rei KUht BMKARKK. Jnulor. Srcr 11 ASO aKATTNC AND CUKUSQ CLUH The annual general meeting lUh OcUJ-rr. IWI LANAnKHIUKK Ct HUNG CLUB.
rnUK ANNUAL (iKNKUAI. MEKTINT. I Of In lU nlluio. a KKIDAY. lid f-n.
i.T, Turen ROR Secy. llanllloa. lUh BTI MONKY IO I.KNI), in on Sceurltj. -Apply to Weller. Ba'N KS I h.
f. '-r Ib'lawte that, from aisJ after ibU V. t- KATIS ISTEUKST to UJIKIKU at their MrrtcM sikl lin UKVtnSIT RKCEIITH tJperCMit. So to be onless the Mcacy been PelgeJ a M. atb.
On CU KHENT AWMUNTS OB lhel monthly per Cent. Utlai.ee* for TUB NATION AI.J ASK 'TLANU. Tl tSaffiSK THE AKV, Pm THE cmr OP IiLAStiOW BANK, TIIK ALEX. bTKOXALII. Uh October.
MW. AND DAY SC YOOKn LADIRR. tUMrr Uitt. The lo MUa Mlilro'. Katabllrbmraitaro now mnitnad.
aoJ eouilucUsl the brat Maab ra. 1.,. Millar artaos tucou for and Vwkij Uoatderv black silks London Hoose. Hamilton. U.
J. TIIOMSON Are Shewing a Beautiful of Si Lis. per Cent, under present Market Value. Isarccno.v iNvircp. NEW MILLINERY.
BE SI Elt VI LL E. HAMILTON. i.iimau* that ho ha. JuM rotorant ft.an Lnodoo. and ig uw pi.
HAMILTON. Rgapg.rrri llt inti male the Arrival of their recent INifebaaea in thn tmndon Markrta. are now arc! to Show a Choice and Etleueivu Arturtwcnt of New Cc. including all toe Latest Novelties and HpedaJlUae the FRENCH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY, STRAW BONNETS AND HATS, MANTI E-S. JACKETS, AND POLONAISES, COSTUME) AND oVEUsKIRTM.
EXTRAOEDINAUV DISPLAY NEW AUTI MN AND WINTEU GOODS GLASGOW WA 8110 US 3 CADZUW HTHKirr. HAMILTON. KOMAR A CO. lirto much pleasure im the of tbelr for the aiaro we bate been lu hriu.iog anther an Imtueiiie Ht-Kk of the and onat Paablonable Ooeats wn lu ihtuiiluin also, many tjAa cleared otit from Mftmifaclut, rs and which we will at that cannot iad to attract many to Ihk Wartiionsa. PLANNELS.
ULANKKTH. WINCEYS. LUUOOETH. AND WOOL RUIRTINUS, At Old Stv Ann jCew Wamaenoora, Ntw Ol.oVrj.. ia sfivr Nkw s.
Loffiruii iNkwPi km New s' I 1 IKW Ull Ta New I New Lines. New 1 I New Dkom Skirtw DRESS-MAKING, MANTLE MAKING. 4. CROUAK A CO'S OLAS 0 0 WAKEII 0 3 CADZOW HTRUET. HAMILTON.
THOMSON having just returned from London, will now Oielr moat Ertrii.lr* Pureliatev from alt the principal mbracing the Ltadlug and brought out for the Season.is SILKS AND DRESS MATERIALS. (N French and Englub MILLINERY BONNETS. HATS. KIUUGNS. LACKS, FEATHERS.
HOSIERY. GLOVES. SCARFS. Sr Sr, A J. beg remind tlieir and the Public generally, tbit, bating thu Two EatoblUluui they are able and do buy on favourable only to large aod tbe only way to wbo really the beat value by compartog price with quality, tbey are confident of being In a ivtolie-u P) compete, in botb with the best Houan in the trade.
Tbeif Large Stock, io very only of Goealt they cab ooofideatly reojimarud. tbe-lr great study being to buy Qutbiug but what will give the- mtiiewt aatiw HILKH. CLOAKINGS, SIIF.ETINOB, i VELVETS. PRINTS. HKD TICKS.
It Is tuKotomnp to see s-Wer- an.l to PuUte. tet that woul.l not (ay cwkuiMiship. fu-touhtedly. the wnoraul aye UMOicUitM-s gulloU. Iml any oar aiUi stuuk ol ii.t.-lli*.
oce that the "eucmuouj that gUm-m are w.Uilu* hut heap of mhbkh. to not to mnt. aim.at (hluk. to from a colaiuus of a that ha-1 ali UuceJ ptllaatliroi.lst*- -Uh-1s tral for the public w. ol is so offer their Goods at 30 cent praro give a of 2d la the shilling; and nfly other are tried, kaotro culy to the (o puffduia.
Now. not tsr.itcd to rola inyxtf hy aelllug toy Goods under coil For Trousers and Vest, hodch or English 5 i Ready toade or t. Measure I. I charge Twenty Uoe HblJltogs rrade CarA. aod I g'larai thcoi to he neither nor any other pacinian slult which mom tailors offer to the public under tin.
Batue ol "cloth; hut genuine Hcoteh Tweed, aith a hrst rate selwtlon of Fashionahh Patu-ras hi choose Ifoto. Rvery other UaMGcnt foe Oeotkioe-a's or always ou hand, at Prices to salt every Purchaser. A.NUKKK.IN BLYTHE. Moljrtuvs. HOLYTOWN UNION LOAN COMPANY continue to flte Adracm on OotD nsd Silver End Uorotble I'roie-ny SALK-BOOM attached Dskrueehso Alao.
W.mjl and Wool llti-i Sold at the Loweat klvan for caab. AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS. rii 1 HUMAS I HOMSON again lira pleaaureof amm locing from LoUilcm ami ether Markcla. with a largo and cartfnlfyarketed Slock ot all the principal NuvelUeefor this Sosaon'a MILLINERY. MANTLES, MADE TP COmTMFB.
DU CSS KM. SHAWLS. SILKS. TRIM MIN OS, And other General of Home and Foreign Mau-rfactui c. All the other TtepsitmenU all! be rap.l rej lato Ijirge mut Sharks of the wlllstau'l nuf tu the Ttiulc.
ithaUuJmK all be be ruableJ to at m-arljr Uhl I'tfeca. Ms the tuoat of Ueneral mtrattoil for (tceehnu to the not bet-o so CiiMp f-ft they soon to uuusually Largo aivl Uio foUowtOg I'ncM: HX 6.6.: 6.14 an.) 'J 6. TJjcy aro of a nsaio Uust CLOTHS. MOLESKtJiiJ. HI BOX 3.
Wanittiores ast- MancraiTohr. MU I STREET. HAMILTON. ho IMA ILD CURED TABLE BUTTER. KAMI LIES ai PrLIF.D uilb the above FINE BUTTER for Winter uae, to Orocka, 4 lie.
and upwarda. Mttil HAMILTON Family Gb arh. CHILIS. HAMILTON. jpRENCU ANTWEUB I have Just reoivarl a non sign meat of FRENCH and ANTWERP which I am at per HtoDf.
free of disease, and n.Bat aacelleat. A trial only re-iuiotd. ALEXANDER HINDS, UaatLK brntr.T. UaaiptoN. JAMES WISE A WATCHMAKER, MAM REMOVED to P.
STREET. now to dhpuy a Iteautllul Stock of New WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELLERY, hr, Prctoieo-havobeeu ntbrt up with virry mrdem appllaiur, New irk aa Jobbing will be viccutnJ nod attidactorlly. SEAS HE YE 8 JOHN MMUNN Olampuiuj, JOHN GORDON S.
No. 46 nos- stugrr. Uamiltom. Oo Fm i.A V.n, lr.au I to 4 chwk. DENTIST.
NEXT VISIT FRIDAY. 2iTU OtTOBKR. MK CUMMIN (i. Dentist, Op No. 80 Bath STiiger.
Opasouw. VtoU HAMILTON FKIDAV. and may be ac Mu MACKINTOSH S. Chtmirt and DruggUl, 41 Cadruw SUnel, Iron. Ll.
vmi Ul! Two odock, vbera of aU Mud. ot Urn FINEST ENAMELLED MINERAL TEETH may to anon. Itrrt Teeth. 5.. Coinpleto £3 KM Decayed T.vtb filkd with the tort at uuderato Mk CUMMINO will A It mi any Party at thrtr ewu Rcridtuce.
who may not hnd It convenient to call at Mr Macklotoeh'a. ATTENDANCE DAILY oteept Friday, at No. SO BATH STREET. GLASGOW FK 11 Loucl*tis, I -I Acplenlam A'liftbium Nlstum Vnp (-i-luui I) 1 011 FL OUT S. A A.
CAIRNCROSS much iu loUimUoc hat th-r On- MVACIXriK TI I.II’S. LK-h I rtNOW. l''l 11 LtMNCILIA. tNEMONV. nm.
i Ml II YH all mpurWU direct (hew fruui the lAatt uruwna tu HMiauJ. 4 A. C. In (i.t* to FRIIC. IMUKsT.
MI: vTA I. VKr.l-INu I VKRORKEX HUBUBit Ac. A HUtck of Loading at L'. 3. and Free oa Application.
UOtNMUNGBKY WAUBHOUSB, 33 TOWN HEAD STREET. HAMILTON. JAMES AIK LE to IpCiwate that He Hu always on a Large aud well Awwted of OesSKai. and Fi kmbu iKoSMosoriiv. erery llea'iisiu? la (he Trade at the ry Is.xrest Price cuuaiateut with Sailths'.
and KURNTMU.NO-s. all of the heal maka. SCYTHES, SNEDS, anb HEAPING HOOKS. Uora. It Rii.in.CM.
Masrnc Ac. KOWA PATENT LAMP, Hat Wick. K.mr fr, 5 to 13 Candle Uybl HOWATTS PATENT UADIATOU LAMP. Round Wick. One Sire.
IS Candlo Light. Tht abort art rkr ONLY I.Aill-i matU h. bam Mitral NO CTUMNEYI No sNoKK! NO BUELLI PjecU tamp Tun and I. with the BOWATT 4 SON. F.uisai aho IgiNiiOH.
Douglas. Set -Cart Day- BtUm. CLIP. 1871 WOOL. CLIP.
1871 SPECIAL NOTICE TO PARMER3 AND OTHERS. Daniel son. Wool Caioeisa, Cmitb asu CAKMAIXJLP MILL, DOUGLAS. Receive WOOLS (an clipped the threp olhouto-t VAKNS. Ac.
to make lob. Biorektk. Kl.iiu Pi (White or Coloundl. Dot Wis. Cut Rep v.nc STocKiSi: Yvrbs.
Ac, JohtaoK Cleaning, and Flultliiog done la rs. Orra.w*. Chwned or Dyed. Vclrele. Rihhona RcMhera KM At.
Cleaned or Dyed. fruity Af.drmfc. For pat crus and par Oculars, apply at or RKtiHaH Shuys Mils MUUUCIEK. ajul OhAIvNOCK SOCK. Oabhacolp Mill, Do CO lav.
a Lt oak Mills. Clunocs. OBSERVE A Sos have arraDscl to tend their Cart iiruleriintcl, from the latOctulaw till furlh- notice i aiin. ra and will oblige l.y lewvlug tbrlr Ac Ageou lu lime for Cart. by the Ruwd can iv sent with it direct lo MUL A 1t.
Steel Monday, every 8c Wlatrui Week: or on Klggside Jam- I Week. it ueoeuaty. Lanark and i 1 0o WedocwUy. every i.v.- NalamlUt i Seeoud Week, Htratliaven I iymahagow DmjHaa Tboa. Jolm.t.m..
j- Un Ml' iry IPI' t' A 1.Ihi1hi Sat-irday. every Uuirkirk. I Weck. Itei'lnOT. jun Seed Putin, hy Carnwalln Frame, ue-relukut.
New Hallway abottly he bl A near Mill. fciggat. QOUTH P. Llttihq. Sis lToD 11 12 frvtti 7.30 AUs IKACT ot A CCO UN TS of tEe of U.o Uur.l.
of BIUUAK. iroiu IML Ua. i n. iiu. Ib.L CUAOUK.
To Amount of Amwmttit £lll I.l rw By Balaoee due Troaaunic. £0 It 0 Do. 3 8 11 Lljhtlof 4C 15 0 ClcaalDE atid Draloles 14 3 II 19 IS 8 Mltcillan.i.m. 6 2 4 Ibtcreat, 15 5 Accoect 011 I Anvara of Assctsuieot. 14 9 8 Ilalaace b.
Bank 3 4 3 Do. lo Un.U, 314 II I Signed) ALEX. GIBSON. Cldet Maglrtnte. gIGN OF THE GOLDEN BALL.
Our HlLLia-KK haa jml Betonwd wish the NEW AUTUMN AND WINTER DESIGNS. are reapeetlully requeued to place their before the proenurv of thn Oar Stock of WI NT eow to Uaod. and favourably with hut year. THE FANCY hepaetsc SCARPA, TUX. COLLARS A UKF.S.
OLOVES. STAYS. LACE GOODS. FALLS. SF IRT.S, Will bo to coutkiu all tbo NotclUcc, tit Uu tffturrk.
o. AU Ibo fa WtNTKK 8 lIA WI. AND PLAIDS them to be luudi Itui he liM au unusuajly largo block. Mlirrs. COLtARS.
VND ties. In Sadlc. Koukhkv. CautcmLtA. Bsavn Mivivib, Oat Mosakr, Mvbwi m.
All done os uoJer U.o ifoalilietl Perseus of laog. tperl fcoee ami good carte. The large aoJ laereasiotrTrade Ang.looe in these JVparteoruU fally testify that his escrtl. ss are fully appreciated. In brtoglng lorranl aud ibo eery Latest PfoductloM.
and doing the such a thu can only be opialied at the Loading Wartbooeea of Glasgow aud E-Uotiucgh. 1 KTtfec. THOMAS THOMSON, svt CADZOW StRSCT. KAMIL jV'eTTs. A TtREB 8 8, IRO BTF.A 0.
WfctfU, BKOB. P'lU 8 tn AT lIFK ISFIW. (fi-l MAT Tltm-IX all t.j a.rf.l ami In auj All Wltn aaot at tlx- j.mail'.cFrlff*. will I- aai A I ainlture Rf-Sfeiflwl aiul CcTtraO. Material O' iKatiieM.
Tcnna-CaaU. RICUA ttt FERRIK. Ur om.rrKiULK. 59 ttratcr. Hamttton otnsrr.
HAMILTON. 4 ULA3UOW. iHottjrrtopll. F.CTURK Lucture, under the i of Molherwc.l Mutual ImprovenK-Dl will delivered hy the- UEV UCII.VV, A to the Free Church, MONDAY Kvei.lng lilvt, but-pvt Beujaiuio Prankllo an Eiample to Young Mvo In John Baud' lu the chair Lecture to cnaiiineoce- al Eight Clock. CoUectleu In aid of the of the Amoelation.
I rUKI.ING I nual o.ueral Meetlna of the Club will he held lo the Brandon Hotel, MulberaJl. oo Fridav. F-lSht "Clock I- M. Ah. UP.
Ftn-knaS. Hety. Mothers k1.1 in ilding and INVESTMENT 80CIKTV. John r. C.
nsml.iuu.‘R*>i. P. bi. IrutuaasWr. IroaatMrf.
Jaioaa Kurarll. Jolia O-i Vier-Prathtent, Jnlm Jaium J.tbo io. I I ooua OOUMatO. Jack Mauaget. Aj -I Cooi lojbatnc Kay.
K. HaffiCnm, A K-Utart IJaiiJ KuMcll. I rod nwo- ii. U.rr. for Hull of tin- kiml Tl.n Ibe I Mr.
cl.ua t' Mm to laifrou Ota toaest powtbte. rmriMcnt a to Abartl.oM. ra. an.t II u.m iu. mof l-u DALZIEL 111 I LI) IN (i AM) INVESTMENT SOCIETY.
Kir WyoJhaE) 0. An-truO-er. Carmli-haal. Bart. Iron Couapany.
Al. Ad'Uv. cJ Hratrtburst. at. King.
Prorostof MokberwelL I.oT Karrie. M.lt. ir. Jar. King.
Cutilract-r. Motl.erwuU. ibintfrt. City of Glargow Bank. Sfarartiarr.
Atrlid, Laldtav. Accountant. City Glatgow Bank. Luir As hi. Win, Barclay.
Tbit will bare About £3d) fur dir Urn ampagtt fu at tbe Quart Meeting. li.tendlßg make appUoalim at onra to iojtflrt that they may lu Ibe at the rate nf Cd a per tbaro rec. -i To. lay, fmiti 10 till 3 o'ebxk. ami from till o'clock M.
For copy of acd etcry liifcrmatioa. apidy to the Manager PATENT PARAEEIN I AMPH. PARAFFIN OIL Moons, shades, chimneys, wick. Da i IRON St NOE R. 19 MUIR STREET.
MOTHERWELL. OtAditL A-y AfJTF.D, wall educated Boy. an Ap- AT PIGS. a aoeily -Apl'-y to Peter Pairruao. MercUant.
Ilyndlwd Place. Lanark. PlttS Win Bacoia Curar. I Wan. A Ilac-ia llsn C.w.ked Meat lo TSaa.
7d per Ua. CLYDESDALE IT PEK WARD SOCIETY. THE ANNUAL SUPPER of the Mpn.bm of IbU Society aill held lblu the RovaL UksTAi'BAaT. 10 Nile Open the i.f TIIt'KHIiAV. the Slat iostant atHomi o'Ckiek.
John ha i Am.U i.cck. Vic. Praid.ut. Chalnuan. Ew i Sauk Scotland, each to bad up till Monday.
Ibe 38th Inat. frotai Mr J.Hin Scott. i Htfc tbe Mar of Ibe Reotaniast; tbe lU.i.-rt Mackmrie). Surrey Street. UtaaKow or from tie Sveirlary, jas iicrroN WATKINS.
hi i ivAinifvn, West f-eorya Sin Olaagovr. IMb tAtolwr. I STS. gMYLLUM A UK, LANARK. BCnoLASTIC GAMES.
OCTOBER, IST3. TILTING AT THE RIND IOPKNt 2 Nta I llur-tli- Eirnt HaixL IS K. c. ad. iMidld Photo- jraphlc Tbltd.
VaJuaLio OotfrartTlow Nn II Jdrat Prirc. Valuable rtold Rluf. F.it ecarf eager: rtomml, FlrO mti Bridle. third. Valuable Meerschaum pipe -Entry.
to n. id. with Mr Agu. Laiiafk (a-bo will atblUt prime, on or before 23.1 may arrange Su.ej 11 litlng or Trotting Cotu- NGRAV I 8. A Fine Selection of rety tavrge Engrarlngt for Sale.
The only Rsuhlirhmriit where eooptciU Puaeiml arrmnyemenia are carried ovit by party. Every a'tenttoa edict economy In ooorormlty with rank and etatioo. and Clou Corrwtt efrttry Oueriptioa. PRtvarg IjT QU ITA A OFFICE, Li CASTLE STREET. HAMILTON.
JOSEPH SMALL. to make libera I taab Advancs on Valuable Morrable Property, Including Gold and Silver Jewellery. Guns. WngbU and other Men ami Wearing Apparel. Bwd llt.g.
4c. outer ri Mitwr-lie. ritt Ef.eoslve ROOM attached for the diapoMl of Unredewmed eumprising a Geurial of Watclna. JeweUcry. Clothing.
Flock and Prather Bftldlag. 4c. GL I 1) the ooiy kiol need Id Her i AIU. baaiidrj. tar any I.adiea etfco hate cot r-t lm (to- STARCH, ther arv rcapeethiHy to It a trial.
Carefully oat the dtn- tiooa printed oo if tbU ia Xu tv WILI. tue Qf I.AVNBRtSa. ll la TA Ht'H they aard. When you Mk (at OLXN FI LLD STAEcU. that you get It.
as tartKion are srssTTttTMJ CKLEURATEO gCO Ty jUST A 1) Cannot Mirpararvl for Pungency and Flaroor. WM- POLSON 1 PAISLEY. FLOUR has now Lfcomo article o( an 4 It hislvly to to obtain the beet. Ptom personal use. uahceiulinjly pn.nouoce MESSRS WILLIAM POLSON A CO CORS FLOUR to the reiy best, and puyert.
ami urort la PEUIECf SAFETY IN SHEEP DIPPING. PATENT NON' POISONOUS gHEEP JQjIPFINQ COMPOSITION. THIS preparation, now in general use thrwagbonl Omit Britain, and in the CoPwlce. iely faliils all the rr-j-iin rrm.t* a first Dip. propsstiw peculiar to If.
To tie Stccs I seiners. It Is now supplied la two fortna The eutitled gtmlily. so Holly prepwed daring U.d.rtecy Un terms, and peoiect the -Shwp Fie Afcmap. The other srUj snppH.d hm-tof. for Winter and Spring This the rertuio not slain, the Kn.w.hnf the l.
addleg tothe natura! lb. rrl-y imparting to a fine, greaey feel, and enabling fleece to res'rt the wet curee Scab, end valuable a Wash for ll and Cattle pO LET. Ennibbed Kirk Retd. Wishaw. Tema tu-leral.
Apply at 11 Mkoe- n-er-OBke ''PEMPERANCE J. H. I OTT, Bookie, will French a Sermon In School. Evening (Sabbatb' at paat St I Clock. otice is hereby given That, in as application made to tbe Caiamlatary of Of Lanark by MRS ELIZABETH WILnUN AMM.oN VCAI rer.ding in tbaSchxd bouae.
Election feJia of the late BRVCK MAC VI LA fee Wf.baw. that fetal, of tbe sail Bryce JoniivUm Maca day rerlrlcfed to One llun-lp-t I'oviu-Is sterlfug, bia Lordabtp uim lAnuamp be- the fosiowing InterU-ciitor Glasgow. 3d r. the Petitioner to loUmstt by advertia- arentln t. t- A-IrtriWr.
the of He prayer of the foy.g-.iog I'. and rtlaln any iv. i. to. to ladgr tbo aatue With the Cl.
rk Court within Ten Days from the piddieattoa of lut advertisem*nt, with cmificatioa three w.ndadelete. Jawes uauiuaiTn." (jl all which Intimation hereby given WILLIAM LIVINGSTONE. 8.8 ngci.t i Wiabaw. October 17-1871 Gka Concert PUBLIC SCHOOL. WI SHAW.
THURSDAY. llth OCTOBER. 18TI. Jons M'Vt ri LRS Cotnle hu Ibit bo Second i-nuol Coan-rt the nb oe utcDtioDotl be lcl i he to JovHl i MU twUuning TkleaMl LANNIL WATSON. tlie yuoeo of ScoMUt Sons, (from City Jlai! oiug I Mr.
'llN GO D. u.p I iaeiit liMiu-ae. (from Clly GUasow i Mli LUR Ti oor. Kroiu the Saturday Mr. W.
WALLACE, tbe Cclelrated Cctalc Jin lOP t. UctaJC Mlt HAS. SfLUVAS. lie Tfje Hihenalan VocMht. 1 iil UILLoN.iLe Uriac Seji) HeUwaton Mi M'ljl tL LtN luU much io iDilmatlcg tliat ha for tU the CVtebrated aod I layers the uuua party who appeaml three tiroes the City Hail Satutvlay Krenlng ru last s-tasoa.
Mr Uebo.v. Mb Hit l. Mb Malo-jlh. Mr Has- 0.,. it sfAneoLn.
atn iibm dumov. Mb Pmut Wiour. Cornet Mr John Gould. Flute Mr Dablino. Plan let, Mr Jons LBAt SBoPTiiE Band-Mu hYM.
me Mut.i BrtUauua Musk Ball. Ctospow. mOG HAMUE. I. ot "Bb mlee.
et Eft KeitK. Mr IMUnaii. of Uio Mui Jkanlc Wir.o.v. lilsJi Cwir.ic Song, The Jollj trirfanaMi." Mr Boaj. "The Mr Jutis 0000.
KaWrUtoment. Ilf BH lU- uUJ Irg B' Ut. RoUwmarcfcr J'U Rrel "Fife Hoot il, I i a 1 Ayr. hsjj-jr. of Uie If.
go She wor- a Wreathe Mr Kera Comic Hr own Tragedian." Mr tv goof, Oioet. MvmJeaMK WaiVjs. trlsb CbmP. iSfmg. "The tht Mr Jons Good.
Muumut VLi." the KilloK. ry Mr tLo Reel I'iaj. rs will perform the follow- Iht Ut. I. ilabUlK.
ij rl 3.1. hrirt Ith. Rrcl, MdrglF he North Iwi.ljr of E.Uohro'. 6th. Muwa Goa the Busn.
'latk i at a log li. I 1 U1 10. be from Mr Bell. I the Aditrttarr IHKee Ul Mr Johs Hweretr. Jblail Jitti'i In rrerj Tom In Scrttand.
CeleJuuSeo Ml KUk ll -r-(s aim I MI Bom MV fWw ffroi tbc Amigvt iojurjr the uw of oilier 8.4.1 In ais.llo lb. Caalalera. and lb. 50 MO lb. Caala.
at Gd pet lb (4 10a pet 100 sliwrp. Chibp AuasTa piwSrortAFD: CAKRUTHKHS A ALLAN. Hi arniKS. AM. Wlv Laale from RAIMKS MLANMM AKIM.
A UO It LF.OO. Wool En ter. lil.A-OoW. JAMES A CO. Ai CMbasw.
lasgoto. CH EA SCHU BOOKS. Eoth New and BttitaWe for all and CUsaos. Are todd JAMES If AJtDr.N nr STREET. QtAWOW.
11KAP BOOKS, all quite New. at tb- fotlowtnf Low PHor; The who W.wte v- 'or Erakfne. New Edition. 3 V.d« pae.e at JJ I At -a I llYaMdcat NVw.t. .1.
I A. tAol.J.etr, with ttssiy 'in hu tif Ai'urt 2 Cruwo fifth. ISO. ISM R.a'.tUh.o. at now offered at 6 net.
Andrew Gray P. nfcl EdiUd willi Meiooirbf DrCtadlhb. I Poet Sro. cloth, 1361-only a fol'ics reouuuiii; ipol. bJnd at now mSoecd to 3 6 Bet.
JOHN PUVPB. 213 a.wd 215 Saicuieoau. StusrT. Olasoow. KNOWN TO THoI'HANDS.
Beoi to Inform the Pndle that he has erected a NEW QLAHM ST ID 10, tpedall? for ku Nnt Bttla of Carte de Vu.iv P.ittrait. THE PLAIN whkli has with hisa tiuev Intruductioo the favoaHta of Carte. J. BOWMAN bega to direct atteotioa ItEUBRANJiTESQUE BUST CARDS, Upcelmi-cs li ny be is uv-s tod at his Rooma. CS JAMAICA STREET, ULASGUW.
nSITOK-S to nLASOOW can hare iholi NEOATITEB taker, la a f. MinuUw. the CanU atUrnrarda aaot by Book Puat to any iort of the klnydoua. 1 MAT 1 N. Mrsbbs TURNBULL 4 SONS.
Aunsra, 7S Jab.ica RTuAItT. bare to (utltevt, to and the Public that they hare put added aaother CHau to Ibebr already rcry Kjt. ndv. It has hern built oo the BcivoUbe Prio-ii i. j.
of which are of tho mod reevut dbaa-tcry. They arc, tbovtora lo a better large tuand Uiere lot tboir irudoctlona. 78 JAMAICA SI KELT. ULASI.OW, 75 GALLERY. It moch to announce that our imngciaeuU for the Svauiai are now completed.
With the rapid stiM. made lu our profcelou thcM last few years we han eudeavouted to keep pace hot lu one dcpatUmut alone, bat throughout entire range, with what success we the public Clur New Showroom, for the eibiUtloa of Poitraltare. Is so to coutaio of a hundred with comfort; it tltUd up all the clcganec lo harmony with a (iallcry of Art. Bpotliucus lo Water Colour. Oil.
and Untouched Pbeilography (lo every Variety style) lading throughout, on e-ascl ami wall the remit belog an artistic and imposing dlrpiay. gratifying alike lu Ike pufelk lo onrttlrtt. made with the NCUOK and ALI.AN USE OF STEAMERS le hirpi.y. or Etclunjv TUwuh of tie STATES CANA DA. t.iu Of 11..
of tHl.rrb» New O'- IfcwUm. Itltwli Norfolk or le oSUiiKd ffu uu atioo to W. NAISMITH. A drtrturr Omev. si CaJrow stnct, Matailtoa.
LAS OO WR IP Itfo' I.tNK OP CLIP. 11 PACKETS T-. MKCbiJIKNE. with etccUeal Weekly Otetarr Soatea P. ENDEIC-iJX A 00.
UNE or PACK KTB CLVDB TO NEW ZEALAND, the "Cltv or D( Sams. TO SAIL OCTOBER. FRItM LA FOR OTAGO, 1 NEW ZEALAND, A U('; A ET? ALll II." MO Twua IC kUI. A a I at TJojd e. and Veara Al io WOI reedrr up tm Hu rerA KH, AY 23, hHTuIiKK ai A -m fat CaUo.
i 1 ukfu to aii optUl 3J October. For further isfannation to HDVOKRAiiN a CO 0U lO D. LOCKIIA KT K. JOHN Ready Mo set A Hi; 11 OUSE. WILLIAM hCO I'l, FtiNHER.
has always od hand Oaod Sror or Hun r.i. Ilger. or Wetmer Mi rros aadatgeneut, lmaal kfavub Kwe Mi tros TVT A CHES, I lucks. Baroiuctem, Jewellery, of ry Jcv iipliou, Watch lac 4d rah. AU re moderate.
STEELE'S. East Ehd. Biygar. GALL'S. ainl Krid'o aV I bltetp teguustly In amis Bin Biggar.
XTEW CO.MI'USXTTUN. The DIP. which eaally applied, complvi. ly dcetn.jr* all liuaci life-, and unprovea the gioaih and JAMES HEPBURN. AHBICCLTIBAL Hall.
James Stephen, PLUMBER. BELL-HANGER, AND GAB-FITTER. Baths. Bolleta Bells. Water Cloae-U, Rhonaa, Ra anel VeuUlatora I tte-d up by eiMiicttevd Workmen.
Shjci of Tin CuoeU. ap Travel- Messrs fhuctok son, Pm utiEite. asd (And al Ckar.k lav. kdmbnrpkj. PLChUE hlluwtu Beilis.
A AvMUAMD Besma. Lift am- Font pi mfs Khunim, Ripukh. Ac. grf ll i uli Jfioackci. DKNTISTRy rkR J.
SMYTHK GRANT, Dentist, J--c Vl.lt. lili.oAß et' ry TIIURBUAY. and may Ire Consulted ut Mr 111 Dr G. laJ Tveth oo th- most app'oved ano lu all a perfect fit tteeld, new HayeUnia Piece. PicliUa.
BOWIN', of CLYDESIDE to Api'lf to Mr 1-l'wTUm. KhsHMEN IS AT 1- ItlOiiAK FAIU3. BIW.AR KXCIIANCF. HALL will cl for the Kan uf Traiiwraorc tbetelo ou tbe Fair oflT'ra to Krcgr cf the Cars MILLER, R. 0.
V.B, Vcrrmtunv HOPE COTTAi-E iMn MARKETPLACE, LANARK. dlrpeosed for Horw-r. Catlle. Ac Ac. WILLIAM ROGERS, Photographer, J4 HIGH STREET.
LANARK. (The molt extemdre awl i-ieu. Plintograpble Eatabliahmeut in the Middle or Upper Ward I. r- a.a I Mr Regers respectfuJiy that Uu now t-leted bis im nti I'-r pf-elii-Jng this Beautiful Style of Portrait, the latest in Pbotograpiiy. ISifTARTASKOt a riM.T--.|..v 1 11, or By the BaKy Osot rs raaaH tu Gmutsox i AiKX.txnKR ead Farted Atorl OliOS MATg- RtAIS da's-, M'mrre afar, a kick numUr Ike WylrJ Olid nckeft calirrly Utfirait kilkerlo (-t nriflf.
id prr pard, to mad'. Some Ktw Shades in the iae GtedU A splendid rraje of NSW BLACK SILKS etlta isoad ntlae. GHIEIiSOS A- ALEXANDER, lUUNCA 8, Mam her Draper. 6 HIGH BTBKF.T. LANARK.
Be- mu-t rrsjjectfuily iMliuav this has eoSMi Uanda FinKUwa Auutml Stock VA li.w-f Hu locrye Wititef rai-j as acU as t-rerj classc-f Guudt In each Dcpartcocut. iu earn ut. In llosti 1 he will offer a much targe-r acJ heller got up st-. of Gootl than ha Has Imeo able to do In fortwer heiog ik-w ba-tried hy Kmd, had in the Trade, and Fire erpertenee Ur tl.i if Trail--, will eoa'-V biw to offer one of tUt l-ast-aiseated lot of Patterns to be found la the Trade, JOHN CABBR B. Draper and Mam E---n -i win ets.
Diti Clan and Fan- Tai ian. Wool and Csion DIP. PCTER PAIBMAN to Pmm-rs in vicinity of lAo.tk. that hr tx-vo appcdsitui Aitot for Cj lelisfwt JtlroMee tMp. I't wisbloj Kbevp nu aotl br has taken great trookk to teelog be can cms- Mvihv (eo-utt it ii'-l.
nly dcatroy Tick, prevvut the Kly Blow, aud Magt' 1 to (-r- n'ote tbe growth of Wool. -jiiality, a tel Uicroaao Uus of tke Seeee mrntl that he ncrer better r-ippUed lotilao and Pease Meal, sad all other tVvdlsc BliiSa. PKTKR PAIRMAN. 1 HY IJ PLAC B. REN FIELD STREET.
GLASGOW. YU I GALLERY BRILLIANT AND ARTISTIC CARTES Taken Daily at the above GaiL ryup till o'clock Evening. Fim Claae Visile. Dot. Tbe New Cauico VlgnulM pur Dot.
A'Mc Ike Addrru-33 BATH STREET. GLASGOW, A few Doon from Head of Buchanan Htreet. Two MA A GALLERY S3 WK3T NILE STREET. GLASGOW. ii mlzliskr thau llilum the i-mkn) Blurt a to Ite Pcmrafttirv.
ililu-, ao.l front I'olt an 1 i.laes UuUlwU lu OLU, Water Coumn aiHt Cntjrmis. Tbr rattn attli thna Iteaiitlfol ProJur- t. so art a Dumcroua ami orrir in a niflietriit gnanutkia for tb.Hr truly a attar ami uoaorlng nnf.tlTV. WHEN YOO VISIT GLASGOW. IVJi Cll AM IJKKs NEW tJAI.UERV, the of Un- rtnUSt lu every atyle of TU.Hr J'liow Riaima fariil-ln act Kali way MlationA.
fotlai au for VuiUarafruua tbo txan.Uyr Mluiatims f.ir Jewellery floUtnd. PortrslU up to life Sire lo Oil. Water fotouia. or CTayotas. rtIAMUER-H SKU APA 86 BUCHANAN SI BEET.
BONNET ORNAMENTS. TO-DAY, And Poilwliig II A CHALMERS A ICI TRUNCATE, OLASOOW. The tron cloth hall, TBONOATB. GLASGOW. The atore cek-bratod WOOLLEN WAREHOUSE offer, peculiar adrantoge to Tallora and wb-ae working capita! la but by olitalnlng from ua (we them tree of charge) they bare li comma of an luimena.
Htoek. and Ilseet nf buying large parcels, which ofU-n lie on th band for a-me time before turning tbem Lub. cash. day IsHgth CVf Ou very LenrtU MV desale Price. ROBERT LOTUS and TWEEDS of evuiy Kind.
The f.atuf,- which glren THE TBON CLOTH HALL a pro-emlncseo. in the trade, has ban eupplylng tbe general public with "Any to Suit, at Wholusaio Thoee who bare not yet tried the Plan of Buying the doth, and then Retting it Male up. mould do ao. aa for the tame prion, often far a article, a moat anlataullal ROBERT Propeectob. ALLAN LINE OK STEAMERS.
GLASGOW TO AMERICA. SHORTEST SKA PASSAGE. Theee Sell from OLASOOW mov TUKSDAY (thraasl) ut the with lor MONTREAL BOSTON, and NEW YORK. Through all of Cawaoa and simp the Cobie IS 0 Ut Ikatoo. or 9 9 0 fi 6 0 tnclodw OotSi Caruida on application.
TO HAI4FAX. NH. BAI-TIMORB IMABVI.ASDI. NOUPOI.K "h- At Uui- UVERPOOL erwy kltcrnsts Tl KSDAY. tor alaitb Porta.
ait-Tiisre i. i. ueta. I'aAstcgris li-okeri A LIRA X. to all of at "I Xgw Bri an-L NORFOLK and ore r.
to i- imeming are to uooc Local Agents before tearing For further pariknlari. I (r.r JTand i-ills. aptly to A ALEXANDER ALLAN. lo Great Cly-le Street. Glasgow.
Or to WILLIAM NAI-SM7TH, Jcrriwr Ofticr. i er It. oimis-e-rnwa. THOU. MVRTRIK IT Rrml.
VYlshaw. WILLIAM KF.RK. a. duclan Hallway. Mothsrwedl.
At-MITII. M.rchaol, SU-onhousi'. AMPBKI I nlon Bast. Stratharso. LAW IK SYMINGTON.
Ismart. GBOROK DRAFFAN. Douglas. JAM KM HKPBIUN J-iolor. I isTar.
ROBKRT RINOAN. Oy-ta Htraet. Carlnlts, DALZKLLk MereliaoU, Isotnatisgow. OLABOOW AKD LOKDONOEBKT HALIFAX, N.S.. tta- 1 1 BBnUIAKLY NEW.YORK (ChUm prtrenifd bf tatfortum eirrnmulait'-r I From SATCRDAT From A HIT.XDAY.
HTEEBAGB PARK as nv sky ujoea i twv. rni.i, iaiw furtlier HAJfUyBlUkr MKVDKI I. o-li'nlpn7 i i i'Mtaftm: Or to WM Atrtrlwr Otuem lUaiUton. A U-iIIALL Culuke. K.
124 Male JAMI-S BITCUIR. lumaoncCT. Therf will be Hold I jr or fAltil IS THE PARISH OF oo Entry "£. Waftiuo.a* Sm. WIU Uoium wiu I at Wl.jUuuJ»>, rpHE FAIISI of BIKKWOODMAINS.
on tty by a dtflilca VI 3,1 with Lfd wiui i. in 1 Wr Wtlc Ibfl tofil PafliTiljfa. to Kinly. Ean of xi.st 17tb Bept. IS7I RICK an 1) TI WOK HaaiVuim 1 Ci of lUnk.
CHKRUYHILL yUAKRT. LABKUALU THIS wtll-known AHUY of Excellent PHKI7.ITU.NK ti LET. Entry at Uaitln.uaa 1 Uau.iltoa. vbo SALE a Lurcher Dog acll bred. IS mantha old retl lwt nat by A UTTER ft PUSS.
weeks old. for Sale, at Kcwliouse dv Farm, by yuart. SALK, 26 very mmerlor Avrshire Itelfers stylish amwuacce and (aihtouat.l, t.rlxa uutrt 'r 1 1 May. acd IS Ox to Mri i ti, i.ton. 111-gar and on riew thm- after DwUop Vbww.Xhout ao tba i-aeh.
at Md iwr UlaAgow a 156 Dalniaroock Road. SIX CORN STACKS Rale, well to Mr James luiuinlug. High Street. Lauait. PpHEBB wflj bocibOMd to Hale, at Karuock.
oa dth Intendlnj uuehaaera til''-r iU Mil N-neoibur Par f.irtbar bar tl. iitars. at lin Rankin 1 ii. -ier on the Kstate. PEL OARTlxnalll.
13 MUle f-a-boUdew. Sale, twenty tooa baud jf particulars, apply D. Frame A Co. Larkball. AND SECOND-HAND PLANT -i-" FOB SAUL COLLIERV.
BUILDERS'. QUAIL HI MW SMITH-, aud otbei PLANT tocbi Uiffi Irnllera. Derrick Hand or snani Crab and fugle i-iwcr), Pit Trato. and Sendee Hailaof all HecOooa; ISig MUlt, Pump Pilaw. Hub PUtfom.
Mortar nr Pan Mill-, Ib.lewa 'lces, i rantditon and I.m*.». le'a Palest) Morticing Ma. Lan- a Saw and f.renW Saw Tabk-a Belting 1 and I oil and Water Tanka; amo a gnat rariety of otbvr Toola and aecoud band). JAMES IL RLAIR A MacatsKicv am. Adctiokbkm.
AS OW. mte I I.DIXOSTtiN, FOR SALK BY PRIVATE BARCAIK. Excellent and Conimodioos Villa, Nti I CrotUnnk Cfeaccnt. cltuatcd ill.tali.in.; Two Kn Tire Ki-lim, Kltclii-li. ISatlj atnl other eomremcticee.
Tke ITupertr In ami anletafiUal. au DuWtol In fins claea LuUy iuitunliaWly. Fiu-4utjr. 5 3J, further fartlcularr. applj to William IlalnL Huii.kr.
or A Aorl-Tmn, Wnt Uvofgv Hi Ulatfow. in whoM are Ore Title IXadk. Sane, ur Pkivats PHAT One-Storey Tliatchcd HOUSE, on all at il hlr "a ari -stralhateii talattou. That O.M TbakiWllutuiK. itlToie Carrten larhln.t the aatuc.
anauke-l otf. ami I lire Uu-alaxo Pi 'i arty, ami -v i -I an t. ajul Rental £l3 HR per atmum Tin- IVu-doly laj afck- u(am both of aald Propertlea la 10 1 tw al-orc are aituatnl within tire walk nf U.c KtaUoo. auO would lie an eietwlitMrUt enciltig an lira for the of trs'cl rail --t othervlM. For (uttli.
t-- llart.l Frrgnaoa. IW am) nrrit. Writer. Mratbavi-ei iMr H'-rv ultr-ra may be with Hr Fat- Mr will Titln to Mr I'kUt. uir.
i.rcmlac*. suktliatrii. ISO. o- i.tmil-1. JBJ2.
I. 1 IXiAy. 12; It r'. 1.72. at Alutto.h.
f*ckuolag A LL a lIOI.K the OLD MAN.I'. Omi.Eß. GARHKN. fror-l-fOi! Uteb Ktrwt an.rk Tb. rTtctuU tu I 800-l.
J7 I.nptrl,! tbwlrjf. (St-enmll ll.at I 11.. It. tll.lJ MANSK. Wodad oo 'v by 1 Vcooel, ttending t.
I Acre. U' tli.ri' Imi.rUl M.saur., The --ill i. E.i arpwate I.ote. TUifV ui, AmlimJ VtM l.i John AelMtor. tADWk.
in I At! i lit To UK SOLD, BY in.IILIC ROUP. Wilkin tlit- P't i i-tv IJvi-L. St Pia.i., Olukqv on r-h of JSJf kt One of in mmsumioo-' in mx.nit) i. mHE FollowiDg SUIUKCTS. part of tl.e I LANDS of IiAUBADt HI.AW.
eflakfatd le the A P.li.b of i I'--i- n.l therthf. vltk ll i i 1.. vltb noU.BA bvltt tbanon. comniruily known l.y the lianit ut el! l.yJanttsTbouMßAiMl Rental. £SB K.
i- IH.tr. CJ Si Poles of Land. Imperial M-tv-tifr. then-Hy. with I I JO' Kl lIVi -I O.t ft occ ii-il Ity WlltlMD IJnitoamod.
James WUaoo. and oUton. Rental £3S. Kao JUnAy, I 11 or thrroUy, with H'rUSKS 'it, t.j nil Ilf Jaime Mmou eo4 £1 Uuty. £2 tl NKWMAIHH.
II r. 4, A for of All Whole Jli Polieof LaD-U or I jr. Meuure. of WaKeslripe Farm at Uj tin- Pstrtshof CaaJioaise! hen, ao4 Couety of Urielk. enh the tui't thereon, occ hy I iso ii I twill.
£6 Tack Utity. 5. A Uaro for Yeert. of All wed 10 of Un i. or timely i Mearnm.
of FouMykcs Fanu. altnaVil at Nf afureralil. with Uie Mirmir). occupied by John More and rs Rental. £9.
Tar Only. £1 IM. t- A for -f AT and Whole S3 Potaa tad JfJ Yards of Uod. or tliirrly. Imperial part of Pars, iltualed at NewmainA aforraaid, with the ll' iL'oK-i thereon.
1 Alaiaadcr lotjti and otliera. Kintal Tack luty. £2 3a hTKVKSHTON. 7 All and Whole 34 8 Varda of Lasd, or tbereliy. Ini Meaenre.
of Stcrt ortoii Mains. at New Htev nin.ii in tin- Pariah of Iv.thW' and Couniy of Lanark wici Mol sf-s nn-wart O'ioritodale and BecUl. £'j lia. fVu liuty £2 lie 4th IV si bk. 8.
All and Whole 21 Fallals Uod. or thereby. Measure. Utnalul i tie- WV-st Side of the Haioiltnn and CS aeyew Roa-I to and near to the Blanttre tiaa Work? tie- Usita ISarnhtllaad WVrtbonae, Is Mac Rar'-'iy of ICantir. and bhariffdom of tai.ars with the HIICSEB e- -1 thereon, tenanted by the Riant) re Coy.
Gideon Torrance and Feu Lhity. £3 3d. Brst mt-utloaed wll! he ither lo oar two a.tb* 1 ler Bxwt ezpedtaat. The will be poln'el out by John House Factor, there; and for all furthe-r ai-l to Tliomo-u. Wuhaw.
Brown. MaraiiP.ti. the tatter of will eshiUt THh and Artletaa of Roup. KAN TON WOOL SALES. WOOL and SHKEPSHINS loteaded for next Bale REID A Be hwi wo sal and SKINS, (ntended for oar Next SALE.
RKID A Wool Broken. EI WOOL SALES The rorpectfullr that WOOLS aad SHEEP BKINH Intonded for next Bale to deUrww. i aa BONA A 00.. Wool XING ANNO UNCEMENT MESSRS BROWNLEE A lIISLOP. In the ftp- ACfTlois iMiip.ii- Kpuiru iin TI'EbDAY.
the 13d current, f.r the HA I -f BHKKF and CATTLE tod at, WKllNF't) the 23-1, for HORS EH. AKHIAGRH, MARNhbSH Ac Ac reepertfttlly tf.Uilt their nnmerotw to farour I ton, with thetr incuts for there --wrly aa (eie.lUa i enable thcai Ui "SZX'm hare ample ao'ommodaUoo for claesof Htoek to wbkn the greatest atteiittoa and earn will he given, ad they will hare experienced men to reedre arrtral at the rarlnoa btatl -ToreJay a at 2, and Weloceilty at One MM (SSeh flth October, 187 8 Cliff. Bl on KUlar awl t. A' 11 1 and I I i 1 BSRSWJfSR. 11 i i Lanark, luu.
IKS. CATTLE. AUTICLES, VJESSKS LAWK IK A SYMINGTON are at Ilausins.baa. Partth ot Lar.tolu. oo MtfNUA 1 at Trraire oCluck 3 Six yoaitcr oCKVa i yusvs.
1 Lea Pin lgh Harnraa. Stone RoUae I IS and Chtvarprna. of tin Ualry Atlletoa Cnolta. ft Or Jut ll Porclt ure. alto a Kuia- Credit THaconuL lUmilnifbaa about a mile Station.
Auction OWOA. I ai.at k. I. th ia POK LANARK POKTNIOIITLY SALE OP LIVE STOCK. Oa Tl EbDAY, SStii Is-roBFa, ISJI i A 1 6t SYMINGTON SO) Orr'Jfacwl LAMBS, iw Had I r.d Unto.
PAT CATTLH. i SHOTT PUSS. I'J V.juus Ditto I V.ry Hau.W. IS f. M.
abort Wlwnda a bcautilal gwt b. and i.hil*»| EatlyJbtlrtaUrt. rt lutOur a- HOUHEH.ruTkUkNITUUK At Mena vn Bask fAttniso Mill. uistos. FOB SALE.
There will to Atwlloo. as on SATURDAY. ONE MaliOffaiiy CHEST of DRAWERS. atrrlrtiPaji iW, 7 )oe aiul p. ur I Ditto (itule ucodl.
One Kaay ln -tandt and Mare. £7: tfc w' lo Rwowood Ftaie.w. toeuliTT rn Tf 1 Ib.lstcir naa Pat. u- Tao Pail faii-u. ('nimlcbdlia.
Fun.ltall rveU althal lb. Kiulwn LAWUIE a SVMIJOCTON. Anelinneers. Lank Ue-iu li au Dimryreaod tiolbhluton Auction Office. Lanark.
Kih del 1871. SPECIAL SALES dp STORE LAUDS AND DRAFT EWES AT La-Sakk Riku. Messrs lawud. symington to InUteaW tlitt they will boM SPECIAL 0 I ,0 Tl'KanaT. tdik'Oetotw.
The AoctWaywr, Ukl call 11.,. aUtulioh of thoaeapeHaU, lut.rr«l.-*l, wl sellers or Dityers to llie imieirtanm rtrewly l-r and to the very material totntw to the QuatiUtr f.eward for Sale. Sereral Tumnaodsi.f fn-m tlw Cooutiea at lluia- lanark b. mg one of ii--t a ntraa In the Houtb Ui.ws 1 0 I "I hu and Uie ot 1 l.e 1 1 Istiinatlon of for tb-ae a particular latoor to onJer to admit of Cbnr.Hi.Ti -rtirlii JAM Ks SUN, Auctioneers, HAMILTON, will Sell, by Public Roup, aa under noted, vu. HAtl Biav.
1901 At ALUotitav Houm. 1 1 ifuuurtt'ft. kl li hi JUt BUotlr. t. aitli At otisr trf Kami l.
At 11 a.m Fbibav. Ut-Uvehlr-rU at 2p.i.i Uotiuay. in-tal ol lunaiuu-p. ai-d GuuO, at 1 pw. Wkdsebiiav.
of iMtg Motel. O.v I'VV At Ilian tire (Mr Wli iJe CntUe. ln.pk-m.iOt. Ac. Os AKi wiiote Oh Air Eaiitv At farm (Mr Dartd Alrat-r ll TTV loti Kalcel.i Dav Vjaa' At biikiaoil'a).
MrtkrbrblAt. Dear Cat Hale. Tunilpa. Taticr anti Oooda. Twssirav.
30. -PbniialrluA of Btracrak-CiAtage. UoUrwell; at II a ur. Mosuav. Salt- of Toialluru.
OilMran'i PaK-a tit A Ac rondnotad will, rfe-ra. I 1 Imi uot. r.ipllred. The hctuhn urH TO 11..1 8C i.c*r lUu.UtuD. HATOKIIAY.
Ibe 1871 A Klhl.Dof fa to Male ttnuiixiben at m. Otital CK'Jit ot liiscount. JAM, MtiN. kxtemsivL mai.i; or TLero will lie Public at Ai rTtoa i IjMV KKItKNT .115 DSTEA )S (com nlftp). Oae j.l.
GW Uxb. mxd Ar Kuur l.aud MUO UIMMb I I'll-. KttdMHt Pimi lUsu bUutU. Ik 1 Wiiftl. t.
Fire (nmUi-meVu-- Mu' Fieir Kl'tixn KlUiitn KHdu-u -vue. Me. life full Fim I'. WavW, and Vi-tmr Two IWauf.i*. l.iolJ lilugs.
Two -Cue teluffid ke. Ptrlktr I otArlUUt or Kfi'U nfern i or if atm. Tr-r tor Throi- II (Win. I I -it ell n-nst I- PMd before Kcliu noiured. n-l on di.ji of or re JAM SON.
SALK OF SEWING MACTUNEH. URAfKIiV GOODS. AMI PATENT SI ANGLE. The bateltfn fa.oured iiiMmettontlolkO by PubUc Kvnp at Ki-si Ai suu. opr.n HUNUaY Fli.t, Slat curL, at llajf paM ONE SEWING MACHINE Ikteoct Ose Mioemakm MauliHi.
Aud 7 late Or. or twUn" narrsn'ol. sad i otrUst. mjn ot tbnu ttrr uaeO. Ala om smai, PaUnt M.a*ie (a CrrHalearticle, aod gtiarsolotdi.
O' Su.utlde (or a laioily n.an*:.. AUaa a IfKAPKRY (SOODt, cnaaUUiw trf Ch.tU Uoiop tuad.l, AeT JAS, A M(JN. KXrENSIVK hALK IIP ARM STtJCK. kc. i faroored w(tb lertnsrtlooi from vt I j.l N'-fb 1 I 1.
1 I- on the Fan si. upon UATUBOAY. the 30th dayof OctoUr WHOLE FARM STOCK, consistinc 1 of CATTLF, HOBBES. Ae. One (eu-cted to Uln Ow- lllwck Mn.
I- hit Farrow Cows, Kiting Calrluy Two giwys mear calrbigi bis other gueya. IT re IMPLI.MKNT.'. Tt.ree Tsro Haw Watwooa (with and a-! -I Boiler, KoiU-r. Peagh (with tn-i. fSrnhber.
UriU OttlUwe. Hari.w* i.iib bet 11 a Mews. IJ Two Seta Can ll.i, lUt and ChainA Ham I hi I-i I M-s I rka. CuroU, lierw. Piei-.
r. WMhir.s Uoyoea btnolv. Milk Barrels. Awt-et Milk hut is. Milk Cart, Mitt Ik.yL-i.
Bandies, ladders Ae. FCKNITCHF. Ihtee Three Ftulfed Chalrt. Tsao flratea Fiir-li-an. Bo.a-ewar.
Kitchen, nldeboard. beat. Cheat, Ac, Ac, to CoiaDi nee with the Faroltareal II a a. The o-iui jaod IttaMy the abuse Cattle a and free from dtaeaae. aeo iro' icm Ibe Farm 1 aituated about walk from guartcr Roml Railway btatiotu and about tru mloutow'walk froa.
Uuartir Iron Worke. JAS. KEMP A SUIT. Aucttoaeere. Aoetlao Booma Han llton.
IBh October. IS7I EXTENSIVE SALE AT LAPP HOTEL. ARRAN. The been far with loatroetlona from tie Heir of tin lati John Krnn to Sell Tue whole I'LEWJsuing, of the BOTRL, Itr Tai-le. Ktnl! BiiUotaed Carpet Bug, Mirror.
Ac, DlklNo Room R.au-. B.J* HardwoodChalrt Carpet. Rag. Onto aivt IVtnna Toeat Hack Croeta. Ac.
Loaev -C cs, Ware me-81TT Gratts. Rgp atber Wiad Bed ding. Biasiseta SI met 1 Nanry. T-alet Tatdea. (ilajaca 1 Pump.
Ttbtoa Crystal Meaauire. Spirit and Ale hi irlt Pump, a farm v. prm, to ttFAV. r. CtyttaL (-hiuaandoton.
I ,1,1 Kilctoaand Coltnary viuiliiy of feilrcr PlaleS livne am. 11--1 Two rupulor MUk Cowa la calf; 8.n.-w* Mtit tbatoa a of Poultry -S I 1, Ire Pali-. I At- balei Ui Omiaeiieu at Ten Clock. u. pioaipt.
Lagg Hotel is atuaUkl a'asal eight mll-w fkaki Umlaati Ah, KEMP A HON. Auction Ifan.iltfi- Jitb October, 1b.2- WM, vt ALLA CABBIAOP. HIKER FUNERAL UNDKUTAKEB. HAMILTON ARMS INN STABLES. HAM MALE AND FEMALE ATTENDANTS.
upkic Dtv aso Niuut, Hmrtfs. Moarwmy and B. a CuatUt. dt. I-J 0 GS oO to ABKU-OO Hi oin of itinete to VH at A Aandlw.U.
Bill To LtT. TTYNDSHAW SuTIHY. In tlia Puirf, 4 for Br tn WRUani Waller, jh. rttllCT of lil In rvcdetd tUI 1M rpHE I RAPriNG of KABBITS 00 the thi. I HAZING FARM TO ET.
OBB ,8 Huulllno. 1M lMi. all vhub i.a»c Tbe.if«|...jaapvrter TiV' i ffucrl i 11 ouly tri. lullta In sji irti tif f.f dralen. td ud may to K-cIU.
Patrick. a.J tin-C-HKhliMii. of i wIU out bf Wliliaai 11 or Me rUW Juf 111 to the hlthttt JUiuillou. 12.h 1572. MINERALS TO BE LET.
pilE SLATY-HAND IRONSTONE, COAL. CLAY and SANDSTONE, is the Eatato tt u. 1 la cuLUectlon r. c.lv.Vl up till tl.e Jlth Noeeiufaer. AtoVrtl- 10 HtaLcr.
li-jil Rank uf Airdrie. ICUi Octoljcr. IS7I iSLizi 'is Ou THUMOkr North Cohbmhaw. Whole IJo-nSek. cf lIHI-Inneuu.
at At Maoi-iufahow, i'arikl, of CaraUin Oe T. Ef clock. 0.. 8. At Mclwyo Rank Car dice ll 1 UouatUold I'onillure; at jf TI 1 AucUon Stwelai Rato Ou Tt i.
a I Ac. vrHl 1 oo 1572. jjitmvixi; f*cksics foe salk. AIT 1 SWKDIIH up to tl7t. rio 4 Inuari.
MORSES, CATTLK IMPLRIUaSi A tou iE SYMINGTON If i TUIRsDAV. IS Milch ootm Barter Qneja. I fei isiaarter i Rii bain. I Uruskt Mans 1 UW lliio I MeAVuny. aWui for oJlk r'-'i- Strung a V.wiii tun Twrlrc 5 1 AuctUi Ofke.
titb t. UTS. UOBB 88. 1 NTR. HOOSBiotb kk.
At for Sals. AtEssus symington SATrr.DAV bu A I'j-i to Bell, co rifSti I IJI1 loll! A. In ctort bt mMkA9 1 old a oo worker; wr 'V uf Unify teutUi. oufflUff Oflulto. HU.
Ucteber, 1875. At implements. JAMES MABSHALL. AueU'ooecr, has Mt to sdi. OKLDIKGff.
COWM (Hi naa CWma) 3 KAttaJLU Ol' KYjt ft o.ii/a rum, 2t i I ain Uiill Haif utl AiraV i ITA 1 1 Hnf HilJa. back ktlLor Lm I k. Pair. llaeklatKU 3 1 U.ml.u.a.Mato, JSHj (ictober. 1572.
At A. VV rAT Wof a lE BULLOCKS ami 5o Lx evil- Ot FAT Qtrtaka. October. 1371 gI'AKE CULlVeuv I'LA NT, BEAM ENCIINK. 15 10, Cylin.b-f 3ft Kfr.
t- and Dear 3 Wladfaf I FRAMK PULLBVA bale to Conuumca at the Office Carluke. 150. October. 1573. SALE OF PAkU STOCK oa, JAM PS MARSHALL baa twee lead BnyrinaafUm of 1 n.
Kwi-. ot IJ' CuWS. Quey, Sir. uuatterOld 0,1 sual Credit or Diaeoanl. Stewart Slrw-i.
Catb-Ike. (li.Mebet. At LK MAKPRP. 4. JAMES MAKSIIAU.
Anctionicr, 1,,, wp.SkS 1 'l rr Co9tl Can IT Haiueai. n-arly 1 hnbliJOOOaUooa. UU Wbitaunda, CariuklTtboetober. 1872. IB AND OTEL BOUSE PROPERTY LN CARLUKE FOB KALE.
Tlierr SoM.t* Public Boob. aiOAn riMIE 1 EXAM KlirHT INTEREST JL uudorLOKO LEASES, of Urn fulkraiog SUBJECTO. frkm Maolul Martin, anil utbrn. Mr l-au-l-T. Tli.lr*l.
IWO-MTiiRrY i. cUSSti VffieTCYi.Rr'fevrta,.- Lanark. Kth OcUSar. ISJ2. A UEXANDEK (HUSON, Auctiokeeii OCTOBER.
On 1, ohlck i i I Hale tt o'clock. On 3UI. Hi-ri Tut BT.IMV. Kuii RR MO Tot 2:10 Hlort. am to Ik, ntfr Oil.
WOKKH AT KIRK INTIIXtM HTALKM Ac. Ihi ,1.. tl Uib Utt ftw i a t-r i. iwto. 1 to all Milt the 1 cj- iviot, £lxo St j' .1 u.
i- i.M*:, ULTUIIaO.N VIXitS. On Mc.vuar. S-tii fk-j. uku. At Forth aso oil Womu.
£4llO nUTUHISON DIXON eill StU ahora. coounttidne at EUran o'Cloek a 2 H' i r-n 11 1 1 the other in eyllhdff and 24 In 4io. cyllmler: rart.wu Sham It.Hen an.l Crude htihl. MalleaU. Iron Suita for many Large and Mi MaJeabJ.
ami t.rtlnlL 1 Koond (ioi.m. and o'L! with the work, r-v Hydraulic Pod.pa I and Inch Hydraulic Pmaea. rHL Ptaua 0 1 9 Machine Uadlot F.ane, IfSfc JSSf Bind bhiil, ai.d wiota 1-rtfr us ind'ihV. Ueeeis I) A the OUehretetl OH Ei.glt#era*ai U.e Hr ranilc anil Pomp, were sum. iJm' A.
Moore AH. a guarantee of IhUr prferfo Halaeod lull nartlculare lo s.sl Wi.ich may I.al on ai-pll. ajttn Auclioneir. The Mart. 7 West bint I.
Miaigow. The OROtTND. itendiog to of cj Ac ire win. the erected Um. Stapled fee other Tra u.th Water and Rahway Caiwxaioa.
atpoeed for (tali on toe Gr-und. outhe "i loch pur aepa-'an, Lnart Tl: Urwla and of beta aar and Ration to FuLw A Walt, Wrlten, WVo burge Street. Glasgow. PCBUC SALK OF HOBBES. CATTLE.
HAJtNXSS. Ac, The HoliSPTlVr been farosirrd to 11 by Pubic Beep, at lTiiml' Ell)A tAb October. auwvia, TWO CAKT HORSES, One Doiiblm Pooy. a rare goer, fit for saddle I tsar Two J-ynr-oW Thtee Bprfog Wo- y. tiug Bull.
expected to to in ca.f; Mix Two. iS Wilii A.lre. one.gihim nnrly Milk Carl nearly aew; Two h-s art Baroml 1 of tbsin with p-uabid mounuar. a hnt ratoartie'. bren a rery Urn- re, Wire Hat Boiler, with Furnaee (uewl witl, ran The wbeta to toitoM of! wHbuot fbedlt on Aparoeed BfUr.
or fi.ac f.j Sale to Otounenee at One Cfock PhClpibUl ta Two Ul.e- dirtact from Feat Cm re. Zre nIDF, AM) MARKET tdroITOREFM.VKESTKRET SALE DA VH. Hldea. OatoUsj Ac. Urey Wednewto, bbeep and Umbaklna Ture.u, AUy In T.wrn Mil-lay.
and Tl nre.l Country W. th.i t.u, iisSjitEST JAMES bUIKLAtt 6 SOS, aod wtc kail 'f PuWk Soup, at the wodemoted J' wU tXmiBER. tWAKI.tAi.t At Pam. BeSahiU. I aaj Ska aoo Os AS E.klv Oat At Covkian.
Betuuau Tara. Su and I AV At I 1, It Koflooo aad CaUber Maut. N.8.-lur farther to the TAAIES UABSHA.LL, Acctionkrc n.d CT Mosuar flrt At JooeUoit. CatHnnlan Cart Scrap Iron, ami at TBt At Mr TocMs'. Hot.
I. Bair a At PatiicHtfJm. iw Inrtha'l Wfc j. CoiliCri fl.Are Bcanabieltta. Carluke, karni stock; THU-At Aoctioo Mart.
Caiiuko lowtoad of snss-: A-. Morlag BiTI Al Klr WQ C.rlbkb Fareltbre; il! at 18Ui Ortohtt. 1871 iN(i 7 7TWS jowiSji of CUWK w'Efcr tU CMttbmaetliao. Apiply to J. J.
Mml tll Ai, rttoowt. WuaiDAY. 2lit UctoU'r. 00 MARSHALL, Auctbnrer. wKS terssir UO CART RAILS km l2tb 1975.