Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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NEW STEAMSHIP COMPANY TRIVELVEW D1HECTOUV GES SEPTEMBER 30 1869 EXPRESS work on the north su ATION'AL IN KS '3M PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Third street TliE OK ourth and 3e and South ersey avenue regard NEvVS gHl DAY Nothing succeeds like let and It is conse quently the Vtiliuble Most ont Wilmington IhnAal 2:39 5 and 7 I' street Passed LIE INSURANCE fe I i UM objection was in CQX on Police JAY COOKE of the Rock General Southern Agents hr 1 KENNEY 3 seen WASlIRu be 4 BEST SVNnAKPAPERUBLISHED BllCKORD 4k HAH LINK on lfthlstrcet Mt tlCAr iA I I 4 THE TRIC GREAT WESTERN THE LIE INSURANCE QOMANT NEW YORE It contains Matter OICE: NO 20 NASSAU STREET NOVEta POETRY Aiiuriuivrrurs iv 17 Jtealeral Block corner off Sev pta ashlngton MISCELLANY PURELY any of the Mnhly MagazHps that cf BUS 8 and I I II I I Tha the Secretaries of the TON foot of Commerce Btr et stone (no a mos ME THE COURTS aaaaaaa9 rCulO Vll IO IOCT1 inv old ttoi No 306 on the same qarvun greatly increased facilities Dietl co 1 Narthcru Liberties Baildinjc Aasoeliv "I At the annual meeting held Tuesib for assault and TERMS: deliv I of LAND acres of IM riU fo CITY NOTICES treeta north'' 1 5 sich side of I) Canal'streets street street linlly KI Sutton Ed secretary Down Dar nollc prof was by the District serve with: Ma Har Read aud be Bcntlltcd1 Opinion of liie Baltimore Press you suffer with dyspepsia chills bnicvLATia 3 25 Balti £2 00 a 2b Winches! er BallU Mill Ahllh 43 a sqascRir ge re to Jacob Bool's 316 street between' Tenth and Eleventh to get your boots and shoes made to order at prices to suit the times scl lawlm lay night of the as year was An yoar was ere unan and and Sev 1 4 I The Mauriagb Essays on the Eb bobs of Youth and the ollies of Aon in regard to Social Evils with certain help for the erring and unfortunate Sent in sealed letter evelopes free of charge Address How aud Association Box Philadelphia Pennsylvania se21 3m The lorence Sewing Machine: Agency Is established at the Central Dill a a Stork 22 Market Space between Elghth and Ninth streets i Base Bull This evening the Keyst no Club of Phila delphia will arrive in this city and will play the Olympics to morrow afternoon at 3 en the National grounds On Saturday at the same hour and place they play the Nationals A strong nine composed of the law students of this city will visit Leesburg and Hamilton Station in Virginia next Monday and will play the senior clubs at tljose places 4 STORIES Virgltlg jirtngs ano Wanted to Get Aivty This morning in the Criminal Court one of the prisoners Daniel Wholly by name on triad for robbery requested one qf the bailiffs (Mr co*keiy colored) to accrmany him to the private closet ust as thepalr had reach ed the stops leading downwards) in' the east wing of the City Hall the prisoner dealt the bai ls' a sturdy blow under the earl and leaped from the north front window of the hall which is about fifteen feet from the ground He alighted safely and ran towards ourth street closely pursued by the bailiff why had some what recovered from the effects 4f the blow The prisoner rushed down street to Third and turning down Third secreted fiimsclf in a vacant lot near the residence of Marshal Phil lips The bailiff called upon Lieut Eck loffof the notice force who happened to be at hand and with his assistance the Ijugitlve was captured and ornamented with a alr of iron bracelets about his wrists I When the bailiff puffing and biowing had brought his prisoner back to the court room although the court was in session he said io the astinished audience 11 Gentjleuicn dis prisoner jw now got away from mp and if it been for dat policeman heM done got clean I Ths crowd not sympathizing with the faith ful officer burst into a loud guff Criminal Coart Judge ialzcr Yesterday in this court a entered in the following cases Attorney: lorence Howard Indicted resisting an officer Thomas Curran and Joseph Light grand larceny Waters horse stealing Daniel Whollev alias Tim Burk James Oropsey and Wm Moore indicted for the robbery of Thompson were tried Orop sey was acquitted and the others found guilty Moore was sentenced to seven years in the Albany penitentiary and Who! ley four years The Central Saloon Among the new improvements on the ave nue we are glad to see that a new oyster Sa loon has been opened which from appearances promises to be the largest and best in the city Mr Mlchaql Combs a well knowu and public spirited citizen to accommodate the increasing wants of the public basket an out lay of over $1000 prepared the lower portion offals building on the south side of Pennsyl vania avenue' near Tenth street for the pur pose of conducting the oyster business In all its branches The saloon is 70 feet in depth by 60 fest in width and handsbmely furnished There are twelve tablee with Italian marble tops each five feet long and three feet wide On the west side of the salooh are two count ers each thirty feet long with fine polished marble tops one designed for steaiped oysters and side dishes and the other for raw while on the cast side is an elegant bar behind which is a magnificent black walnut side board elaborately carved The rear of the saloon is filled up nagnlficently with rench plate glass mirrors with exquisitely moulded frames The arrangements in the kitchen are com plete A steam boiler capable of steaming five bushels of oysters in two minutes has been erected In the rear 0f the boiler is a large brick roaster eight feet'long and two and a half deep with a capaclty to roast four bushels in five minutes and patent 'range for roasting baking and broiling meats Ac completes the cooking apparatus The painting frescoing and fitting upof the saloon have been done in first class stylo and will challenge comparison with the best sa loons of Northern cities Those who did the work on the establish ment were: Moore 4 carpenters Sche fley plu uber and gas fitter Alexan der paperhanger Cook A Stanley painters Conboy sign painter Hutt and JI Gettler ranges and beating apparatus At night the saloon will be lighted by five chandeliers wilh six burners each about which will bo placed globes of ground glass eighteen inches in diameter The lessees of the establishment are Messrs Vonderlehr and Clagett whose names alone are a guarantee that tbe best of eatables and drinkables and the best attendance will bo afforded On Saturday evening the saloon will be opened and all friends are cordially Invited Tire River ront The steamer Express from Baltimore ar rived last night with a large number of pas' sengers and a quantity of merchandise for Washington dealers The steamer Arrow Captain Stackpole left on her usual trip for Mount Vernon and Marshall's Landing with pas sengers The Colt Captain Ryther came up this morning with sixty soven passen gers and a heavy freight of oysters fish and produce Carter's Sailed schooner Saco Wil son for Havre de Grace light James Brad ley Bradley for Georgetown to load coal for Philadelphia Wharf Mem Schooner Squires isk sailed from Bath Maine 20th instant for this port with ice for Great alls lee Company Sailed schooners Anna Vir ginia Lewis down the river light Com merce Adems down the river Alexan der Wiley Avery dow'n the river light Mem Sailed 234 Instant schooners Phelps from Philadelphia to this port with coal tor Campbell A Son on 25th instafitWm Ruark Hooper from Havre de Grace with IIS tons ol coal for Wm Gulna nd on 2lth lust Sarah Louisa Patterson from Havre do Grace with 123 tons of coal lor Turner 4 Cush ing on 27th Instant Belie Conway Skinner from NorColk with lumber for Riley 4 Son ay's Arrived brig Abby Thsxter Parker from Bangor with 800000 laths for ay Sailed schr Oregon Mc Cracken down river light Sailed schr Lutta Klots Bond for Georgetown to load with coal for a Northern port Coal and Wood Wharf Salledschr Iona Smith down river light OICERS KOHEUT BABE President MACY Vice Preslden WESLEY SHADKR Secretary! JOHN BIRD Counsel DL EIGEN BRODT Medical Examiner lexcept Sundays) at lailelpbla (SundaysM and 20 at 30 A 51 and IffiTh Original oct with lto Meh leaves Lees Bliti triiilA Jacob masonry for stone The box sheets for the Richlngs Troupe week arc now open te eadh of said newspapers i enacted' That any law of the XTORTH GERMAN LL A lass lll tlull I 1 111 11 BREMEN and NEW YORK TON i By the beautiful elegantly OtfAUlffS America Bkxmen Deutschland Hansa Hermann New loss Union ESEB Hhen Don au Main Of 3000 ton 2 The Harbor ee Question On Tuesday evening Abraham oote brought suit against the Corporation of Georgetown to recover 435r which ho claims he has paid to said Corporation as harbor fees and which was illegally demanded Tlie case was tried before Justice Plant who reserved his decision' The principle extends over the Whole coun try as it Involves the right of Corporations every wh ere to collect haroor fees The plain tiffs contend that ordinances authorizing such collections are contrary to the provisions of the Constitution of the United Stlatbs This is but the initial proceeding for no matter how decided the matter will be canried to the Supreme Court Kuilgratiug Yesterday a party of inns forty in number of both sexes passed through this city en route for Alabama where they expect to settle We learn that they have purchased laud in the vicinity of Montgomery and others will follow the little colony TWO TRAINS DAILY (ExJ T3 Al EPWa I EM nisIVA pi HAWLLTUN Lvnve Alexandria at 8 A a Hainlbon at 5 A and mao a burg at 6:2 A and I2t5 TlieSA train frrm Alexa train from Hamilton conn rille Pnamsill burg dally ifor Mill a iiipi rltilvnilcut AND In view of the fact that the short days are coming on the 6:30 delivery of letters by the carriers will be discontinued from the 1st of October This 'is rendered necessary be cause owing to darkness the letters may not be delivered safely The deliveries will bo made as follows In the business districts on and after the 1st Instant: 7 8:15 and 11 A 1:30 and 5 Collec 6:45 and 9:30 A 12 2:30 6 and 7:45 The deliveries in Qie other dis tricts will ba made at 830 A and 1:30 collections at 11 A 3 and 6:15 i CE TRAL DESJorAT1C OLtiAN follows i ti enacted Do fever costiveness kidney or liver disease or any affliction arising fromat disordered stom ach! If you do and desire to be cured use Native Wine Bitters They purify the blood correct the action of the liver and kidneys and are a radical cure for chills and dyspepsia and at tbe same time unsurpassed as a tonic and appetizer Price one dollar per bottle or i to care it A IPfillitvI lad free ol charge in Alexandra Alex i Lynchburg at 4:40 arrive at Alexin i nt ton at pUng al A I MUTUAL THE MEDITERRANEAN AND ORIENTAL ST JAM NAVIGATION COMPANY I NEW YORK whlc lng to HL sb a LL mod amouDMug ji i i Bill 83Ml47 for the elief of 1 1 Cthjurph oninh treit reiet or tnq 'merman Lutheran Sale of Real Estate Messrs Storrs 4 Co real estate brokers have sold to Messrs Lenox and olsom of the Treasury Department each one of Wil lard's elegant cottages on street for $2700 each i orgery anti raud! Hiram Serrall and Goorge Smitll were ar rested by Otficor Wilson yesterday and taken before Justice Schmidt charged with forgery and fraud It appears that undec an appro priation by Congress the Quartermaster Department issues orders for trans portation to discharged soldiers on tlxhibitlng their papers on which the railroad jcompanies issue the tickets and in this case the last named procured an order which the former toek to the depot and obtained thereon a ticket to Omaha signing the name of Smlitb and the parties were founj endeavoring to soli it after wards add were arrested They were com milted to jail for court Heavy New Stock There is no establishment in the same line of trade with such an immense full anA win ter tock of boots and shoes as is now selling at Gumm ins 347 Seventh strbet second doorsouth of and Northern Market The repu tation of this house for good goods only has been established for yoars and is now onAy a com mon fact well known throughout ibis com munity LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY In fleet every good cqultable ancl liberal fca Ware of tbe best Life Companies has been adopted by tbe Great MutuaLLire Insurance s'i L'EXCEL To our Vanness OomaqnlK ItttiMl vance it prweek payable Election of Officers At the meeting of Metropolitan Division No Sons of Temperance Tuesday nigh the following offle rs were elected to the ensuing quarter: Jas A John Knapp Wm 11 gulre A II Teulon ris Ross A ish Chap no Twecdalc Con Wm Lee A Con Noble McGhee I Johnson Kniffin Lady Con Mrs McPherson 1st Lady Con Miss Mary Knapp 2d Lady Con Miss hnny Wilklas 3d Lady Con Miss Mary Watt Lady Sentinel Mrs Watkins of being ab to give the ui io my lurmer friends ad patrous OTT4JV Saliol I WINES i BRANDIES LIQUO CASH TEljS AljKRTlSIN 8 lines (llrj)l 5 lint a Zdtys? 'lines 3 days Sillies 4 days Subscriptions $3eAcniium BEST WEEKLY ADVERTI8 MEDIUMS 5 lltrss (I sq )S 01 llijsi Iweek ITS SIlrKL 2 wks 27S Sliirdr imtli 6lX) MIDDLETON CO MIW GALT BRO i superior iri nv otber rich JEW GOonLBle WARE ANCY present depression in trade at thn advantage of to make pur SJrtedM4 wm And our giods GREATLY REDUCED RATES GALT BRO "Jewellers whlchmotlp: THE UNITED AMERICA WASHINGTON Advothing Medium i i i Il 1 I avenue between Eighth and Thirteenth streets east 11 On street south between Third and ourth streets east On street north between irst and Second streets east Gzi street north between Second Bind Third streets east On the west side of ourth street east be tween A street and Pennsylvania avenue On street south to eonneot wlthYorth Carolina avenue I I On North Carolina avenue between Seventh and Eleventh streets east On North Carolina avenue between Seventh and Eighth streets 'east On irst street east between A and streets north i On street from irst to Second streets' east i On Second street west between and streets south On street north between ourth and Sixth streets east On Maryland avenue between irst and Sixth streets east 1 On street south from Seventh to Ninth street west On Sixth street west from street south to Water street On east side of Square 633 'On street south between Eighth and Ninth streets east On Third street east between Maryland eve' nue and street north On Virginia avenue between east and Canal On street north between Tenth streets west On Ninth street oast between Capitol On street between Delaware avenue and i irst street east Oanorth Side of Square No 434 i I On fourth street west between II i and I streets north On Gi strset south bstweon Ssventl and Ninth streets west On west between and streets north On street north between Seventeenth and iNlnoteenth streats west On irst street east bet ween A and streets north I On irst street east between A and streets south On Tenth street west between and streets north i On Twenty first street wst betwoen street north and Boundary I On street north between New Jersey ave nue ang irst street east On street south between Sixth and Sev enth streets east i On Canal street between Ninth and our teenth streets west On I street north 'between ourth street west and Boundary I On' A street south betwean Seventh and Thirteenth streets oast i On Third street east between and Streets south All of which were passed I Also bill co repave alley in Square No 398 I Bill to pave the alley in Square No 390 I Bill to improve the crossing at the intersec tion of street north and Seventh street west 1 Bill to construct a bridge at the intersection qf street north and Twenty first street west i Joint resolution requesting the Commission ers to examine ail bridge! in their jurisdic tion and report to the Mayor such as are out of repair I Bill authorizing the Mayor to plant frets about the Cltv Hall Bill to grade and gravel street north bo tween ourth and Eighth streets east Bill to grade and gravel SI street north from Sixteenth street weit to Connecticut aienue Bill to grade and gravel Tenth west from street south to Water street Bill to grade and gravel ifth street east between and streets south Bill to grade and gravel Nineteenth sjreet from to Boundary street Bill to grade and gravel street south from Eleventh street east to its eastern boundary BiIl to grade and gravel Rhode Island ave nue from ourteenth to Sixteenth street west Passed Mr Chase from the Isame committee re ported back the nomination of Brewer as' Inspector of lour and recommended that it hfl Ja ballot was taken and yeas 9 nays i Mr Baker from the Committee bn Drain age reported bills to construct sewers In 811601 north from Twelfth to Thirteenth street west in Connecticut avenue street north to Slash Run in street north from Eignteentb to Twentieth street west In ifth street west from to street north in I street north from Twentieth street no con nect wit sewer in Twenty second 'street Passed Aso bills to lay water mains in irst street Ccst from I to street north in Eighth street west from to street south in Spc eud street east between street north and Maryland avenue in ifth street east from Pennsylvania' avenue to street south Pissed Also reported adversely on bill to construct a Sewer in street north from Tenth street to alley in square No 347 Ir Morsell from Comoilttee on Unfinished Business reported a number of bills which were referred Alo reported billffcr the relief of Albert Ridgeway Adjourned Commou Council: The Board met pursuant to adjournment the President in the chair The President laid before thei Board the following bills (B Act to construct a sewer In Twelfth weft from Massachusetts avenue to north Bill granting certain privileges to Matterson Act authorizing scavengers to demand their fees in advance and imposing a fine for any neglect on their part after receiving pay An acrimonious debate ensued Mr Gaines said: I wish dis wise Board to explain to me I tells him I hab no money Dejsoavenger comes along De police tells me I got to pay de money Well what is dat money to come from! I got de money I dent want to be for and darfore I vote for dis bill Mr Hall said that the soaveagors shouldbe protected' Mr Gaines replied that ho care muf fin about it and he called de yeas and nays The bill was passed by a vote of 13 to 2 A bill to defray the expenses of insane per sons non residents Referred Mr Hall from the Committee on Ways and Moans reported the following bill to furnish the offices of the Ward Commissioners Mr Gaines said that if the Commissioners of the Ward had to bar the oxpensethoy world look get tired of it He wanted the majority to fule although the minority willing Held speak a plain speak and he was a goin to ifote agin the bill and on dat he called dq yeas and nays The question was put and the bill passed Resolution offering a reward of $1000 lor the apprehension of incendiaries Passed A1ct to regulate the compensation of the clerk to the Mayor giving him $l5oo per an num Passed Jclnt resolution in relation to the exp'bel tion of the fine and useful arts Passed A ct to regulate the compensation of book keeper of the Corpntlon giving him $2000 per annum Df Boyd said that he thought $2000 'a year toomuchfor the book keeper of the Corpora tion but if the caucus had agreed to it of course he must submit Mr Holmes said that at certain seasons of the year the iclerks to the Corporation came into the Councils and asked an increaser of their salaries and there was no telling yrhere they! would stop andhe therefore would offer at atnendment provided that they ask for an suldltlonal compensation for services al leged to ha ve been rendered Mr Hail accepted the proviso i Mr Deltrlok did not see the necessity of in creasing salaries at this time He believed they Were larger than there was any necessity for Resides he did not believe in effi ciency of the clerks ot certain departments of the City Hall 1 MrMcKnigkt said that he did not approve i of this increase of salaries but if it must goon he thought had better be pushed for iward end the party would go to the devil the quicker Dr7 Boyd offered as an amendment that ail laboring men engaged on Corporation work who have been compelled to wait for their pay shall! be paid interest Mr Venable and Mr Simms were opposed to the MH Mr Gaines said that the only injection ho had to tbe biij was that it a good bit And nobody make it a good bill and he gol to vjto for it nohow Mr Hall sM that as so many amendments had beon ofiqwd he would like to have thebill referred fisthe Committee on Ilo ferrod I The bill hojjivcr was taken Up and passed a vote I VlNllIlnr Kuropjj Letters of credit HsueL Interest lotA on deposits Hlrhest rates paid for Ex? SENECA STONE The Maryland reestone Company are pre pared to furnlsu their atone in dlu enslons and quantity required i i SAW ED TO Steps Platforms Window Caps and Sills Water Tables Lapping lagging Ashler Ac Rubble or Rough Sound Stone for heavy ma son In large quantities Apply to I 1 HAYDEN Secretary 217 street MAGRUDER MERCIIANT TAILOR No 477 Tenth sire 1 Goods made up promptly aul In the beat style Repa rlng etc done the be manner i i fT DREW DRIGGS 8 iD A I A Office 473 street between Ninth and Tenth sreets Special attntlon paid to cases riqulrlng con gressional action prosecution In the Court Claims and before the Departments obtained all tbe shortest notice i DKKW 4 GEO DRIGGS MASON CAMPBELL Attorneys ami Solicitors Real Estate Agents Genmal Clalmianil Insurance Agents! 't i sine iwom i pnth a tn! All brininess promptly attended to 1 he bes nlven if required OEO MASoN of Virginia 1 Vir It lillfl arr an exhibit lof the financial condition soefation a't the close of the third made showing very favorable refiuits: election of officers for the ersuiag held and the following gentlemen Wi imously chosen: Joseph Prather President Dorsey vice president Johh Pra ther treasurer Thompson directors Messrs Robert Downing lug Jas Topham Elliot rail Joseph Hz Daniels Stephenson A Clarke and George Thompso: i Robbery at St Aloyslzis Cilurch The chapel in the basem*nt of Aloyslus Church was entered by some unknown per sons on Tuesday night and robbed of a few sliver altar utensils of slight vallue Tbe thieves failed to affect an outrange to the main altar up stairs where threhillToes 4c of greater value are kept i pne Dollar per yyqtre andujeequent Insertljhis' jlty Items jive Cenlsjs line for each St: Issues every approved description of LIE and ENDOWMeWPOLICIE8 on selrctJd lives returning all surplus earnings over the accua cost of insurance equally among the The stockholders receive legal Interest only 11 policies are strictly OK KIT BIJE after he first payment so that the Insured re ceive the lull benefit of every dollar paid to thd Company or example: life pollcv is ued at the age of thlrty scv would continue in fbrei after one annual premium for: two years and twenty davs TWO annual premiums for four years and for ty seven days i OUR annual premiums foy eight years ninety eight days One third Ue premium may remain unnald as a loan No notes required Thirty graceallowed in payment of pre Offlcers of the Army and Navy insured without extra charge A 'PfcUI Guarantyunl orl(W000 deposited with the Insurance Department of New York No restriction upon residence or travel in anv part of tbe world ofaCC to ue amount TWCompany Issues certificates whenever de sired agreeing to purcliae Its policies at their surrender value which wfaen a comnanled hv tbe policy duly transferred are ntegStVable may be used as collateral secdrlty for No extra premium charged fy ficcUnaUon ex cept those of a peculiarly hazardous Capital $20 00 b69 gold Will 'purchase and sell Bonds of i lie Southern States Of the Union: purchase and ands and arms in the Southern states will receive Money on Deposl allowing a per centlpter st free of Government tax buy aud tell Stocks Bonds Lands'and Merchandise on Commission Liberal advancesmade tin Merchandise emigrants from Europe provl ed wltb Lands and Homes the southern tates at low rates and on liberal! terms of payment Lands fersaie on lougc edit to actual settlers Virginia lorida North and South Carolina Georgia Tenneeeee and Arkaneae' ll ciloua luasle lu all parts ol' i be world and drafssol on Eugland Ireland and cotl ndln sums of XI and upwards also drafts on rankfort Alexandria Calcutta Mngapore Hong Kong Sbanghae and Melbourne in sums of Al and upwards at lowest rates Goods forwarded to atl partsof Europa and Asia and insured against the dangers of the sea Hiram Walbridge i Marshall Vice President Alex Wilder Secretary JEWETT ManaJgcr 8 LINCOLN Agent i Washington' Offices tin New York 0 and 42 Broadway in Wa office of Lincoln A Willard At torney at Law corner of seventh and streets jy28 if The National Theatre This evening will bo represented with Mr rank Mayo in the leading charac ter next d30 dm YpVERETT AN RNG JLJ Itslt and Classical School for Boys Massa chusetts av nue between Ninth and tenth sts Tim fo ten tfa annual: session will commence on MONDAY SepUtntmr I860 The school room has been greatly Improved and is well ven tilated Circulars may be obtained pt the Book stores or of the Principal at 3M street bet Twelfth and Thirteenth EVERETT MAR TIN Principal (successor to arley) ug28 2w i STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY I NOW YORK Hl MEAD No 309 s'reet por'h near Ninth st i IKON AND WIRWIENCK i RAILINGS KNIDERH AC 4 BLACKSMITHING In all Its branches Re pairing tc prompt ly attended to aplA in politics: The alms lf Ils conductors Is to present Ulie'r i atrhnl npaper unexcelled lu publication the A fflce in The evening zntsss Build DTii No5 Penulylvarila ayeipic bet Ninth 4 'is 4 4 14 Tenth streets south side) Where Bubscrlp 1 I psq Advertisem*nts andj: Cjommunleatlon I I 1 I i a 4 5 13 i street east of Seventh street IS THE SIGN SHOP I 7 A WHEELAN Proprietor' SAMUEL WISE UiTII ACTOltCA tPENTER A sTobUtng attended to 446 stbetween Twelfth and Thirteenth Waalifpclon AVM HOLTZMAN attokxky at la i No Sil Seventh street Intelligencer Buildings between aud Washington uld announce to thenu from wnere AAltllCB I ittl CUilUllCUS entire satisfy tl as usual General Agents for the District of Colurfib 1 466 SEVENTH STREET Opposite Post Oflfce bills to establish the pay of pollde siatlo lioules $20 per Mi! 1 1 yr the expenses lof the latoYfaic l' hlnaim 1 4X1 2 Weekly ationM Intclli I Its circulation surplus that ef 1 paper published In the Bids Opened On Tuesday last Superintendent opened tho following bids In thd Mayor's office for extending the seven f4t culvort of the intersection of Second andlE streets: Paul Murphy 4 Co $575 per foot for brick work $J25 per perch for masonry (no bld for grading manholes and capping) Hatton $1680 for brick work' $6 to NQ Remnltlfl AQ fnr brink A750 75 cents per foot for capping $9 0 fof manhole oos cc martin $700 lor bricK $7 lor blds for grading capping or manhc les Burch 4 Co for brick $10 for stope $50 for grading $150 for Miller Rusk 4 Ain Am rea VAVt 1UI UlitK QQV AU BCQllvi Vandenburg $860 for brick $8 for pasonry $1 for capping if Jfcrtlon 'X Carriage Death afl Obi tuaryjNotlccs ifty 1 I fc Jr CHpts pftr squire I I rafale Uy $al or Cents £0 the Carriers CORNER ITEENTH AND STRKET Opposite UnlAcdSjatcs Ireasury Buy and sell Government and other Bonds Gcjiqi Silver and UncurrrnxMouey 4y Give prompt attention ltd claims and especially thoSe on the Government Departments I 4' urnish exchange qh all the principal ca the usual rates i The interest of our depositors always edreftgj coualdeied RITTENH0USEf0WLER COZ I BANKERS sack cfitj of to md dW Office 295 Aiila svette between Ninth anq Tenth stre etsSdutli sldeTg iijt i THE SUHOAYllERALD ii SEMI WEEKLY LINK The steam CDLUM Bl leavwk Galt's whan foot of Seventh street everv WKDN kSt A 5 at A A As 1 4 iL AC 4 KI I II I Illi I 1 M1I44 landingsoil Hie Potomac river etu ning le ves loot of Commerce street Baltimore ci ory TUJWr Afternoon atTiie irehrhllt'k l'mcr THOMAS HILL leaves' wharf ry TuVkfbATsi A touching at Kinsale 8 a Heturnlug leaves Baltimore every TUESDAY at4 1 or further Information apply wharf or office of LT: tso 251 avenue JOHN DAVllffioS Agent Agent In Baltimore CH ARLES WORTHIbG auta im fty cents per month f1 Ued Agents von dollar and fifty Cents for tbrce tjpe xlollars for six monthd six dolijisifor months 5 'dL All aiibscrlptWWVfttoppeO expiration of lime paid fori 4 BaRK EXTRACT ACTORY run ll 111 together three Largo Cylinder illers nearly 1I01TS well finished 28 and it of lumber a flnel) lim I otters marked Per Hr me: received at ail tlie po offices states aud delivered to any pari this lino or freight aud iiassagc apply EiltlUHS 4 CO Ja4 No 68 Broad Street New YorlG RALTIMORE AN D'ALEXANDRIA Washington and Georgetown SEMI WEEKLY LIS YpSTABLISHED 1814 ANDREW JOYCE CO Jf CARRIAGE atAtNUACTURERg 477 and 479 ourteenth street Particular attentloa given to repairing fmwly 2 governs thj jbstlnate to iprocea witn Li' I moved that jtressUmcd indefer iffilT'nnrth larinc of th bills until Me I fC 'I ji jj Moore called for the nfifhsi hill i MrJtemerynped thit Mr Davis would witidfw hiSinictloii for eferenjfi I 1 1 I I feaa W1 subject but Mr Davis be! Chair directed the Secretary kh call of tliie yeas and nays iL joslon asi irtletpen of thi I Having taken the New Store fems Not 412 as 1 rl JI 4 I 1 1 4 11 ue i my friends that have removed 3 TURNER Majiager Has issued In the first Eleven Months of lt existence over 6000 policies insuring BlSOOOOOO THE NATIONAL COMPANY STATES tiiuorc the same day AKE rvtn AnrxanlrU to Clark's Gap Hamilton PutcehrlUe Berryville Gondirwr more fteamers ladtapad orKipriss Havenner (xcnvral at win ue iwrwaitiuu uver iwk ruai I'ommutaVlon tickets bet Hamilton aud all interipi rate I Koujnd trip tickets good only for' lutnuril A4UA JH'll iA MUSI iwtci rates house BRANDNER proprietor 1 Corner of Eighth and sweets 1 Washington Ci 1 i 1 cwciiciBi 1 BUBIU vj ouc iiaytm vt smiuu oitvut reuftflyiTMi ayeDuei i Auy very centra ana I MrConnill) recons aqrea Mr Cobno isnce reported INTELLIGEK1911N0 I i 1 1 S' Being double the business of any Other paay in the world during the first year existence The Company affords its policy holders fect security by its Cash Capital of $ioqoo do and guarantees to the insured by its low rate of premium LARGER i' DENDS IN ADVANCE or a' ReVlsio ary Dividend of 100 ver qent by iti Return Premium plan Apply fbr AKencies and Policies to a 1000 igs Latham's Shot l(0 Kegs Sportlug Powder '300000 1) Csps 2 V) 000 Musket Caps 1100000 Wa er prootCaps Toether with a full assortment of Spring Hoods suited to the eaou all of which arc of fered to the tra'itf at Nbrthern prices Joseph savage selO lw Penn avenue and Tenth street ir iKintrnRY AAi roiiKVtiW fi i 1'urel I lorkBftk MER ATTACHES OKTKK I XPBESS Ab IS 1 'If i rn if 17 0 IT TIN and Tral ns between WaslilLta i anN ow in as iohowb vixt i PV1 relief of thq Grennan Lutheran ptRrcfii corner 3 fiDt'ourth streets I 1 Bill for th rfille' of 'the oundry Church corner vonrteenk and streets 1 fir pCoTneliOnM Kane 11io exempt the Corcoran Art Building taxation ri 1 Hi bn I i Bill Ito increase tho compensation of the 1 ilerk of the wslstert JIarket to $600 per aA aum 1 1 I Ij i ph I I I I BUI t'egulatlng the salaries of the Superin fendent and (jperatorg of the lfp Alarm Tel egraph' Thelsalarytof the! Superintendent to be 1600 and hat of the Operators $1200 1 1 BUI providing fot the publication of the jiroceedlngs of the Councils with amendmentspio jblll as anjenfled as follows: 1 1 i I I Be fill enacted That the I secretaries of the Boatd of 1 Aloerman and Bord of Common (foufaclf he afrd fire hereby authorised to pub lish thei proceedings and laws of these Coun cils in the daily the expense there of shall not exceed the sum of $1600 per amnnmJ II III 1 I IU I enacted That any law of the Corporation authorizing the publication of the proceedings or laws in anytothey than the pa per named bill be and are hereby re aifdTvn) 7 fl JT fr yn The flowing report accompanied the hill: The Committee oh inance to whom was referred ai bill for the publishing of the pro ceedings of tqe Councils beg leave to report that they do not believe the public welfare re quires the publication of these proceedings in a greater number of newspapers than appears tepa sufficient for the Congress of the United States tnd that they do not bellfeve the city should pay such service They there fore return the bill to the Board with several amendments indicated thereon for adoption restrlotina thp number of Newspapers to one tne rate qi ci) mpensatiqn at $1600 1 1 fe ofiglnsI Counell bill is as follows: dil ieoctedl $rl That tbe secretaries of the rd of Aiderman and of ithe Board of Com mon Council be and are hereby authorised to published the proceeding of these Council In the loIWlngl newspapers published in the Qltyi of Washinkton to wits The: Morning Shronlcle i Evening Express Eveulnx star id Nations! Republican 1 provided1 the ex pense thereof I shall not exceed tho snm of $1 xyu per annum 1 Iff dorpbraUon duthodzhix I the publication of the ptroueedlng off laWi la any I other than thp ppen namea phaledl The bill Was In this bill be aud Is hereby i I 'f I I I then dibated at great length ir amtlmber of amendmentspassed as LL lllli rL cwbcicuj ir uay xne secretaries 01 tne Board of Aldermen and Board 1 of Common Cquncll be add are hereby authorised to pub fe llfh the laws these Councils In the Dally Morning Chrohlcle National Republican and Evening Star providing the expense thereof sfiall not exceed! the sum of $60e to each of 1 these papers for the publication of 1 the laws of ehehJOounctl jd fe i Be farther I enacted That! any I law of the Corporation authorizing tho publication of the laps tn any other I papers than these named ini atAAan 11111 nm mne 1 1 1 fie ittanker netted bViUmifV HUM IS 1 approprihtd pt of the general fundi 1 I 1 Jr 4 Wk fi fi A I 11 iromeuno commiuve report qdths bljl regu atlng the advertising and sale '1 or taxes and fur other pur WM41 to be printed Mr Taylor from thOommlttjee on Improve ments reported favorably on a number of bills as follows Bill to trim and gravel lfh street west from New York avenue to Boundary street Passed Bill providing that the Impro 'Ing of Twelfth street west shAll bs done by days Passed Bill to take up and repair a irtlon of alley insquare 681 Passed Bill to and pave footways and gutters on east side of Second 1 treet east be tween I and streets north Passed Bill to set the curbstones Aoon the north side of street north between ourteenth and Sixteenth streets and tlie south side of street north between ifieenthiand Sixteenth streets west Passed Bill to grade and gravel Tcnh street east from East Capitol street to Maryland avenue Passed I Bill to sot the curbstones 4c on both sides of irst street eastbetween fSbuth Carolina avenue and Llncoln Square Passed Bill to set the curbstones 4o on the north side of street south between! Seventh and Eighth streets east Passed Bill to lay cross ways andflaggllngon the easff side of Second street east from Rhe north side of street south to the south side Passed Bill to set the curbstones dej on tho west side of 'irst street east betw ie A and streets north Passed Bill to set the As on the east side of Twelfth streee west betiroeu north street and the north side ci Rhoido Island ave nue Passed ii Bill to set curbstones Ac bn street south between irst arid Pused Bill to trade and gravel NewJ from New York avenue to Boundary street Passed Bill to grade and gravel North Carolina aveuuo from Sixth street east to Lincoln Square Passed Bill to set curbstones 4c on he south side of Mary land avenue between Ust and Second streets east Passed Bfll to grade and gravel street north from Sixteenth street west to Boundary street Passed I Bill to set curbstones Ac on (the east and west sides of New Jersey avoniie between street northand Boundary street Passed Bill to sot curbstones 4c on tpo north side of street between ourteenth And ifteenth streats Passed Bill to set curbstones 4c on ast and west sides of North Capitol street beltween and streets north Passed I Bild to grade and gravel A stree south be tween Seventh and Thirteenth (streets oast Passed Bill to grade and grave! street west from street north to Boundary street Passed I Mr Beall from the Committee ion Drainage reported the following bills 1 To lay a water main in Sixth street east from Pennsylvania avenue to Street south or sewer in Third street welt from East Capitol to street To extend water main ini Rhodu Island ave nue from ifteenth to Sixteenth Sewer in street north'to In alley in Square 424 or sewer traps in Eight! enth and streets or water main in Twelfth street from Al to street thence to Thirteenth street Air Me Knight from the iCopnmittee on Claims reported the followingbtls eor tne reuer 01 jonn nrownf xi der Eliza Al Green Johnson 4 war'd Lilly Henry Kaiser Willis Moore Passed 1 Air Browne from the Committal Bill to permit Susan Griswold to reel a frame handing Passed An act to define the boundary Creek district an the irst Canal district After some debate the bill passeld After the transaction of routine business the Hoard adjourned nly fifertey of 1ne Hi 1 1 zei those and interinedlatd points at 1 NATHAN fEL HAle I fl A I 1 1 TMTWitW i '1 Hfl I 'K i ill I I The filkhlluriale shyly took 1 Her iead (torn under her wing And giving the dove a look 1 il 1 Straightway began to sing: iThere iwas never a bird could pass 1 The bight as dlvlnely calm And the people stood on tho grass I hmxi hM wonderful ipsalm The nghl Ingale Ild not dare She only saug to the skies 'iHerscmgiascendedtherail And qhere she fixed her eyes The people that stood below III She know but little about i rod tills a moral 1 If trj to find ft out 1 Capital' in gold Shares 160 each in gold OICES THE COMPANY: Corner of Seventh and streets (Room 10) Washington and No 4v and 4211 road way and S3 New ztreetNew York i i DIRECT COMMUNICATION ROM THE I BOUTH WITu EUROPE Organized for the Introduction of Emigrants from Spain Italy rance Ausl ria and routhern Europe and China Into the Southern States of the Union bv a weekly tine of steamships pom Noriolk Port Royal find other Atlantic South ern porta and New York to the porta of the Med iterranean with ludia and 4 luha through the Suez Canal Subscriptions to the capital stork of this Com pany received tn cash bouthern states and Cor Iteration securities or in lands in Southern States at cash value Subscription books open at the agency In Wash ington 1 8 LlNvOLN Jy2S tf Agent The Mediterranean and Oriental CLAIM AND ICOLLECTION AGENCY GEO WM McLELLAV Late AsbUtanc Postmaster General WILLIAM BELL TxA tiX Airont Tfouku rv Ilnna Wire Ao Otiiee: Ao 9 stireet cornerof Ninth street Wash! jrton Attenton given to all against United St tea Government especially to thos behirc the Treasury and PostOlHce lenartmenti niciumiur accouihs oi ontraetnra i ns! tn st a Itailroad Companies and all cases under Cus toms and Internal Ke venue Laws CHAMBERLIN CO HOUSE SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT ER3 No 25fi between and Sole agents In the District of Columbia firth celebrated iron clad Rooting Pain These paints have been tho oughly teste and are su perior to any otherB In usyWyr ou side purposes AMES CAPERTON HEAL ESTATE AGENT AND BKOKEB Offlee: No 472 Seventh street opposite Post Uftice KEEKENCS riJUNGYOS OZOliGZTOWN i'Orcoran 1 ee nt Mavor Sf Wliextley IIll 4 Hume Pick ref 4 Co ALBERT riKX ROBT J0UN80N PIKE JOHNSON ATTORNEYS COUNSELLORS AND SOLI ANnJCLAIM AGENTS 21 street fontli and ifteenth Ou Box 753 This firm will practise in he United StatesSu preniu Court and Court or Claims and will at ien1 to the recoveryiof debts account and claims against tbe Government or individuals mylfi eotf I jjowder shot caps etc and Phlladei daily 3 Mur train Through ticket to Philadelphia New ii Boston can be bad at the itatinn orkqr hours during the tey talmla? Hm Office 408 Pennsylvania a5J purchasing tickets at the A v)pue ti arrange to have their bagJLe called I i checked at their residence to th 1 and pul in tbe baggage ear 0 lhe I i bee Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ulrmu ment for schedule between LngtOn more Annapolis and the Wiest i aitl Ul WILSON Master of Transportation lee dl COLE UeneralTleket Agent 1 GEU KUON1Z I hiniion 1PHILADELPHIA WILMINGTON i anUg Way Ma 1 Train at 8:30 A Mi (Suudkys excepted) II for Bal tmore stopping at ah regular station" II inw wlfli '1 eru irc l( Tral hMwcenWaitL now run ikb iuiiuwg via: OR YOKE without Jbangeof cars anX bUmta 3 A' yOKPHILSlinmn Leave dally (except Sunda y) atis a 12:30 aud 5:50 A Jf and i bUNDA k' 11 3 I' pliia at 10 bleeping cars or New York prominent points i Leave Wasln ftontfai jat andrla al 7:40 A My arrving a LM Leave Lynchburg at 9 AM uiiio)i ji anuiai vi at ii ugiuii ai kui fr BKAACh will iravc iu AAiniriLji uatn uac i 4:15 anti arrive al ilari i Leave arrit onba at 2 AM au arrive at Alexandria at a This train makes close connect ions at Junction with movv ineuts on the main kite grvatijy Xaciklating in t4rcour wiili the 1 wer vality and Klchmond Lynchburg Ac Passengers from Washington and Alexandria 18 Hill 1 1 1 JIIfailLtlIx will fiiisi kfooil rnn uiiis hv An A COM MUD T1U5 will bare Alexandria exet and arrive at arruitcni st 7:1 i Leave arruntixu at A Alexandria at A Genera! The with which li incorporated the TELLIGJk'CER is iopublUlicd 1 Morni Daiiatic Journal A rl On and after SUNDAY Mm 2 136S ouedsiiy passenger train wltl run oc aeen WASHING TON aiid Li viHe with the Chesapeake aoi railroad 49 Richmond vov ngten aud ll: Vireilg qlHngs al Lynchburg for fbe West ail aud al Washington tonne N'o I Through Ticket! and Bagg: ge heeked to all ZO INTEL LIGENCE i rjl iky I Hl'l' I i 4iv Jjj 1 4 ltiew li'torary drgahlzz tloii wfli ba formad ifiturdpy evening 1 Sea notice fell nlddle aged white housekeeper wanted in Ellis advertises everv style of Pianos fdrsaleor rent I II I ll jl LalnbertJ Alexandria Va advertise8 a latke amount oPeruvlan guano for sale i 'I': I lj 'i 1 I I ffl 1 Xnctioiu saiee Toly I Gten 4WlliAms auctioneers will Sell a largtj and Valuable lotlof household furniture at this morning hi i I A lild desirable trial estate all 5 this erieqirks i 1 4 Hk I Boteler auctioneer will 1 sell st lot of first class furniture at 10 this morning fe i i I CITY COUNCILS jjfel pp yT 7l id 1 Board of Aldermen i i An idjoufned meeting of the 'Board was field Hast nlgat tfie yicoiPrOsldent in the oalri i ji vwt vua Uvi WwaV I inumbr of Oommori Council SbllLe Whleh he would referj 1 1 1 i I I I MrMoorj objected as the understanding wag that nd newi business would intro jduriedil H'l1 piH fe 'i I I I 1 i TfielChalrdecided that the objection was in ii 1 iH Mr Davis moved that thoybw now referred Iwhleh jWas koi by a vote ofc 6 to A I I II The Chair then Ibegan to refer the I I I Mr ihlooroi interrupted and 1 asked for the jieaidliw df tfie lllli' fej' 1 i 1 The fill! (ah get to amend ani det to grade iifentyq ixtfi street iwost) was men I 'll yeaa and nays on Government Bonilsu 8tU and Gold Silver and Uncurrent ioney boogutInternal Revenue Stamps of all denoniluatjigijfl furnished I misarl kTz ara Izrail ih i Kild 1 8OUs I naa miupi az fiiinn is rail zz 1 a ol is ktz 1 aud all clnskes off 01 the A luenia off the (jfrvernnrt ireaboutb Collections also made im all aceeaeiblc or lgn and 1 omuMtlc Exchange all pr nrlnal cities of urope and i he UnlUu naniol zzft I tocksand Bonds generally tOight and apIdJo 4 xC New onspnfr klileh our conn UnQUalPI16(lfy DOmOCravlC lion th re unusatl advantage Careful given to the interests off chjs Qi posifeWi or iutrcuuiMv iujcvuiilo A CO AMERICAN BANKERS i ayfnektni (f Chair decided the only wav to reach tlie matt wouiL a motion tojecpnslder iBflu jauvvU) toe voce lick motion wi adopted front the Committee on bill to establish the nav Leave Wilmington at tml 7 Th zi RA stop between ht sK arid 1 'iilladelplifa The 7 kl 1st kA i I i Accommodation Trains Sumi KUM IHlTlMOHn Tv Leave Baltimore at 7:23 Al A Express SUNDAY THXLV RO1 Leaves Baltimore at raaMULraswv rauari IM Grace Terryville ChartesU WI en te mL riamu otauui ton Claymont Llunuosi an e41 a I Dili a 3 A Alira Ud TRAL KAH KOAD Stopping at ill Mail ns on iai4 te4i rnnl Leave I blladelulilz lor lr: Oeposlt 'isuiidav excepted) at 7 A ll and 4: 0 Tlu 7 A Train will stop at rail stations be tween bla and Lampkin A reight Train wfih passenger car attached wi 1 i Ifism Vsb IK 1 1 4td a1 Sain 4 tedl 8 1 running to Oxford Leave Port tpobii lor Th excepted) at 5 4u a 92 5 rm 116 leaving WBiuBimiai' 3 15P will connect al Lan okiu Junction with lhe 7 A aud 4 30 Al Trams for Baltimore I intml Through Lickt taln al Southwest liiAV Im CHUTNUT atrceiauus i Ing Cars can ORANGE ALEXANDRIA J1ANASSAS RAlfiEOAD for Bal imorp ttounincr Connect ng with leaware mington for CrUticld and Uj Express Tr in at 12 (ui Ila fimifff mtnl ch i tr mlngton Wn vlil and Coni I nects at ilmlngton with tlie train for New Cas tie Express Train at 4 1 (St Baltimore and Washington Thurlow Linwood Clafbriont Wilmington? Newport Stanton Newark iikton North: barlestown erryville Ha vre deMIraee Aber deen dgewoot I' and Run Night express at 1 130 I (dally) for Balli more and Washington stopping at Chester 1 Thurlow 1 1 Inwood laynont Wllmiugtoii! wark Elkton North as Uerryyllle Havre I de Grace and Ha uofta I Passengers for ortress Jlonroe and Norfolk fe will take the 12 train fe WrLMftNGlOX TRAINS 1 an blladtlphla Leave Philadelphia at 11 a 2:39 5 and 7 The 5 Train connects witli Railroad for Hartington aud intermediate tla Hous SUMMER AUiraNG ESfENI 1115 TWVI TRAINS DAILY jEX ept STrKllv BETWEEN AltNDRIA 'T 5 PM eave Leave Lees ndrla and 11:30 A 4 niiu nemn wrra i iaa i res wviaaa kiisi ww riinnes Beamer's Line Jf Coaches which 1 aamiiv itaaa aiaii mail ysa MWJ Qq Mt rg i nnii er uu at wm nin to Capon Springs 1 AH Drainsfiarrivo at Alexandria at conymimm hours for connections ill) hingtou ano ii i in i ri tell contains a laritAjmount of I ite I II ORIGINAL MATTER p7TC As well as all EOREON ANI DOMESTIC I fe yriyogethejr 4vlth tli I LAT! NTTELEGIAMS allpartsoiotircountry aejjl from abroad 1 I i 7 Editorial CoJWvnts upon crrentevents i i a i Thlp paper li as readers thah any Sunday 1 paper south off NeWTork It AtrnUhes EN1 ADVERTISING Doctor geo king returned to city will res lice othls profeM'on Office street West bctwicn Mi and stre ael4 3t (Herald) rpO TANNERS 5 rfe ist i OR SALK TO CLOSE A COliCEKN vour Hundred und TwVtiry Acre! of LAND situate (bur miles grind level twad from tlx Vanlsteobtation on the Erie railway InStriulxm vi lorx oriy 42 in goid mt adoW I There ia on the premises a ahd a STEAM SAW MILL now pin ONE LARGE RAME MANSIt 1 Painted two storUs 11 hetgiit and i tnt4 tlk ar kt rats SIX RAME TENEMENT HUUS! i OlVlbAJ The3w can cut 4100000 fe pfcr annum and is the only1 mill tn sicy rigiii miies in exieni Never perhaps was thr a better! 1 for a ta nery Imo whicli the bark extract IhiHu ings could be cheaply converted qvMld of mill in a few muntus time A jfliic ptream i water runs through the premises and the price off hemlot bark is A3M) per corTiT I Avery consider off the purchase i money could remain payable in ydarly ilpstai menta secured ou the premises I 1 The owner br heard irwm at thq office offtne Washington andorJajur KsqtOfftbeTowandfi Cannery Tovranda Bru ford Pennsylvania agent fdr the Uie property mi I Im JOHN BKISINGKIt CONI CTIONKBY AND 1CB CREAM SALOON Xu U3 $nd st ween and Is'and Washington I) amilies and parties up lied i Ij PUMPHREY i AND CON TKAVTOIVL i No 379 Penn avenue Jobbing of all klnrK oronip ly attended toi urniture repaired tartu upholstering I iXj I MEAT AND VEGETABLE MARKET 457 Sixth street between Pennsylvania avenif and street Has alwavs on hand a Choice assortment of MeatJ: and Vegetables and eUll SELt the Meat at 20 cents per papind other meats from 14 to 1 cents her bound Ice fur sale 5 largest vfcHY SURGEON 1 hii t'en arii hair street near enn veM st I1 his old standi rea lv to attend to njvJ or other e'lUat alt hours So bisljJl ter what disease or dftStaulty uuy atll ct a horsed all may st assured of tindlng pr'imt and reliant ble airit lance My ling aud practical per en'p with anv allmenjio vvnlch a horde may Im subject rne meet all with every nopM iiui at i bH ru Ki my wwu Uir pt and given the bet skill! and attention ii 1 'y the Christian Standard i jggf SIAGIstt I nryA jwrikiorif J' 4H 4 I i i' ll a' i I I I nikhtlpgiUs made mlstfik 1 1 tune I Hr WM ready to break ir 1 Afi! She 411 from the Ht' She wrung her ciuws poor tfifna i Bnk If too proud to speak i I She tucked her head under her wing I Anri pretended to be Mieep! ife 4' Lili ii Jfefe Il! 'fe A lark arm in arm withia thrush Game fiauhtring up the blaee i Tfie nightingale felt herfcelt blush Though feather hld her face i i She kfaew thdy heard her song fe She felt them snicker and sneer She thought! this life wm too long It a1 Blfln th TAIO I inp Ob pightihgale cooed a dove i I nlahtinrale the use I Yoh Ulrdiaf beauty and love Whir behave Uko a goose li I i i fe skulk away from ofir sight I Like a feommon contemptible fowU i You fitrd of joy and dellgfit i i i way oanaye uze au owi i i i i if HU I fef 1 fe 'th Oqlf think of ail'ypu have done i i Onlv think of all vtm can do i i A false note isreally )ftini i i 1111 1 rom such a bird ak you fe I I Lift up your proud little erest 11 1 Open yOur musical beak I 1 1 Qtherlbirds have to do their best 1 1 il You need only to i 1 1 7l i I ft I I ri fl 1 i 1 I fe fe fe I If fe 11 poinds U'estriouth and at Ticket Office No I vu ii tei where also State hoom a Berths In bleep Ing Caracas be secured durifig th lay Ter Mins purenaslug tickeis at i fits gnie can have bggape checked at Hieir resldjcnWo by the Union transfer uotupanv RANCE I I fe Every Attention paid to Ainrrlcann Europe Letters of credit issued Int i chwige on London Government and RaHwjy' 'Lons Neroiiated 4 4 rrrsoondents in Riggs A Cto Jay'ooke A Cd owler ft Co aul7 tf 'Wposit your "money kowlI Sutns deposited witk the rS? SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST 473! SCventh street: opposite Office fe' between this date and Jul VJtli begins to drMr Interest July 1st Interest Is paid THREE TIMES A YEAR P' Special deposits of left with uf thirty dAk or inotc draw Interest at the te of lour pSife cent Tlie depositor with thia Company bad ion June 1st $1200000 I dksffe 1 1 IATHS! Wfe are now recvlviing 800 (XX) Prime aths net from Bangor Mfln per pcivaner Howarth which we will sell ery low Iff applied for I once DW CiMKKUU Lumber dea Virginia avenue I Btwern Ninth any Teiith etrret east jy27 Wharf ifobtof ourth atretU eagtk HAWES SUTTON (Late Register of llie Virginia Land GHJce)z has tuned the practice of th law and will lend the courts off ibeelty of Richmond nd tUe county off Henrico Office: Marahall Hall soub aide off Capitol Square Richmond 1 'Address 1 iox S25 3ml JOSKPH CLAYTON COUksELLOK IAT LAW( AVamiwgton Ko 511 Seventh street New Yokk Xo 7 Warren stree MRS II LAN R8 OoJ The METROPOLITAN 475 NiiU stri ct between and Washington A ancy Goods and Novelties Latest styles kf Dollar Jewelry Undergarments HMrider i fe DIRECTORS JAMES JONES Retired Merchant CH AS HLUDINGTON of Lathrop HKNHY EYRE Merchant ROBERT BAGE President A WCANHELD Retired Merchant RD MACY Vice President JOHN lHR tnseilor at Law JOHN WALKER? 6f GoodHllgel Walker THOS RICH RDS of CHAS ANY fif Tlifitny Ch of Btled South THOMAS KERR Merchant Na 8 Dlstrlc chanP JOHN DAVIES of John Davlea fy ey fUU sent eftynd evgry XT I 3 H3ETC HAVING ill resume prac Zfe set earn 'fits nonth Bill to defray i fe Bill gpprojji at ha Il ermidiste stations mays ercentMH tor it stonplmr at Wil 4 pal it fn tn sxra AUCW ndays Except edpfor stopping at Chester loll! a I I re I ti 4 ukton North ast! Magnolia ftri thy north jifila of I between ouftlrand Slxiti east 4 1 Oni West ld fif Third streetbetween Inni Ur i jl 1 i equth Peri isylrania avenue! between Thirteenth arid Ifteenth streets east i On Ninth tr east between I and 'M south ij 1 0 m1 il I a On'thri west'fildj of Virginia avenue between ntutu euu renthittreeu in Qn Penntylvan OntEleweiith street "west between and fl fe i I I '111 tp4ijprin 3 tii route" ri: at 4:15 1 51 5 Mand arrive st BROADUS Ticket Agent ifet tint Jilt Route Bctwcu IS Cnrnlhed Mall Capt 14 Hargeslieimer Cap er Is) Cant IIlA SeynaiprCapr lirlckeusu inCsptRVm Wenke Upt wl Nordeuholt Cant Ureter S'Spt Wenke Cipt LCaPt I rust tCnpl Van Oterendosjt I Ki hnki'rwiwrir A The days ffjrbhlppiiig arc naup'd follows: rom Bremen every HlilH) rom Southampton every Vrcim Ktetaj Vk ui BM' 1 it! It 1 upon which the steamers will receive tbe United bl tesMail The vessels off this line lank passengers for Eugland aud rance at ouihampton RATES rom Brenu to Xew York: irst UV peraloon gi 0: Loer tafoonk $72 tecraget40 Id rom New York to Bremen London Havre and bouthampion: irt Cablnf Upper baloon 72 feuertagc fcajcgold nrlutiSng commodities hiidr from 1 to 10 years of age half price 7hlonry orders ac to Havre London Southampton and Bremen at the lowest rates I 014 ItlilCl in the Vniivd 4 ol Germany by and 8:10 A Tram will not rune dairy all other if A VW piuu 1 i hl At ip Kf 411 a or 4 35 Express 725 PM I BiTI5fORE AberdeK I I wn crlh tanot a 1 1SI 141 I 'IlteCtSsW lyriMWCE CEN trails LbeslAr Orr aml ire Central Rulro art hereby repealed i i netted ITnnt a sum sufficient into effect be and is hereby Ll I I frrim same committee report 1 tfie advertising and sale G' tld ii iLz i intlments which wm ordered and AnndrlAVfil 1am VVMUJMWlWraVU VVOW 1 1 1 1 I i mo oom ml tee report ed back jotnt Westing the Corporation Attor nT oompllespq Indek the laws leonstltut ltfihrt1er1rfthe city providing tho cost Passed fe "fifiphfrom the'Commlttbe on Improve 4i to set the riurbs and pave iftle of between i east i i i fe i I I between A 1 te ir 4(Lt I I I 'nW 1 1 1 1 1 g' i 'X ji i I I i I 1 1 I Me 4 X1 I 1 kl i Ik 3 4 I 7 I 4 1 I i 1 1 hi 1 I 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 i hi i 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 qa 1 1 i 1 i 11 1 I it A feith 5 i i i em I 1 7" 4 Vm 1 1 1 'TTu LLL I fei aim vifirrsu 1 5 fe fe Ti ii 1 1 fe 1 fe i 5 ii Hl iB ft IV I 1 i 'L 1 fir' fe i BjraUfei IX DAY 5 i1 i i A I isli4 IX irinTi I I HhBIX 1 i fed fe I 'j ip 41 I bl 1 I 1 1 Xi fe 1 i 1 ll hh i i Xi 'XI if i Ho itk H1 sii i fin fe I i HI xl hII fe Tixi ififfelX XI I I I hl fl 1 fe Bji tjX1 1 hu'x i fc Ip BryX al I bH ht i HL xw ml rlb wr 4f rx I 'i IB I 5 Bi Kf MJ I Ki 1 i 'Hi fe HL'i'ti B' i 1 1 1 Kxl T1 xj Kir i i BIB iM Vead WL' 1 1 1 Mr 1 4hIH I 11 Mhl 1ph 1 By lx lx rw xr I 1 1 ImJi If hi2 I I fl14 i i Mir I ii If I in 1 I 'x' Hi Isf 1 and iX 1 11 lu 11 1 Boa If 1 fell I Ml I Pa I KiUi Ilf '1 i 1 I J1 i i i I i I i 1 i fRi1 Sl it Ii tx HX fetAMk 41 I 1 Of rs tU i 4 I 1 i xt 4 5 fi 4 i feJ'' fei 'life' j7 '1 fe' 'q "fe fey fefe'b 5 4 ft Jgj i HEAD HuMUXJ xi 7X to lhe author fekjre 'T ii fe fete WS fefe te I'i rs Wridr? 7.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.